Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Chapter 276 Her Name Is Coral

Ann sat in the council chamber with both Adam and Coral at her side, the Elders clearly torn between being uncomfortable with an omega’s presence at such a high-ranking meeting, as well as curious as to the purpose.

Coral shifted uncomfortably beside Ann as some of the degrading whispers reached their ears, as well as the curious ones. It always seemed to be the negative ones that had the most impact on a persons confidence though.

She had returned from her time with Eva far less timid and a lot more confident and honestly, it warmed Ann’s heart to see that such a small decision on her part, had driven such a large impact on Coral’s life so far.

Coral had been paid for her time in training with Eva a decent wage, and by her own admission, it was more than she had ever seen in all of her years working for the Enclave. That in itself bothered Ann greatly and she intended to rectify it today.

“Right, let’s get started shall we?” Ann announced brightly as the murmurs that had rippled around the room died down and Coral took a visibly shaky breath as she readied the stylus on the electronic diary and notepad that she held tightly in her hands before her.

“With all due respect,” A voice rose from the crowd, “What exactly is an omega doing in the council chambers?”

Ann smiled in the direction of the voice, a little bit pleased that she could address this immediately rather than have it hang over them for the duration of the meeting.

“Such a polite way of saying that you don’t approve of her presence,” Ann smiled dangerously as she continued, “Coral has just returned from an extensive training course that I sent her on a few weeks ago and has performed beyond expectations during her time there. With her exceptional performance in mind I have instated her as my personal assistant …my royal secretary, if you will.”

The expected myriad of whispers rose up from the Elders as another voice rose from amongst their ranks.

“Your highness, not that we don’t doubt the omega’s abilities, but there are many children that have been born to ranked members that would jump at the opportunity to…”

“Coral.” Ann interrupted sharply. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m sorry?” the voice replied, the confusion in his voice clear. “Her name is Coral.” Ann answered slowly, as if she were speaking to a child.

“Ah, yes… well, I’m sure the omega Coral has…”

“Since when do we identify individuals by their birth status?” Ann asked as she c****d her head, “Perhaps I should start referring to you all in a similar fashion. What’s your name?”

“Me?” the bewildered voice replied, rapidly wishing he had not spoken up in the first place.

“Yes, you. You chose to speak up in the council chamber and as I am still not familiar enough with you all, I would like to know who i have the pleasure of speaking with,” She continued sweetly.

“Elder Octavius, your highness.” He answered with a slight tremor in his voice.

“Ah! Octavius. I don’t believe I actually have the pleasure of knowing who your parents are.” Ann paused as the faint sound of what sounded like a sigh of relief drifted across the room.

But she wasn’t done just yet. “Coral?”

“Y-yes your highness?”

“Would you mind checking the registry of the elders and finding out his lineage for me? Can you do that?”

“Er… yes of course your grace.” Coral replied as her eyes flicked nervously to the crowd of elders before working quickly on her handheld device.

“Your highness, is this really…”

“Necessary?” Ann smiled, “Yes, I believe it is. I’m using this as a teaching moment for you all. So please, feel free to take notes if you are incapable of remembering”

After a few minutes had passed, Coral passed the device to Ann, allowing her to see the results of the search, and if she had been able to, Ann wanted to punch the air in delight.

“We could always punch the old goat in the face.” Maeve suggested hopefully, sighing in disappointment when Ann denied her request.

“Thank you, Coral,” Ann smiled as she handed the device back to her and turned back to face Octavius. “So, if I were to address you in the same manner as you had Coral, then I should address you as Son of a treasonous exile, Elder ‘Octavius, or perhaps Rogue born Elder Octavius would be better?”

A frosty silence met her suggestion and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Bartholomew grinning widely along with a number of other elders who nodded their heads in support.

“Point taken, your highness. I apologies for any offence caused to you.” ‘Octavius ground out as he took his seat.

“Oh, it’s not me that you offended, Octavius.” Ann smirked, “I believe your apology should be directed towards Coral, as she stands here as a fully accredited staff member of the royal household, and should be treated with the respect due to her position.”

They could almost hear ‘Octavius choke on his own indignation before he stood and glared at Coral.

“My apologies, Royal Secretary. I did not mean to offend you. It won’t happen again.” He forced out, his voice shaking with that unmistakable taint of barely suppressed anger.

“Erm… no problem.” Coral replied as ducked her head down, tucking her hair behind her ear and blushing a soft shade of red.

“Wonderful. Now that’s out of the way, I’d like to move onto the subject of why our staff here, the ‘omega’s’ as some of you like to refer to them as, aren’t actually paid a wage for their time here?”

“A wage, your grace? They receive free food, accommodation, free clothing and have no utilities to be concerned about, nor do they worry about their safety here, so in what way do we not pay them for their work?” A voice rose from the Elders.

“Well, I’m not sure how it works for you, Elder, but I know for a fact that all of you receive considerable remuneration for your time, as well as a regular work schedule, paid for accommodation, free food, free clothing and none of you have to worry about utilities nor security either.” Ann smiled, throwing his own words back at him and waiting for the response.

“Surely you aren’t comparing the level of their duties with ours…” Another voice added before being unceremoniously cut off by Adam’s irritated tone.

“And what exactly is it that allows you to live such a carefree life to focus on your duties as Elders, that is… if we disregard the fact that the majority of you neglected your duties for the past goodness knows how many years, hmm? Yet your staff still served you faithfully, whilst you ignored the needs of a nation and lined your own coffers.”

“Well, I for one am in favor of proposing a wage for the services provided by the omega’s,” a husky female voice spoke up from the back, “Unlike some, I do not hold the term ‘omega’ as derogatory To me, it denotes a life given selflessly to serving the needs of those who work in the interests of their pack, or their kingdom. It is only right that they too should enjoy some freedom, and the means to do so in light of their selfless sacrifice.”

The edges of a smile played at the corners of Ann’s m*outh. She remembered that voice well from the trials that she had endured, and it appeared that she had her support for the changes that she intended to make.

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