Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 The Law Has Passed

The murmurs that came from above her meant that she had been right in thinking the majority of Elders had no idea what she was talking about.

“Your grace, there has been no such law…”

Ann turned to look up at the circle triumphantly.

“No? Every single person’s signature is on it, so that means that either you have forgotten you have signed it, or… the alternative is that you yourself, have not actually bothered to read the stacks of paperwork that come your way and have instead entrusted the signing of those documents to another person… which I should remind you is a dereliction of duty and also fraud… which I believe also carries a sentence.” Ann said as she tapped her chin thoughtfully, “Now, what was it… ah! Yes! The stripping of titles, and holdings, and either imprisonment or exile… purely at the current monarch’s discretion of course.” She smiled sweetly.

The person who had spoken out cleared their throat and it was quickly followed by the familiar sound of

Lexi’s snigger as Ann turned around to face Linus once more

He was looking at her with an expression of incredulity that was almost child-like, as if he couldn’t believe that she had managed to pull something off as grandiose as this at the last minute. “You can close your mouth Linus, I wouldn’t want you to choke on a fly or anything,” Ann smirked. “How… What… no. It’s not possible.” Linus objected weakly.

“You know, I keep hearing a lot of that. ‘It’s not possible’, and ‘There’s no way!’. Even that ‘it’s against tradition’!” Ann mocked with perfect imitations of the objections she had received so far, “Nothing is

impossible, Linus. Everything is much easier to do when the people who are supposed to assist back you wholeheartedly, wouldn’t you agree?” Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Linus seemed to choke on his own saliva as he digested her words.

“What did you do…” He finally whispered fearfully as he realized the potential implications of what she had done.

“It’s quite simple really Linus. Let me explain it for you and for those Elders who seem to have forgotten what they signed their name to,” She said as the corners of her mouth lifted into an ironic smile and she stared confidently at him with Maeve coming forward and sitting side by side in her eyes.

“The agreed-upon law covers the integration and protection of all species, including but not limited to human, magickal, supernatural, and shifter.” Ann explained with a grin,

“It prohibits any person that holds a position of power from conducting themselves in a way that brings disrepute to their respective species and also prohibits discrimination against those of other species. For those who live in a ranked society, such as ourselves, those of higher rank are forbidden to use or abuse those of lower rank in the pursuit of pleasure or in a way that is against their wishes. For adult services, a contract must be agreed upon and signed by both parties, in front of the designated person who shall be named by the ruling monarch at the time to ensure that all contracts are not signed under duress. Furthermore, physical punishments are banned and subject to prosecution, with historical cases of abuse being able to be pursued by the injured party if they so desire.”

Linus’s jaw had almost reached the floor as she explained and it took a great deal of effort not to snort at his expression.

“That’s the condensed version anyway, Linus.” Ann shrugged nonchalantly.

“And who decides the punishment?” Linus managed to grind out once he had recovered his composure enough to speak.

“As it has always been done, Linus. I’m not a dictator.” Ann chuckled, “Although I DO get the final say and the options if found guilty or a confession is obtained, which I might add you willingly provided only moments ago, then the punishment is the removal of titles and either imprisonment, exile, or in extreme cases, death.”

“No!” Linus shouted with a wild look in his eyes, “Why did none of you stop this!” He screamed up into the circle above them.

“Yes, Linus,” Ann said firmly. “The law has passed and has been enshrined in our records. You will be the first of many that will receive sentencing in this matter, I have no doubt.”

“I can’t believe none of you are standing up to her!” Linus laughed manically, as his world came crashing down around him.

Ann watched the unhinged man before her and suddenly thought how ironic it was, that when faced with the consequences of their actions, the guilty seemed to laugh in denial as if they had never considered the possibility of being held accountable for their actions.

It was narcissistic denial at its finest.

“FINE! If none of you will stand up for me, then I’ll take you all down with me!” Linus hissed as Ann raised an eyebrow.

This she had NOT expected as an outcome. Linus hadn’t seemed the type to turn on his friends, but when you’ve lost everything and those you thought you could trust had abandoned you, what else did he have left to lose?

‘‘I’ll hear what you have to say Linus, but it won’t have any impact on your sentencing,” Ann advised

Linus scoffed.

“Like I give a s**t. Disloyal bastards making me the fall guy so they can keep their pretty little positions? No. f**k that and f**k them!” He spat furiously as he gestured wildly above him.

“Very well, then as you have already admitted your guilt, there is no need to confer on your guilt. I hereby sentence that from this day forth you will be stripped of your title and exiled to a village on the outskirts of our kingdom to live out your days.” Ann paused briefly before she continued, “In light of your recent comments, however, you will remain in the cells until you have been questioned regarding your claims of further misdeeds by other members of the Enclave.”

Linus hung his head as she passed sentence.

By rights, she really should have had the Elders confer and decide on a punishment based on the evidence, but as sickening as his crimes were, they were not worthy of the death penalty.

Imprisonment was not an option right now as shipments were halted to the containment facilities for now and sending an elder there was tantamount ot a death sentence anyway.

By making this decision on her own and choosing the least harsh option, not only did she make a statement to the elders that she would act on her own if needed, but that also in consideration of his crimes, despite her distaste for him and the lack of respect he showed, she still showed a modicum of restraint.

Besides, now he had offered to openly out his former allies, she doubted very much that he would survive long in exile, but his death would not be on her hands.

Ann motioned to the guards for them to take him back to the cells and they dutifully obeyed.

“You know this is only going to make people hate you more than they already do! They won’t let you sit on this throne forever! Mark my words! You have signed your own death warrant!” He murmured to her before he was led away.

“Maybe I won’t last forever Linus, but that’s not important, what is important, is that while I am here things will change in this kingdom and there’s nothing that anyone can do to change that, Linus.” She replied with confidence as Maeve rumbled in agreement.

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