A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 185 You Have Ruined My Life

Chapter 185 You Have Ruined My Life

Confusion and disbelief engulfed Emily body, knocking all other thoughts aside. She couldn't understand why Debby would rush out to protect Tina.

'Was mom trying to save Tina? But, I'm her daughter. Why did she want to protect Tina instead of me? Why?' thought Emily, feeling heart-broken and rejected.

Gangster A did not care about Debby's claims. He ordered in a cold tone,"Take them all away!"

In the end, Emily, Tina and Debby were all dragged into a black car. Desperate, Emily and Debby tried to scream for help, but the kidnappers had covered their mouths with tapes. They couldn't utter any words, their screaming stifled.

Even in despair, Emily wanted to ask Debby why she was protecting Tina, but unfortunately, she had lost that privilege because of the tape on her mouth. Emily could only lay her inquisitive eyes on Debby, as she looked her with shock and puzzlement.

Debby, however, was too guilty to look back into Emily's eyes.

Debby could no longer deny that at that critical moment, she only cared about Tina who was her own flesh and blood... Having convinced herself otherwise, Debby's guilt was cut short when she remembered that Emily was not her real child.

After a long time on the road, the car finally came to a stop. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

The kidnappers took the three of them to a dark, damp basement. Not long after, a man with a scar on his face came in. He limped heavily as he walked towards them, while his gloomy eyes fell on Tina, who was lying unconscious.

"Tina, I bet you never thought you would fall into my hands one day, right?" said the man, whose name was Lay. He kicked Tina without pity, but to his disappointment, she did not wake up. Perhaps the

dosage of the injection was too strong.

Lay used to be a skilled surgeon who had specialized in removing scars and plastic surgery. Perhaps it was his misfortune or just plain coincidence, that he was employed by Mark to treat the scars on Tina's body.

At first, he saw the work as not only a high-paying job, but also as an opportunity to gain favor with the Tao clan. However, he didn't expect that it would ruin his entire life.

Needless to say, Tina cared a great deal about her appearance. She wanted him to remove her scars as soon as possible, but her skin was so severely damaged that he couldn't perform the surgery on her in a short time. When he revealed the truth to Tina, that such an intricate surgery would take a long time to fully repair her scars, Tina got angry, thinking that he was a quack doctor who had fooled her.

However, the worst was yet to come. If Tina had only cursed at him and kicked him out of her house, he would have appreciated her from the bottom of his heart. Alas, Tina was not one to let go of things so easily.

If Tina was not happy, she would make everyone around her unhappy too.

In a moment of anger, Tina had her people beat Lay to a bloody pulp. Then she asked them to break his legs and cut up his face and body. With a villainous smile on her face, Tina witnessed with great pleasure and satisfaction, while he suffered in front of her.

While, her brother, Mark, instead of stopping her, joined in and indulged her in her cruel debauchery. Afterwards, as if to put salt in his wounds, Mark only gave him less than half the money he had promised him.

As a result, Lay had some scars on his face, but some of those scars ran deeper than his physical body. Some of those scars ran deep into his soul. He was no longer able to walk like a normal person.

Furthermore, the nerve endings in his hands and fingers were cut up and slashed thoroughly, permanently rendering him incapable of holding a scalpel steadily to perform another operation.

Self-esteem, health, future, everything Lay once had were turned into a pile of smouldering ash, because of this vicious woman— Tina! Tina took away his reason to carry on living in the world!

Lay felt very resentful and angry when he recalled all things that had happened to him. He stared at Tina with fervent hatred, as he wished to tear up the ugly woman and throw her rotting corpse to the rabid dogs. However, upon careful reflection, he changed his mind when he realized that death would be too merciful for Tina. Before death, Lay planned on showing her the new meaning to living hell.

Agitated, it took a long time for Lay to calm himself down. He looked over at Emily and Debby, and asked,"Who are they? Why did you bring them with Tina?"

