Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 The Extra Visitors

After meeting with Bartholomew in his office and discussing the many ways that Linus may try to spin his defense, they set off together toward the Court of the Elders.

The irony wasn’t lost on Ann that only a short time ago, she had been the one standing in front of them all at the bottom of that intimidating amphitheater as the accused party, and now, she would be presiding over the fate of others.

The trials had pretty much come to a halt during the coronation proceedings and after the daring yet deadly escape of the convicts during their transport, the rest of the prisoners held within the Enclave were being kept in the holding cells until it was deemed safe for transport once more.

But now that the celebratory period had ended, Ann knew damn well that her workload was only set to increase as new trials were added to her schedule. She made a mental note to check up on the progress of Coral’s training with Eva as they pulled to a stop in front of the enormous doors.

“So… how does this work Barty-boy? Do I need to go and sit next to Ann and hold her hand or do I get to sit up in the roof with the big boys?” Lexi smirked.

“I very much doubt that our Queen needs her hand holding just to face someone like Linus,” Bartholomew chuckled, “Ordinarily no one except the Elders would sit up in the circle of judgment… or the ceiling as you so eloquently put it. However, as you are also the Queen’s Beta…. things… well, we’re in unfamiliar territory, let’s put it that way. I would assume that your input will be required when we convene to discuss, so I will find you a seat next to me up there, so I can keep an eye on you.”

“Should I follow you both, or…?” Allen asked uncertainly as Bartholomew turned to him with an awkward expression.

“I’m afraid there’s no precedence for the mate of the Queen’s Beta to be in attendance, I’m afraid. Strictly speaking, you are the Beta of the Queen’s Consort, and in charge of the day-to-day running of the Dark Moon Pack by default under its Alpha’s absence… but that doesn’t follow over into the Enclave I’m afraid.”

Allen frowned slightly and looked across at Lexi with concern in his eyes. He knew all too well that both she and Ann were targets and the fact he was going to be forced to dither helplessly from outside the sealed doors whilst the proceedings took place felt wrong on so many levels.

“I would appreciate his input though, Bartholomew,” Ann said with the barest hint of urgency in her voice.

She could tell by the look on Allen’s face that he shared the same concerns as she did. Lexi would be a sitting duck up there. It wasn’t that she didn’t have faith in her abilities to take care of herself, but against so many Elders that had voiced their open rebellion and no way of knowing who they were, Ann really didn’t want to take any chances.

Bartholomew’s eyes seemed to be lost in thought for a second before he finally nodded, as if confirming something to himself.

“I understand. You are the Alpha Queen, and you can set your own precedents, however, if you want him to be up in the circle then I would advise announcing it as we enter. I will warn you though, this may only serve to inflame the tensions already simmering.” He cautioned.

Lexi scoffed lightly.

“Like it really matters. They hate us both because we’re women and because we’re threatening their authority. It’s as simple as that. I’m fully aware of how much disdain people hold for me as a hybrid, but I fully intend to prove them wrong on every count.”

“And I’m sure you will, Lexi.” Bartholomew said kindly as he gestured towards the door, “If you would enter first Ann, and announce your ruling on Allen’s attendance before we enter, it would be much appreciated. Be firm and ensure that they are clear that it is you who is ultimately in charge here, not them.”

Ann nodded with an un-ironic smile.

“I have a feeling this is going to be a recurrent theme, isn’t it? I make a statement and I’m instantly going to be challenged.”

“Try to think of it as if children who had been left alone for a long time have suddenly been reintroduced to a household with a parent who actually wants to parent…they’re merely trying to test

out the limits of their new parent and establish where the boundaries are.” Bartholomew chuckled.

“Most children don’t actively try to go against their parents though…” Allen mumbled as Bartholomew suddenly broke out into hearty laughter.

“What?” Allen asked in confusion, suddenly feeling embarrassed and not entirely sure why.

Bartholomew grinned toothily up at him and clapped him on the back gently. “When you are graced with children of your own and get to experience the wonders of teenagers and puberty firsthand, then I think you’ll see just how amusing your statement was.”

Ann chuckled at the sheepish look on Allen’s face as she turned and took a deep breath. She calmed her racing heart that fluttered with nervous anticipation before placing her hands on the door and pushing it open, walking through with an air of dignity and projecting a confidence that she wasn’t entirely sure she felt.

As she reached the seat that her father had sat on before her, she swallowed the lump in her throat that had suddenly appeared as the memories of his betrayal ran through her mind.

With Meeve’s help, she shook them away and refocused her attention, looking up towards the circle defiantly, but hiding it with a demure smile.

“Today you will be having my husband’s Beta from the Dark Moon Pack, Allen,joining you in the circle.” She announced steadily, pressing forward despite the murmurs that followed her announcement, “As my husband is absent from today’s proceedings in service to our crown, Allen will stand in his place, as another voice that should be heard in relation to the judgment for this trial.”

“Centuries of tradition..never have we had a hybrid or a lesser rank…” A voice tinged with dismay called out and was quickly overshadowed by a second voice.

“My Queen, you cannot possibly…” An outraged voice called, one that was becoming all too familiar in raising its objections.

Ann spoke clearly and firmly as she interrupted them quickly. If she needed to, then she would have no problem utilizing the Alpha aura to force them into complying, but she would rather not. She had planned to keep her cards close to her chest and had no intention of letting them see just exactly what both she and Maeve were capable of until she had no other choice.

“I can, and I will, Elders. My Beta and second-in-command, Lexi, will also be in attendance. With that said, let it be known that anyone who causes harm to either one of them will face dire consequences. It will be treated as a direct attack against the crown, do I make myself clear?”

A heavy silence that felt almost petulant in its presentation hung over the room and Ann’s smile grew wider as she cast her gaze around the circle.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“I shall take your silence as acquiescence,” She said as she heard a door open up in the circle and heard the shuffle as people moved around, readjusting their seating to accommodate the extra visitors.

Ann nodded in satisfaction and turned, taking a seat on the imposing chair that faced the dais that she too had once stood on.

Her gaze hardened as she steeled herself for what was to come and the possible outcomes that may be brought.

“Very Well. Let us begin.” She announced loudly, her voice taking on a chilling edge as she turned her head to the guards at the side of the room. “Bring him in.” She growled.

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