Be Your Lover Forever (Alicia)

Chapter 692

Chapter 692

Perhaps it was because of his longing for family love and the lack of it had been affecting him ever since he was a child. Nheless, he was able to view this with an open mind. If a child could change or bring them anything, his parents wouldn't have ended up like that, nor would he drown in hatred for his life thus far without the slightest trace of joy.

The person in front of him was the most important person in Frederick's mind!

If he couldn't give the child his full love and responsibility, he'd rather not have it at all!

Alicia who grew up in a family full of family love had a completely different state of mind. "Mmm..." She said as she put her arm around his neck.

However, the obsession in her heart was that no matter how much she had to suffer, she had to give birth to a baby for his sake. She wanted to be perfect and didn't want to have such a regret.

As they were acting lovey-dovey, they didn't dwell on the issue anymore. Instead, they enjoyed the wonderful morning as they cuddled with each other.

It was Monday once again. Upon entering the office, Frederick made a cup of coffee. Soon after that, there came a quick knock on the door. "Come in!" Frederick said.

Chet waved the bag of documents in his hand and smiled as he greeted him. "Good morning, Frederick," He said.

"Morning! Is there any good news?" Frederick asked.

After handing over a cup of coffee, the both of them returned to the office area on the other side.

"I got the results of what you asked me to investigate! The bullet that hit Kieran and the one that hit you did come from the same gun. I can pretty much be sure that it was the same person!" Chet said.

Chet picked up the cup of coffee and said upon handing over the list of information.

"However, this person was obviously a veteran. He was very cautious! The entire process was almost the same as when he previously shot you. No useful clues were being left behind! However, he seemed to dress like a woman this time! Nheless, there's a possibility that he's in disguise!" Chet continued.

Upon looking at the screenshots from the video and the investigation report, Frederick raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Do Kieran and I have a common enemy? How is he doing now?" He asked.

"The news from the hospital was that the bullet was already removed, and he's still alive. However, his condition was worse than death as he had become vegetative! I've researched on the people who held grudges with us and had dealings with the Randolph family. However, I couldn't find a person that has such a deep hatred towards the both of you! If there was such a big feud, why did he stop after attacking you once? Similarly, there was no action against the Randolph family when they were fine. However, when they went bankrupt and were in a state of utter poverty, only did the person make such a move. Isn't it a little unnecessary? No matter how I see it, it still doesn't make sense!" He added.

Chet shook his head in confusion. It was the first time he'd encountered something like that. He couldn't find any clue after everything that had happened in front of him!

Upon hearing that, Frederick was bewildered as well. Who would want to kill him and Kieran at the same time? Perhaps the two incidents didn't simultaneously occur.

Frederick raised his eyes and asked, "Could it be a coincidence?"

"You mean... when you were shot, you offended or interfered with someone's interest while that person wanted to deal with it as soon as possible. However, Kieran was also a hindrance or was causing harm to that same person?" Chet questioned.

Frederick nodded. He couldn't think of any other possible way.

He tried to recall and think about what Camila had said on that day as best as he could. "Does it have anything to do with the 50 million dollars back then? Can you find out who gave them the money?" Frederick said.

"Who would benefit from destroying the both of you? Was there really a need to investigate that? People who know so much about you two..." Chet thought to himself.

If they ruled them out one by one, there wouldn't be many people left!

Frederick's eyes became dull as his eyebrows tightly frowned.

Indeed, apart from Penny and her son, who else would be so afraid of his success? It was just that back then, he had loved Danica for many years. She was the woman who was the closest to him! Even if he wasn't incompatible with that family, they didn't have much contact with them either!

How could it be?

In reality, didn't she betray him and everything between them just for the 50 million dollars?

In return, he had been wallowing in pain for so many years just for that woman!

It was a heart-wrenching feeling as Frederick's face looked even more unpleasant.

Although he always had a lot of

resentment against Penny and her son and refused to show them respect, he had never really been cruel to them. He did it out of

consideration for somebody els

After all, his grandmother was still around and the Clements family also advocated family harmony and prosperity. From hindsight, everyone was tolerant and muddled along with each other. Therefore,

everything was quite peaceful all the

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"If Penny really has something to do with this matter, then I'm afraid it won't be that simple," Frederick thought to himself.

The hatred which had subsided for a long time once again surged in his heart. He wanted to find an excuse. However, he couldn't bring himself to say it. He then said after a long pause.

"Speed up the investigation on Penny! As for Mason... get me a trump card that can be used as a drastic measure as fast as possible!" Frederick ordered.

"Understood!" Chet said.

"Right, there's also the matter regarding Helce Liquor and Heavens Coffee. You should use more of your connections to collect as much information as possible. When the time comes, we'll piece all of them together. Be sure to avoid alerting the enemy! Since we already decided to take the matter into our hands, we must uproot these harmful things," Frederick said.

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It's not worth it if we can't thoroughly destroy them by getting ourselves into trouble!" He thought.

"Don't worry! I've already sent someone to investigate it! However, it's already close to the end of the year. Due to the crackdown on criminal activities and money shortage, I reckon that there shouldn't be any recent big news. These people wouldn't dare to commit any crime during this period!" Chet


He picked up the coffee cup and took a quick sip. Frederick nodded and said, "It doesn't happen overnight either. There's no hurry! Let's not be so tough on ourselves for now. We can also relax and enjoy the holiday!"

The half-month honeymoon was coming to an end in the blink of an eye.

Due to time restraint and the fact that Trevor would occasionally deal with official business, both of them didn't travel far. They simply chose some unique attractions and hotels near Casterwich City as Trevor got it all worked out. Unexpectedly the honeymoon didn't make her feel tormented. Instead, she was almost reluctant to leave. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

As expected, a voluptuous life would make people fall into depravity.

After packing up the luggage in the room, Victoria went ahead to take a shower. When she inadvertently looked up in the mirror, her delicate, young,

and charming face suddenly came into view. Victoria unconsciously raised her hand to touch her cheeks.

She hadn't applied any makeup yet. However, her face was as pretty as one in a painting.

Her skin seemed to be much brighter. Her cheeks were also red as if they had rouge on them. She then unconsciously pursed her lips. Victoria lowered her head and chuckled to herself.


Why did Victoria suddenly feel that she had become more beautiful? Was this what it would be like after being nourished by love?


All of a sudden, that word came into her mind. She couldn't help but wondered if she was the same when she was with Anthony back then? Or...

Trevor ended the call and went into the room with his cell phone. He was attracted by her act of snickering. When he saw her looking up at the mirror and touching her face from time to time, he giggled and slowed down his pace before leaning over.

Just as Victoria was about to raise her eyes to make sure of what happened to her face, another majestic figure suddenly darted in. She was dumbfounded as soon as she turned her head.

Why was Trevor there? Was her illusion real?

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