And Then There Were Four

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Challenging Zia NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Handing over my plate of food and drink to Sansa, I slowly turned to face Zia. Her long hair flowed in waves over her shoulders. Her piercing eyes stared back at me with a smug expression on her face, the only thing I could think about was what it would look like beaten in.

Perhaps that was a slightly aggressive thought for me to have, but she had pushed my last fucking button like no one would believe.

“What is your problem?” I asked her, trying to remain calm as everyone waited for her explanation. A scoff left her lips as she sat there, rolling her eyes with her arms across her chest. She had to always be high and mighty when she was around her peers, something girls like her would never get tired of doing.

“I don’t have a problem. It’s you who’s jealous Lucas and I are, well, eventually going to be together,” she replied mock- ingly.

The last thing I had was time to spend on a woman like this, but I was sick and tired of her pushing my buttons. I was sick and tired of her spreading false rumors and more sick and tired of just dealing with her shit in general.

I hadn’t even been in this place that long, and it was like she was completely threatened by my presence here and sought to try and make my life a living hell.

“You have high hopes for someone who’s second best. I that what you do with your day, Zia? Do you dream of taking the men of other women just to make yourself feel bette when they don’t give you the attention you want?”

Shocked by what I had said, her mouth dropped oper wide as her eyes narrowed and an angry glare crossed her face. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”

Snorting with laughter, I glanced over at Trixie, who was just as shocked as Zia. It didn’t come as a surprise to me nc one had ever stood up to this girl. She was pathetic, honestly and I didn’t understand how she could be the way she was when, in today’s age, we should be working with each other not against.

Regardless of how she should be, I couldn’t help but stand there staring at her in annoyance. “I’m pretty sure I did- n’t stutter, and I said it loud enough for everybody in here to hear. So I don’t understand where the confusion is coming from.”

Stomping her foot, she screamed in irritation as she stormed past people toward me. I knew that look in her eye. It was one of a woman on a warpath, and if she wanted a part of me, then she could have one.

“Enough!” Lucas‘ roar was enough to make me shudder. With our bond still technically in place, for the most part, I let the shiver of his tone run down my spine before he stepped in between Zia and me with his glare pointed at me. “Give me what I want.”

“No,” I snapped with more determination in me than I ever felt. “You’re not you right now, and I won’t let you make a choice when you’re not thinking clearly.”


Laughter escaped him as he looked at Zia and a few oth ers before turning his gaze to me again. “You never ever wanted this, Cassie. Why hold on now?”

“Because I won’t let you do something you might regret.”

My reply made him flinch as his angry scowl dropped for a moment before reappearing again. No matter what I said, he refused to see what I was saying for truth. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened for him to act the way he was.

The night we spent together flashed through my mind, and though he tried to break our bond, I refused to accept him. Which meant neither of us was going to move on.

Zia’s slimy fingers wrapped around Lucas‘ arm as she leaned in and kissed the corner of his lips. As much as I want- ed to remain calm and not let her see how much it was affect- ing me, I couldn’t. A low growl emitted from my throat entic- ing the beast within Lucas because behind his gaze–a flash of gold–let me know his beast wasn’t pleased with the choices. he was making.

“Oh, is someone jealous?” Zia hissed, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh.

“Jealous?” I smirked. “That would call for me to have someone worth being jealous over. I wouldn’t really call you competition, Zia. You’re more like… a gnat that doesn’t leave when you swat it.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I watched her eyes nar- row at me as a look of shock and disgust crossed her face.

She couldn’t believe what I had said to her, but honestly, she had no one to blame but herself. In a moment of amusement, I thought the argument was over, but as I looked at Trixie, whose expression matched so many others, I misjudged the situation.

The punch Zia threw caught me off guard, and as her fist connected with the side of my face, I stumbled. A wave of anger rushed through me. My eyes connect with her’s, caus- ing an ‘oh shit‘ expression to come forth in her eyes.

“A sucker punch… really, Zia?” I snarled at her with fists clenched at my sides, my nails extending, cutting into my palms as I thought of the many ways I was going to demolish her.

“Cassie, calm down right now,” Lucas said warningly as he pushed Zia behind him.

“You would protect her after what she just did, Lucas?”

Opening his mouth, he was silent as if contemplating what he was going to say next, and even though he hesitated, he quickly sneered once more, gritting his teeth as the eyes of everyone in the cafeteria watched on.

“You’re not my mate, Cassie. So why would I care what happens to you?” he replied, causing my heart to clench in agony. Yet, no matter how hurt his comment made me, I did- n’t allow others to see its effects.

