18 Floors Above the Apocalypse

Chapter 307

Chapter 307

Facing Shane's inquiry, Stella was not about to spill the beans. "I have no clue, but I wouldn't have taken the job if I didn't have some level of confidence," she replied with a nonchalant shrug.

As Stella parted ways, she didn't forget to leave Shane with a sharp reminder. "Mr. Shane, while rescuing Bran, don't forget to catch the mole."

He had two other sons, for heaven's sake. What if they decided to take turns getting into trouble? The mere thought made Shane's blood pressure spike. Once he got the ungrateful brat back, he was seriously considering cutting the cord on their father-son relationship.

Leaving the Porras mansion, Stella and her quartet headed back to her villa, where she brought up the need for a plane and fuel.

The team looked at her in disbelief. "A plane? What for? Cool as it might be, we can't afford to maintain one."

Stella laid it out plainly. "Food and meat are easy to come by, but who knows what disasters lie ahead. If a more severe earthquake hits and there's nowhere left to run on land, we might just need to take to the skies."

Kitty didn't see an issue. "Owning a jet is pretty awesome. Fancy a trip, and you're off."

If they could pull this off, they'd be living the high life for quite some time.

This was an unexpected boon, and Cody and Lukas had no objections. It had been ages since they'd fought side-by-side with Stella and Jasper.

The memories of life on the 18th floor were resurfacing, but unfortunately, they were too inexperienced at the time. When danger arose, it was always Stella taking the lead, with Jasper covering the rear. Thinking back, it was quite embarrassing actually.

They hoped that this time around they could tap into their full potential.

Jasper, once a SWAT officer, was unmatched when it came to tactical planning. He shot down Kitty's original plan. The kind of folks who could thrive in this post-apocalyptic world, subsisting on kidnapping and ransom, were not to be underestimated in their ruthlessness or capability.

Kitty and Angela, if caught, would be searched immediately, stripped of all weapons. A strong fist was no match for a loaded gun, and there was the looming threat of being drugged or worse at the hands of those men.

Too many risks were at play. Any resistance or slip-up could trigger their suspicions, possibly putting their lives on the line.

Kitty was adamant. "We can't gather intel on the inside if we don't get in."

Jasper countered, "Even if you do get in, unarmed and with no way to communicate, any intel on their layout is useless if it can't be shared in real-time. You'd be sitting ducks if they decided to use you as leverage against us."

Stella shared the details of her deal with Shane. "The Porras family will pay a ransom with supplies. That'll draw some of them out."

With such a large stronghold, they could probably grab a lookout for questioning and get the lowdown on the cave's interior before sealing off the other exits.

Kitty knew when to fold and agreed to cooperate fully with the seasoned Stella and Jasper.

With less than 24 hours to Shane's ransom drop, Stella suggested they head out early to scope out the cave's surroundings.

Cooper was a must-bring. As for Rosie, she would have to stay with the neighbors.

Skill-wise, Rosie was on par with Cody and Lukas, but she’s just a kid. Even in her disappointment, she managed a smile. "Take care, guys. I'll be waiting for your safe return."

Jasper ruffled her hair reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll come back without a scratch."

Once Rosie was safely settled next door, the team set off by car.

Considering the cave's abundant supplies, they knew their Hummer wouldn't carry much. Besides, making too much noise could draw military or police attention.

Stella handed over the Hummer to the rest of the team. "We've stashed a truck elsewhere. We'll park it near the foot of the mountain and keep it hidden."

Kitty stayed behind at a suburban junction while Stella and Jasper went to retrieve the truck.

Half an hour later, the two returned in the vehicle. Wearing night-vision goggles and keeping the headlights off to avoid detection, they stopped a few mountains away and hid the truck.

Dressed in protective gear, Kitty led the way as they trekked into the mountains, each armed to the teeth.

After navigating several peaks in the dark, they edged closer to the nefarious hideout, their senses heightened.

Jasper, adept at reconnaissance, could discern the frequency of patrols and the paths most traveled by the enemy under the new high-definition night-vision goggles, skillfully avoiding any likely encounters.

Kitty was silently impressed. She had taken several trips to master the lay of the land, and yet Jasper could call it out after a mere glance.

Kitty pointed out several lookout posts. It was still early for the scheduled trade, and if they took out the sentries now, it might raise suspicion.

Opting for caution, they circled around, taking over two hours to sneak within two hundred meters of the cave entrance. They pulled out binoculars and meticulously observed the scene.

Three armed men stood guard at a concealed side near the entrance. Stella observed the mountainous terrain, speculating on where the other entrances and exits might be.

Trusting Kitty's familiarity with the area, Stella suggested, "You guys keep watch here. Jasper and I will scout for other exits."

Lukas wanted to accompany them for safety, but Jasper declined, "Just Cooper, Stella, and I will do. More people might increase the risk of exposure."

Traces would be left anywhere people moved. Cooper with his keen nose would pick up the scent. In the event of trouble, they were all capable fighters, and they had Arcadia to fall back on if need be.

Under the cover of night, the pair and the dog set out along the mountain's contours in search of alternative paths. Thankfully, the terrain wasn't too treacherous, or their task would have been significantly riskier.

Stella instructed Cooper to sniff out any human scents. The dog weaved through the woods, pausing now and then to wait for the pair.

After traversing ridges and taking detours, it took over two hours until Cooper caught a whiff and crouched down, alert. Both humans followed suit, scanning the surroundings with their high- definition binoculars.

Stella followed the wind's direction and spotted a cave entrance concealed by bushes.

Someone was leaning against the cave's edge, seemingly enjoying a drink to fend off the sub-zero chill.

The trio hid in the tall grass, taking turns to keep an eye on the entrance.

Jasper, concerned for Stella's well-being, suggested she rest. "You take a break. I'll keep watch."

Without argument, Stella handed him a plain bread roll and some hot water. "Get something in your stomach first."

Jasper quickly grabbed a bite. Stella wrapped herself in a mink coat and, holding Cooper, closed her eyes to rest. She drifted in and out of sleep, and after what felt like several hours, Jasper nudged her gently awake. "Shift change. There are two of them now," he whispered.

Glancing at her watch, Stella noted they had 12 hours left before the ransom was due.

The new guards would be alert, having just started their shift. They would have to wait them out, make their move when the guards started to get drowsy.

They retraced their steps until they met up with Kitty and the rest.

Seeing the pair safe and sound, Cody and the others let out a collective sigh of relief. "We were worried sick. Did you find another way out?"

Stella recounted their findings. "Yes, we found one. It's quite hidden, and the entrance isn't large. Looks like it was hammered out as a makeshift escape route." Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Together, they huddled and hashed out a plan of attack, suggesting to split up to cover more ground.

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