Chapter 105: Master, I Made You Lose Face!

The wind howled from the distant sea surface. The square was steeped in silence. Aside from Jun Chester, no one had expected that Bruce Wells could be so resistant to punishment. Not even Bruce Wells himself.

After enduring two heavy punches from Kong Pencers, he surprisingly felt unscathed. On the contrary, his body felt more invigorated. Especially around his chest. It was as if after taking two heavy punches, his heart vessels had been widened. What on earth was happening?

There was no time to ponder. Bruce Wells had already launched his attack on Kong Pencers according to Jun Chester’s instructions. Moreover, the moves Bruce Wells employed were almost identical to the ones Kong Pencers had just used. His speed was as fast as lightning. Wherever he passed, the stone slabs beneath his feet shattered.

However, the moment Bruce Wells appeared in front of Kong Pencers, there was not the slightest change in his whole body. Unlike Kong Pencers, who had just shown his entire body swelling instantly, looking like a demon.

There was no change at all. Bruce Wells’s punch, too, aimed at Kong Pencers’s chest. His punch was ordinary, nothing to catch the eye. Kong Pencers wanted to dodge, but he felt that Bruce Wells’s punch was nothing special.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

He just raised his hand to guard his chest, intending to wrap Bruce Wells’s punch with the palm of his hand. Then twist it. Bruce Wells’s entire right arm would have been twisted like a pretzel, and useless on the spot.

But the moment Bruce Wells’s fist collided with Kong Pencers’s palm, a shocking scene unfolded. Kong Pencers couldn’t even move his fingers in time, let alone wrap Bruce Wells’s fist with his palm, and felt his entire palm going numb.

The next moment, Kong Pencers felt a severe pain in his chest. At the same time, he was sent flying through the air. Not just ten meters away, but twenty meters, thirty meters, forty meters… and he didn’t stop there! A hundred meters?

Everyone saw Kong Pencers crash into a large tree hundreds of meters away. “Puff!” Kong Pencers couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood. The tree behind him broke and collapsed with a loud crash! Kong Pencers’s eyes widened in disbelief.

How could this happen?

Inside and outside the Ocean Hall, everyone was shocked. But before anyone could recover, Bruce Wells had jumped up and continued his assault on Kong Pencers.

However, his posture in the air was indescribable. If it could be said that when Kong Pencers attacked Bruce Wells, his posture was like an eagle spreading its wings, then now Bruce Wells looked like a domestic chicken taking flight. Moreover, it was the kind of chicken that had just been scared and jumped out of the cage towards the wall.

Bruce Wells, despite his awkwardness, arrived in front of Kong Pencers at the fastest speed. At this time, Kong Pencers was just getting up from the sandy beach below the big tree, preparing to defend in a panic. But Bruce Wells didn’t give him any chance.

Like a madman, he punched again at Kong Pencers’s chest. Bang! Kong Pencers had no strength to resist and was once again sent flying into the air. This time, still a hundred meters away. Boom! He crashed into the sea.

But this time, unlike before, Kong Pencers didn’t stand on the surface of the sea, but fell directly into the water and sank to the bottom instantly.

The people on the shore witnessed this scene, their faces twitching. Then they saw Bruce Wells wipe the seawater off his face and look back at Jun Chester with embarrassment, swallowing a few mouthfuls of seawater, and shouting with rolling eyes.

“Master, I can’t swim!”

All eyes turned again to Kong Pencers, a hundred meters away on the waves, his face had turned purple from white. No… Can’t swim? Kong Pencers felt as if he had been greatly humiliated. He was beaten by a guy who couldn’t swim, without even the strength to fight back.

Just as he was about to turn and run, Jun Chester appeared on the beach, seemingly seeing through Kong Pencers’s mind, with a teasing smile on his face.

“Kong Pencers, did I allow you to escape?”

Kong Pencers’s face tightened. He didn’t even have the courage to run away anymore. The shock in his heart was beyond words. What kind of freak was this Bruce Wells? How could he be so powerful? And if he’s this powerful, what about his master, Jun Chester…

Kong Pencers didn’t dare to think further.

At this time, Bruce Wells had already waded through the seawater and came to Jun Chester’s side. At the same time, everyone inside andoutside the Ocean Hall had gathered around, especially the Supreme Lord and others. Seeing Bruce Wells in this state, they didn’t know what to say.

Bruce Wells was naturally shy, and having just recovered from a serious illness, he had never been in front of so many people before. Seeing all their eyes on him, Bruce Wells wished he could run away in embarrassment, but remembering that Jun Chester was right in front of him, he lowered his head and awkwardly said.

“Master, I’ve embarrassed you.”

Jun Chester laughed heartily, affectionately patting Bruce Wells’s head.

“No problem, no problem. Not knowing how to swim is not embarrassing. I’ll teach you later. Not only how to swim, but also how to run on the surface of the sea. By then, you’ll be much more impressive than this Kong Pencers.”

Bruce Wells’s face turned red. Seeing Bruce Wells’s reaction, Jun Chester laughed again, teasing him.

“Did the seawater taste good?”

Bruce Wells answered with a gloomy face.


Hearing this, Jun Chester’s face changed. He looked coldly at Kong Pencers a hundred meters away.

“It’s all because of you that my disciple drink seawater!”

“Come here, die!”

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