Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Chapter 263 A Complicated Past

Lexi and Allen made their way down to the cells, with Lexi still grumbling loudly about Bertram’s incompetence. All she wanted was answers and the fact that everywhere she turned there seemed to be another hurdle to cross was starting to piss her off.

Aoife didn’t deserve to suffer as she had and none of them really knew whether or not she was alive or dead. Especially with her uncle’s involvement. If Eromaug was behind both Aoife’s and her own mother’s death, she hated to think what else he was capable of putting them through.

Lexi vaguely remembered him from the few occasions that they had met when she was a child and even then she had been overwhelmed with just how uneasy he made her, and her mother feel. She shuddered involuntarily and pushed those memories aside as her face h*ardened.

At least now she knew why her mother had distrusted him and disliked the time that Lexi had spent with him, and why her father always seemed to hide his fury whenever Lexi had gushed about just how wonderful he was.

That familiar wave of guilt pierced her like a knife as she chewed the inside of her cheek subconsciously.

She was a child… how could she have known?

“Lexi, are you okay?” Allen’s voice interrupted her thoughts as his hand wrapped around her own, the brush of his skin against hers comforting and reassuring all at the same time.

“Yeah, sorry.” She answered as she fought the guilt, “It’s nothing important. I just… I need to know if she is alive or not and if she is, I need to know where she’s being held, so we can go and get her a*ss to safety.”

Allen was silent for a while as he brushed his thumb across the arch between Lexi’s thumb and index f*inger.

“Do you think your mother is alive too?” He asked finally as Lexi’s eyes narrowed slightly and her pace increased, forcing Allen to quicken his steps just to keep up with her.

“I don’t know Allen… I really don’t know. I just need answers right now. Eromaug is…” she struggled to search for the right words to continue, “He’s my uncle. We have a complicated past. I loved him fiercely at one point as a child, and I hated that my parents kept him away from me.”

Lexi was silent for a while before she snorted loudly.

“Obviously I understand now why they did but at the time… I was devastated.” she admitted quietly. Even uttering that aloud made her feel dirty.

She could feel Alien’s eyes boring into her as she deliberately avoided his gaze and stared at the brickwork as they descended further down into the depths of the holding cells within the Enclave.

“I didn’t realize that you and this… Eromaug, had been close.” Allen said finally, breaking the silence.

She didn’t miss the jealous and suspicious undercurrent that ran through his words.

“Yeah well, it’s not something that I like to broadcast, okay? Especially not now with all of this s**t kicking off.” she scowled up at him, “I was a child Allen. A clueless, delusional, innocent and f*****g gullible child. The interactions came to an end as soon as Papa found out about them.”

“He didn’t… I mean…” Allen said hesitantly as Lexi snorted. “I’m done talking about this Allen, okay? He was never t*ouchy t*ouchy if that’s what you’re getting at.”

She sneered as they pushed through the entrance and breezed past the guards towards Linus’s cell.

“Well well, what do we have here? The half breed b***h and her well trained cowardly lapdog.” Linus chuckled derisively as they opened the door to his cell and stared quietly at the disheveled Elder that sat before them.

“It’s nice to see you too, you f*****g depraved pervert.” Lexi smirked, “We have some questions for you, that we’d very much like some answers to.”

“Oh wonderful. I can’t wait to be of some further use to you.” He replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes and shifting uncomfortably on the ground.

“Good, because my little lap dog is going to be doing the talking while I go and catch up on the status of your transfer request.” Lexi smiled sweetly as Linus’s face fell.

“Wait… transfer to where?”

Linus asked, his eyes suddenly widening in panic.

“Why, to the containment facilities of course!” Lexi grinned brightly, “We can’t have you wasting space down here and escaping proper punishment forever now can we?” “Wait!” He barked suddenly, scrabbling across the floor towards the doorway on his hands and knees, “I was supposed to be exiled! Why… why am I being sent to a containment facility?”

Lexi shrugged as she examined her nails.

“I thought you’d like to experience what it feels like to be lower down on the pecking order so you understand exactly how all those Omega’s felt.” Lexi smirked as his eyes widened in horror, “You’ll still be exiled … but the containment facility will handle the process.”

“No… wait… please… the containment facilities aren’t safe! What if I’m killed on the way there?! Wait… I can help you!” He begged, his eyes wild with desperation, “Whatever you need to know, I can tell you

just don’t… please don’t send me there!”

Lexi chuckled and gestured to Allen as she turned and began walking away.

“Then let’s see how useful you are in the knowledge that you choose to share with us, hmm?” she smiled sweetly. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s f*****g blackmail.” Linus hissed furiously.

“Yes… it is, isn’t it? I’m not sure why it’s such a surprise to you that I’m quite happy to use your own methods against you. After all, I’m just a half breed b***h, right?” She grinned over her shoulder before she walked away, calling out to a guard as she did so and disappearing into a side room with him.

Linus rounded on Allen furiously.

“And you’re okay with your half blood b***h bending the rules and making a mockery of our laws?”

Allen shrugged nonchalantly as he stepped into the cell and closed the door behind him.

“It’s no more than countless of you Elders have done over the past few years, Linus. Now, I have a few questions…” Allen answered calmly, choosing not to rise to the insults that

Linus threw at his beloved mate.

He refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing just how much they angered him, even though deep down, he knew Lexi felt every insult as keenly as a blade through her skin.

“Oh, I f*****g bet you do.” Linus spat as scowled up at him.

“Now now… remember Linus, your cooperation will determine the outcome of how quickly you are transferred… or how much of a priority we make the necessary paperwork for your exile.” Allen smirked

as Linus swore loudly.

“You treacherous bastard… fine.” Linus seethed, knowing full well that he had nothing to bargain with except any information that he might have.

“Excellent, now, take a seat.” Allen grinned, “I need to know everything that you do about the Daemon Lord Eromaug.”

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