Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Why You Left Her

Allen had finally managed to persuade Lexi to get some shut-eye while he was there and her head was resting on his lap as he kept watch over her best friend.

He scrolled through his phone casually, checking through any notifications from the businesses and pack, and waiting for any messages from Adam.

He didn’t need to wait for very long though, as about 30 minutes after Lexi had fallen asleep, Adam burst through the doors with Felix in tow.

They were both unshaven and dirty, clearly having dropped everything and sped back as soon as they had received the news.

Title of the document

The commotion Adam made when he burst through the doors woke Lexi with a start and they both watched helplessly as a roar of grief and fury tore from Adam’s chest as he took in the sight of his mate so vulnerable and unwell, reliant on all these machines to ensure that she was still safe.

He dropped to his knees at Ann’s bedside, reaching for her hand as silent sobs wracked his body and he rested his forehead on the crisp white sheets of the bed.

“Ann… f*uc*k… I’m sorry… I should have stayed…”

Felix stood silently in the background as Allen and Lexi exchanged a look, knowing full well that Adam’s reactions to anything they said were most likely going to be emotional and irrational, but Allen knew that his job as his Beta, was to keep him balanced and help him through this.

Whatever it took.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

He took a d*eep breath as he stood, mentally preparing himself for whatever Adam might throw at him.

“Adam, there are signs of improvement as each day passes. She’s awake a little longer each day…” Allen began tentatively but stopped as Adam whirled to face him and the eyes of his wolf stared back at him accusingly.

“Where were you?” Baldur growled through Adam.

“We were with her, in the bar, Alpha. We were ensuring that she was eating adequately for the pup’s sake…”

Adam laughed, the sinister husk of Baldur’s fury lending a terrifying undertone that made Allen’s hair stand on end and Orvar began to prepare to defend himself and his human.

“You were with her, yet she still ended up like this?” Adam said with deathly calm as he stood and bared his teeth, his eyes flashing warningly.

“We had absolutely no reason to believe that anyone would move against her yet Adam, she…”

“YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!” Adam roared as he lunged, covering the short amount of distance between them at frightening speed and pinning him against the wall by his throat.

“Adam please!” Lexi yelled, racing to Ann’s bedside, her heart racing as her anxiety levels began to rise.

“Adam be reasonable, there was no way to tell with the poison! We’ve always eaten there! Why would I suspect anything would happen when there were no warning signs?!” Allen argued as he grappled with Adam.

Felix maneuvered his way behind them to stand between the two males and Lexi and Ann as Allen and Adam crashed into the walls and furniture.

“Felix, please! Do something!” Lexi yelled over the furious growls.

“I can’t, this is not my place to interfere. The disagreement between Alpha and Beta needs to be resolved by them, otherwise, it can lead to resentment.. he explained calmly as Lexi narrowed her eyes dangerously.

“Are you f*****g kidding me right now?” she breathed as Felix shrugged helplessly.

“The best I can do is ensure that you two are safe. I will step in if either of you are threatened.”

“Is that right?” Lexi sneered, “Fine, I’ll do it my-f*uc*king-self then,” She hissed as she stormed over to the two males with her eyes blazing.

She reached for Adam’s shoulder and pulled roughly, forcing him to turn towards her. He snarled angrily as he turned and seconds later, found himself on the receiving end of Lexi’s furious right hook that connected sharply with his jaw.

He let go of Allen and staggered back a little dazed as he stared at LExi in bewilderment.

“f*****g get a hold of yourself, Adam! Do you think your wife and pups would want you brawling in her f*****g hospital room! You f*****g male wolves are insufferable sometimes!” She fumed, her blazing scarlet eyes boring into him and rendering him speechless.

“None of us could have predicted this you selfish prick! If you want to assign blame, then take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you left her. If this was something you foresaw, as her mate… then why did you leave her to face this alone?!”

Adam clenched his jaw as her words hit their mark.

“Lexi, it’s okay. I should have…” Allen said quietly as he reached out to try and calm her.

“Just shut the f**k up Allen, okay? This is no one’s fault but the one who put that poison in her food. Any more of this f*uc*kery and I’ll kick you both outofthis room…”

“I am her MATE!” Adam protested loudly with a look of indignation as Lexi snorted loudly.

“And? Ann and I grew up together, if you want to make this a competition you arrogant little f*uc*ker then let’s do that. You might have your claim to her heart and her babies, but I’ve been there since the beginning keeping her safe, and right now, you are NOT acting in a safe manner around my bestie and her unborn children!” Lexi roared furiously, the intensity of her anger making even Adam take a step back. “Either sort your s**t out or I will f*****g drag you out of this room and deny you entry until you can behave like a civilized human being and not a feral beast.”

Adam looked as though he had been slapped and he grunted an apology towards Alen as he turned and stood in front of the window, the aura surrounding him still thick with his murderous rage.

“Nicely done.” Felix smirked as Lexi returned to Ann’s bedside with a scowl.

“Fat lot of help you were, f*uc*kboy. What good are you Alpha’s if you can’t even control your anger.” she tutted loudly.

“It’s that anger and violence that protects our people well when it needs to. The fierce protectiveness…”

“Oh Blah-f*uc*king-Blah. Can’t you guys just sit and talk about s**t for once? I mean, I love the whole revenge thing and enacting violence on the responsible parties as much as the next person, but there is such a thing as taking it too far and reacting irrationally, you know?” She muttered as Felix chuckled.

“You sound like my grandmother.” Felix chuckled warmly as Allen moved to Lexi’s side and almost instantly began eyeing Felix suspiciously.

That was all it took for the atmosphere between them to become suddenly almost unbearably awkward.

“Allen… I don’t want our family’s past to affect the relationship between us.” Felix blurted out suddenly.

Allen blinked in surprise as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, trying to work out where this had come from.

“I am not my brother.” He began, “I understand that this may take time for you to accept, and that’s fine. I can’t make up for what he did, but I will help you bring him to justice if I can.”

Allen nodded curtly and after a moment’s hesitation, extended his arm across the bed and held his hand out.

Felix grinned and with a small laugh of what they took to be relief, he clasped Allen’s hand and they shook firmly.

“Here’s to a new friendship then.” Felix grinned as Allen nodded and forced a tight smile.

If aligning himself with Felix meant that they could bring his bastard of a brother to justice, then he would.

For the memory of his sister, he would do whatever it took.

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