And Then There Were Four

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Date with a Dragon

When I agreed to go to dinner with Silas, the last thing I had expected was for him to go completely all out. The mo- ment I stepped out of the white-pillared building I stayed in under Oden’s watchful eye, I was met with Silas’s smiling face.

He wasn’t dressed casually like I would have assumed, but instead was dressed in black slacks, a dark purple button-up shirt rolled up to his sleeves, and even dress shoes. His entire outfit screamed money, and from the glimmer of lust hidden beneath his gaze, I felt completely underdressed in my blue. sundress.

Stepping slowly down the stone staircase, my hand gently sliding against the railing, I stared at him with hesitation and uncertainty.

“Uh I thought you said that we were going to dinner. Why are you so dressed up?”

Laughter escaped him as he spun in a small circle holding his hands out as if to give me a better look. “Well, I wanted to impress you, Cassie. Did it work?”

Impress me? Why the hell would he want to do that?

The guy barely knew me at all.

As laughter escaped me unexpectedly, I nodded, shrug- ging my shoulders. “You can say that. You look like you’re ready to go somewhere fancy. Is that what we’re doing?”

Asking him where we were going only led to an even big- ger smile. I honestly didn’t see how his lips could spread that wide across his face, but he did look absolutely ravishing when he smiled like that. “I can’t spoil the surprise, Cassie. You’re going to have to trust me.”

Trust. That wasn’t something easily given, but deciding to try and take my own advice, I ignored my head telling me to cancel the whole thing because it was wrong and instead went with my gut urging me forward.

The night was cool, and the clear skies above made for a perfect evening. The realm didn’t have cars or any form of motor transportation like the human realm. Everyone seemed to walk here, which allowed for tons of conversation.

To which Silas never ran out of. “So, tell me a bit about yourself.”

Glancing to my left, I let a small breath escape me as I tried to figure out what to tell him. It wasn’t like I was comfort- able when it came to speaking about myself, but if I was go- ing to try and be more ‘trying’ if you want to call it that, then I would have to be.

“Well, there is a lot to know-can you be more specific?”

“Sure.” He chuckled as we passed building after building, heading down the cobbled street. The only dim

lighting. around were the fire-lit street lamps that stood along the road. “Why don’t you tell me what your old school was like? I take it you just graduated.”

“Um, yeah. I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s no different than your schools… I mean, I don’t know which place you came from-”

Silas continued laughing, finding amusement in my quick- ly stuttering response as I tried to redeem myself from sound- ing any stupider than I already felt. I wasn’t sure how all this worked, and even though I was told a little about Asgard, I wasn’t told much.

“Cassie.” He smirked, nudging me with his shoulder again. “It’s okay. I’m not like the others around here. I know you don’t understand how it all works.”

Hearing him say that made me feel a lot better about my current situation. As much as Silas reminded me of the fuck boys back home, so far, he didn’t seem that bad.

Maybe looks really could be deceiving, or I was just being stupid, and he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Either way, I was fucked because the look he kept giving me made me feel like he was seeking more than just friendship.

“Thanks.” It was the only thing I could think to say under the awkward circumstances, but before I could open my mouth, I realized we had left the street of the city and ended up walking down more backroads that led towards a grassy green clearing. “Where are we?”

Letting my eyes gaze around my surroundings, I took in. the shadows of the trees and the darkness that hid beneath

the floral bushes. No matter where the darkness looked through, the double moons above let light glisten around the area, shimmering off the lake that lay just beyond the tree’s clearings.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” His question caused my gaze to shift in his direction as I quickly closed my gaping mouth.

“Yes, it is. But why are we out here? I thought you said we were going to have dinner?”

Taking my hand in his, he led me forward and past the treeline closer to the water. It was then I saw what he had set up, and the breath was slowly taken from me. Upon the ground laid a lush purple blanket with gold pillows and a low sitting table.

The table was piled with different fruits, meats, and cheeses elegantly placed with such precision that if Silas had really done all this himself, it must have taken a lot of time. “This is amazing, you did all of this?”

Turning to face him, he stood behind me with his hands in his pockets as he shrugged his shoulders and smiled. His hair fell softly in front of one eye, causing him to quickly brush it back on top of his head. “I wanted to make you something special. Since the moment you got here, it seems like you. haven’t found it easy to adjust, so… I wanted to do something nice for you.”

No matter the words he said, this definitely wasn’t just a friendly dinner.