The kidnappers were members of a local mafia in Jingshi City. They were capable of doing anything illegal, such as killing and robbing, as long as they were paid enough money. Lay had spent all his money to hire these men to kidnap Tina.

When Lay looked down at Tina, lying unconscious on the floor, he thought that he had spent his last penny very wisely.

Gangster A glanced at Emily and Debby, and soon he answered in a careless tone,"We couldn't recognize Tina, so we brought all of them."

In truth, even though the kidnappers knew who Tina was, they could not let Emily and Debby go, because they were afraid that the two women would call the police and obstruct their mission.

Gangster A had already decided to kill Emily and Debby by himself, in case, Lay didn't know how to dispose of them.

Lay squinted at Emily through lidded eyes. He vaguely remembered that he had met Emily elsewhere, but he couldn't recall who she was at the time. Thus, he said in a slightly sceptical tone,"Leave them to me. The young woman is beautiful, and I can sell her for money. The old woman seems to be healthy, and I can also sell her organs."

Ever since, Lay became disabled, he had to go through extremes to make ends meet. After going through what he had suffered at the hands of Mark and Tina, he had willingly abandoned his kindness and generosity.

'All people in the world… should suffer as much as I did, especially Tina!' thought Lay.

Emily was shocked by his words. She was starting to get a bad feeling, so she tried to speak out,"Hmm... Hmm..."

Emily struggled ceaselessly, and no matter how hard she tried the tape on her mouth remained intact.

Meanwhile, Debby was completely petrified by Lay's words. Her adrenaline surged so fast that she almost vomited. She shivered like a dry leaf, as the saliva thickened in her throat, making it uncomfortable for her to swallow.

However, their fear had no affect on Lay, as he turned his attention elsewhere. Lay turned around to the leader of the kidnappers and said,"Take all of them to the Dark Area, then I will pay you the rest of the money, as agreed."

Gangster A, who was the leader of the kidnappers, followed obediently.

Before long, Tina had come to her sense. She was lying on the cold ground, in a daze. A few seconds later, she looked up with a puzzled frown. When she saw the man in front of her, she yelled,"Lay! What are you doing here?"

"It's me. Are you surprised to see me? Lady Tina," said Lay, as he raised a spiteful smile on his lips, and he continued,"When you treated me as a low-life, useless nobody and disabled me, you should have just killed me then and there, because now I have come back to take revenge."

"Bah!" Tina sat up slowly with great effort, and then she said in a disdainful tone,"You son of a bitch! Bastard! I have never seen guy as ugly as you."

Lay was offended by the disdainful look of Tina. Even in despair, she looked at him as if he were an insect.

Suddenly, Lay's heart was filled with hatred for Tina, as he said,"Keep on shouting as loudly as you like, young lady. But I am going to make your life a living hell."

"Don't you dare raise a hand to me! I'm Lady Tina of the Tao clan! If you hurt me, my brother will kill you. And your family... They all deserve to die!" said Tina in a vicious voice.

Profoundly disgruntled by her words, Lay's hand cracked across her face like a thunder, snapping her head back with the force of his blow. Lay glared at her, his black eyes drilling into hers. His eyes were so dark that it felt like she was looking into an endless stretch of the midnight sky. Lay wanted to strangle her, with every fibre of his being, for all the suffering he had subjected him to. "You're still so imprudent. But it doesn't matter. Soon someone will teach you a lesson!" he said.

"I will kill you!" yelled Tina. Having been slapped by two people in one day, Tina had surpassed her regular threshold of tolerance. Furious, she had been driven to the absolute edge. She turned around to the kidnappers and said,"You kidnappers! How much did he pay you? I will give you double of what he's paying you... No, triple! Just as long as you kill him!"

Right then, a drop of sweat trickled from Lay's forehead, as he started to worry about the loyalty of the goons he had hired. After all, they were just hired guns, and the only thing they cared about was money. If they turned the gun around, he would end up losing both his life and his money.

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