Zia began to laugh at Lucas‘ comment, and any idea I had to walk away from being the bigger man escaped my thoughts. With a fit of anger rolling through me like a ty- phoon, I reached out past Lucas and snatched Zia by her throat.

My claws dug into her skin, causing droplets of blood to drip down her flawless skin. “Find something funny, Zia.”

She gripped my hand, trying to break it free as she gasped for air. Lucas was too stunned initially to do anything, at first. Yet, he did come to terms with the fact that if un- stopped, I’d probably kill Zia. My brother already had his arms wrapped around my waist, trying to break me free of the hold I had on the girl.

I was a hunter, and she was my prey. My instincts to kill on an all time high as I dug my nails deeper into her skin. “Let me go!” she gasped, “someone help!”

“Cassie, let her go now!” Pollux screamed at me, trying to get me to focus and loosen my hold. My will and drive to high to acknowledge him.

“She has crossed a line that’s unforgivable. I will not toler- ate disrespect.”

The sound of my own voice sounded foreign in the mo- ment, and as I realized what I was doing, I quickly let go of Zia and was pulled back. Her friends ran to her rescue as she pre- tended to be dying from what she had gone through.

“That bitch tried to kill me!” She whined as fake tears quickly started to fall down her cheeks. “Someone better do something! I want her gone!”

“Too bad that will never happen!” I yelled back, thrashing in Pollux’s arms as Trixie and Sansa tried to help him calm me. My eyes still locked onto her wanting to rip her apart. No mat- ter what the consequences would be, Zia was going to pay for what she was doing. “Enough!”

A voice yelled, catching the entire cafeteria’s attention. “What in the hell is going on?”

The voice came from the main door to the cafeteria, and as I looked toward it, I spotted an older face I hadn’t ever seen before- a man who looked to be in his late forties, accompa- nied by Inanna at his side.

He was a graying man with dark stubble and blue eyes. His whole characteristic screamed shifter, and I had no doubt he had to have been some type of cat shifter by the way he was dressed and carried himself. It was as if he was the king dick on campus, and everyone needed to bend to his will.

“Well?” he said again, glancing around with his hands on his hips. “Who the fuck is going to start explaining?”

As I opened my mouth to speak, Lucas stepped forward, and addressed the man. “Nothing, the girls were just showing each other new moves.”

“Lucas-” Zia called out before he snapped his angry gaze toward her shutting her up.

The older man hesitated as his eyes shifted from Lucas to Zia and then to me. “What do you have to say for yourself?” he asked me.

As much as I wanted to rat everyone out, that wasn’t who I was, and honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was get my- self in trouble. I may not have cared for this place, but it didn’t mean I wanted to have any other kind of issues before I was able to go back home.

“We were just practicing… nothing happened.”

“Are you sure you want to go with that answer?” the man asked with a raised brow as if he knew I was lying but wanted to see if I’d admit to something.

“That’s enough, Lyonal. She said it was nothing, and that’s where it will be left.”

I didn’t expect Inanna to speak up. The nasty look she gave me as she brushed past me and placed her arm on the upper left shoulder of Lucas‘ chest made me furrow my brow. It was an intimate gesture, and whatever she whispered to Lu- cas made him narrow his gaze at me.

Turning without another word, she exited the hall, and Lu- cas quickly tended to Zia before the both of them followed behind Inanna.

I had no clue what the hell was going on, but the gesture between Inanna and Lucas was something I hadn’t expected. There was something going on, and I couldn’t help but won- der if the way Lucas had been acting was because of Inanna.

The chatter of the cafeteria quickly returned back to nor- mal as I stood in my place with Pollux, Trixie, and Sansa at my side. The three of them talked about what happened as I con- tinue staring at the closed door, trying to figure out what it was I was missing.

“Cassie.” The sound of Silas‘ voice was welcoming, and glancing over my shoulder, I watched him stride towards me with a concerned expression in his eyes. “What happened?”

“It was nothing,” I replied, shaking my head. “Just a misun- derstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?” he said in an unbelieving tone.

A heavy sigh escaped me as I forced a smile on my face, and nodded my head. I tried to figure out how I could explain to him what I had noticed. It wasn’t like it was an easy thing to tell anyone. “I think Inanna has something to do with Lucas.”

My response caught not only the attention of Silas but Pollux, Trixie, and Sansa as well. “What are you talking about?” Sansa asked with curiosity.

“I don’t know,” I muttered again, “but I’m sure as hell going to figure it out.”


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