Walking towards me, he gestured for me to take a seat, and without hesitation, I did. This was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me, and the more I spent time with Silas, the more I realized how I had completely misjudged him.

“You’re really not like how I expected you to be.” Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What, you mean a pretty boy that only cares about him- self and wants to get in your pants?” He chuckled, raising a brow at me.

A soft blush settled over my cheeks from the embarrass-

ment of my question. I felt foolish to have thought what I did, and then, of course, voiced it. Silas, however, didn’t seem bothered at all. In fact, he stared at me with those hazel eyes that held so many questions and yet asked none.

“I’m sorry.” Waving his hand, he smiled, picking up his goblet of dark red fluid and drinking it down. I wasn’t sure ex- actly what it was, but from the glass decanter in front of us, I assumed it was wine.

“As I said before, Cassie… I know you’re not familiar with things yet. And to answer your comment from earlier, I actual- ly come from your realm. However, my upbringing was much different.”

Shock flowed through me upon hearing him. “How? I mean-you came from my world?”

“Yeah.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Is that hard to be-lieve?”

“Well, no, but no offense, you don’t seem like you did.”

It was true, he didn’t seem like he came from my realm but nodding his head, I had a feeling he was going to explain. “That’s because when I was there, the atmosphere was proba- bly much different from how it is now.”

Lips parted, I tried to understand his meaning. “Different?”

“Yeah, let’s just say that I’m much older than my boyish good looks.”

I knew wolves could live for a long time, but part of me had never considered other creatures could as well. The way Silas said he was much older had me flush, thinking of how old he really was.

“I see. I take it you come with a lot of experience in life, then.” The statement caused me to pause as I instantly thought of how wrong it came out. “That’s not what I meant-”

“I’m sure.” He grinned with a lust-filled gaze that made a heat rush through me I hadn’t expected. It was weird how eas- ily I was able to fall into conversation with him and feel com- fortable. Initially, when I met him, I felt drawn, but this was so much different than expected.

Almost as if he and I had known each other in a past life.

Clearing my throat, I turned my gaze away from him and down at the grapes in front of me, quickly picking one off the vine and popping it into my mouth. The sweet flavor of the red seedless grape caused me to moan, and as I did, Silas quickly adjusted where he sat and cleared his throat. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied, catching my gaze again, “so, is there anything you want to ask me?”

“You mean besides how old you are?” I grinned, watching him chuckle at my comment. There was a lot I wanted to know, but I just wasn’t sure how to ask.

“Do you really wanna know-”

Shaking my head quickly, I laughed as I picked up the drink in front of me, “no, no… not yet anyways. I’ll just keep pretending you’re like twenty.”

“I definitely haven’t been that old in a very long time,” he muttered playfully. His eyes gazed up to the clear star-filled sky above us. “Shall I simply just tell you some things about me?”

His solution sounded way better than any questions I could ask, and nodding my head quickly, he made himself more comfortable laying back on the golden pillows staring up at the sky. “Okay, then let me see where to start.”

“Maybe just the basics?” I offered, causing him to glance over at me from where he was lying. The urge to lay against him was strong as he pointed a finger at me and smiled.

“Good idea. Well, as I said, I came from your realm, or Earth, as you call it. However, I come from a much older earth. I came to Asgard with a friend who has since returned to the realm, a place I wasn’t keen to go back to. I actually love being here in Asgard, and if you want to know-I have been at the school for a long time.”

“I have never seen you in any of the classes, though. You must have gone through them all a hundred times by now.” The idea of someone wanting to take classes that much shocked me. There was no way I would do something like that.

Silas chuckled, though, shaking his head, and I quickly re- alized I was wrong.

“I’m no longer a student, Cassie.”

“Well, then what are you then? Because I mean, you use the training field and hang out there all the time.” My ques- tion was valid and watching Silas open and close his mouth, he hesitated in his next words.

“I’m a guardian, Cassie. It’s what dragons are known to do.

My ancestors helped to defend the realms and, in return, were granted immortality.”

I was shocked to hear his admission and would never have expected someone like him to be what he was. He looked so young and well-put together, like a preppy rich kid.

“So, you are a dragon shifter… which means you actually turn into a dragon?”

The question sounded dumb, but I had honestly never seen a dragon, so how was I supposed to know that they were real? Jumping to his feet, he brushed himself off and stepped off the blanket onto the grassy clearing.

“If you want to see a dragon, then I’ll show you a dragon, but if I shift Cassie… you’re going for a ride.”

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