Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Chapter 246 Three Pups?!

Ann sat on a secluded bench surrounded by climbing fragrant flowers in the garden near Bartholomew’s office, struggling to pull herself out of the stunned silence she had found herself in..

Pregnant. Three pups?!

Adam would be over the moon, although she wasn’t sure his enthusiasm was going to top Maeve’s.

“See? I told you! Wow! Three pups! They’re going to be the most beautiful pups you’ve ever seen! And strong too! We can take them for runs in the forest as soon as they shift and… I wonder when they’ll shift! With both parents being Alpha’s perhaps it will happen even sooner! Ann do you think…”

Ann listened numbly to Maeve’s chatter.

She had given up trying to answer her excited yapping and quite honestly, the constant noise was giving her a headache. Although that could also be the result of the mounting stress that she was finding herself under daily.

Emily had sent her away from her office with a prescription for supplements to ensure the babies grew well and she didn’t fall short on any essential nutrients whilst they grew.

She couldn’t give her an exact due date as there was so little known about Alpha Female pregnancies so with her permission, she had agreed that Emily could record and chart the pregnancy in minute detail so that she could produce an in-depth clinical paper for peer review when Ann delivered her pups successfully.

It made sense really, because she knew deep down, that this wouldn’t be her last pregnancy. Adam had always desired a large family and managing to hit triplets on the first try was probably going to be the equivalent of winning .

“Ann?” She asked, the unspoken question of ‘Are you okay?’ hanging heavily in the air between them and it was all it took for Ann to collapse on her friend’s shoulder as she let the tears flow.

“Oh sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Lexi soothed as she wrapped her arms around Ann and stroked her hair gently, overwhelmingly grateful for the lack of people currently milling about in the quiet of the gardens.

“I’m… f**k. I’m not even sad Lexi, I don’t know why I’m crying like this. I’m happy, really happy, but just… I’m a little overwhelmed… that’s all.” Ann sniffled into her shoulder as Lexi sat quietly and listened, waiting for her to elaborate further…

Eventually, Ann sat back, wiping her eyes as Lexi smiled softly at her.

“You know, if people start talking about me being a softie, I’m going to blame you completely.” Lexi smirked as Ann half laughed, half coughed, “Allen is on his way as well, so unless you want him snitching on you to Adam, we should probably get whatever is wrong out in the open.”

“Adam will find out soon anyway,” Ann smiled halfheartedly, “I’m pregnant Lexi. You were right.”

“Well, no s**t Sherlock! I know I was right! It was only you that was too damn blind to see it.” Lexi chuckled as she reached across and wiped a stray tear from Ann’s cheek. “So why the tears?”

“I wanted things to be a little more stable before we brought our children into the world, Lexi. I feel like now I’m going to be nothing but a liability. I know damn well Adam is going to want to practically wrap me in cotton wool and confine me to my chambers like some medieval lord.”

Lexi snorted at the mental image and squeezed her arm reassuringly.

“Well, I’ll just have to break you out if he does that then, won’t I?” She smirked as Ann laughed, “Seriously though Ann, when is the world EVER going to be safe for anyone? There are always risks,

but you know, having a strong family line for you is important. We both know that at the heart of shifter communities, it’s the primal need to breed and secure the family bloodline, right? It’s even more important for the leaders of packs and as a Royal… well, you’re doing your duty to your people.”

“I know Lexi, I just… going from nothing to three babies is going to be hard… I just know it.”

“THREE?!” Lexi shrieked before she covered her mouth with her hands in horror.

She removed them slowly and took a moment to compose herself as she looked at Ann with an unreadable expression.

“Three?!” She whispered, “Holy f*uc*kballs Ann… your lady cave is gonna be…”

“Yeah, thanks for that. That’s rich coming from you with your multiple mates anyway…” Ann interrupted quickly as the broad-shouldered figure of Allen stepped through the doorway.

He stopped in his tracks as he saw the two of them looking at him expectantly. If he didn’t know any better he would think they were trying to hide something from him.

“What are you two up to?” He asked dubiously, narrowing his eyes and folding his arms in front of him.

“Nothing…” Ann replied defensively, but she was cut off by Lexi’s excited outburst. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Ann’s preggo!” Lexi squealed in a high-pitched voice before Ann could stop her.

“She’s what?” Allen looked between them with confusion written all over his face as Lexi rolled her eyes.

“She’s pregnant furball! Three! THREE damn babies! All squeezed into that itty-bitty space!” she crooned suddenly leaning forward and patting Ann’s stomach. “Aunty Lexi is gonna be the BEST worst influence on you ever. I promise!”

Ann watched Allen’s reaction with interest as he went through all of the emotions that Adam should be feeling right now. Shock, disbelief, realization, excitement, delirious happiness…it was bittersweet to see that on the face of someone who wasn’t her mate.

“Have you eaten yet?” Allen asked suddenly as Ann looked at him in confusion.


“I’ll take that as a no. Come on, we need to feed you.” He said gruffly as he reached for her hand and pulled her up as gently as he could.

“And so it begins!” Lexi wailed dramatically before snorting loudly, “Honestly, you’re such a caveman. You didn’t even congratulate her…”

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