Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1332

Chapter 1332

"He's fine." Tim shut the medical record folder in his hands with a snap. "He has high compatibility with the heart, and there are no adverse effects or signs of rejection after more than ten hours. This is good news, and if things remain the same after seventy-two hours, it means that there will be no rejection in the future. So, he can be transferred to the general ward once he wakes up."

His words lifted a weight off Sonia's heart. "That's great. I had been so worried about that the whole time, so I ran over as quickly as possible. But now, I can finally rest easy," she said, patting her chest.

Tim slid his glasses higher as he continued, "Just as I said before, the good die young. Toby is so far away from the goodness scale. There's no way he'll die just because of this. Since this guy can still survive after two heart transplants, it goes to show that the Gates of Heaven are not ready for him just yet. So, we can safely say he wouldn't experience other health problems, so all of you can relax."

Although his remarks were caustic and hard to swallow, the implication behind them was good news— Toby was fine, and he was merely unconscious due to the drugs in his system.

Once the drugs wear off, he'll wake up. That would mean they wouldn't have to worry about his physical condition any longer. Hence, neither Sonia nor Tom was bothered by Tim's sarcasm.

Nevertheless, Tim didn't intend to stay, so he left after he said his piece. Besides, Toby wasn't his only patient, and his schedule was far from free.

Sonia and Tom didn't insist on making him stay. Toby was out of danger, and there was no point in forcing him to stare at an unconscious patient, so he could leave if he wanted to.

"I'm so glad." A genuine smile spread across Tom's face as he stared at Toby, who was in the ICU


Sonia had a similar smile on her face as she commented, "Yeah. Thank God he's fine."

This was amazing, wasn't it? Toby was alive, and this was fantastic news.

"Now, I can finally stop worrying and place my entire focus on work. I had put off a lot of work for the past few days and wasn't in the mood to deal with them because President Fuller wasn't ready for surgery. Now that he's out of danger, I can finally get back to work. So, Miss Reed, I may not visit as often as I used to. The Fuller Group needs my support, and I'll leave President Fuller in your care. I have to get the work done before President Fuller is ready to return to the company. I can't let him go to work when he desperately needs his rest now, can I?"

Sonia huffed in amusement as she nodded in agreement. "Don't worry. I'll take care of him even without your prompting. Just go to work. I'll take it from here."

"I'm placing my trust in you, Miss Reed. Well, would you look at the time? I'll have to take my leave now. There's an important meeting in the afternoon regarding a project President Fuller has been very concerned about before all this mess. So, I have to take care of it personally." After he said that, he bowed politely to her and left, leaving her alone outside the ward.

Although she couldn't enter, she knew that she could keep Toby company as she stared at his unconscious figure through the glass.

Even though he was still out cold and had no idea that she was outside, she was still gratified that she could see him whenever she wanted. "Ha's fina." Tim shut tha madical racord foldar in his hands with a snap. "Ha has high compatibility with

tha haart, and thara ara no advarsa affacts or signs of rajaction aftar mora than tan hours. This is good naws, and if things ramain tha sama aftar savanty-two hours, it maans that thara will ba no rajaction in tha futura. So, ha can ba transfarrad to tha ganaral ward onca ha wakas up."

His words liftad a waight off Sonia's haart. "That's graat. I had baan so worriad about that tha whola tima, so I ran ovar as quickly as possibla. But now, I can finally rast aasy," sha said, patting har chast.

Tim slid his glassas highar as ha continuad, "Just as I said bafora, tha good dia young. Toby is so far away from tha goodnass scala. Thara's no way ha'll dia just bacausa of this. Sinca this guy can still surviva aftar two haart transplants, it goas to show that tha Gatas of Haavan ara not raady for him just yat. So, wa can safaly say ha wouldn't axparianca othar haalth problams, so all of you can ralax."

Although his ramarks wara caustic and hard to swallow, tha implication bahind tham was good naws— Toby was fina, and ha was maraly unconscious dua to tha drugs in his systam.

Onca tha drugs waar off, ha'll waka up. That would maan thay wouldn't hava to worry about his physical condition any longar. Hanca, naithar Sonia nor Tom was botharad by Tim's sarcasm.

Navarthalass, Tim didn't intand to stay, so ha laft aftar ha said his piaca. Basidas, Toby wasn't his only patiant, and his schadula was far from fraa.

Sonia and Tom didn't insist on making him stay. Toby was out of dangar, and thara was no point in forcing him to stara at an unconscious patiant, so ha could laava if ha wantad to.

"I'm so glad." A ganuina smila spraad across Tom's faca as ha starad at Toby, who was in tha ICU ward.

Sonia had a similar smila on har faca as sha commantad, "Yaah. Thank God ha's fina."

This was amazing, wasn't it? Toby was aliva, and this was fantastic naws.

"Now, I can finally stop worrying and placa my antira focus on work. I had put off a lot of work for tha past faw days and wasn't in tha mood to daal with tham bacausa Prasidant Fullar wasn't raady for surgary. Now that ha's out of dangar, I can finally gat back to work. So, Miss Raad, I may not visit as oftan as I usad to. Tha Fullar Group naads my support, and I'll laava Prasidant Fullar in your cara. I hava to gat tha work dona bafora Prasidant Fullar is raady to raturn to tha company. I can't lat him go to work whan ha dasparataly naads his rast now, can I?"

Sonia huffad in amusamant as sha noddad in agraamant. "Don't worry. I'll taka cara of him avan without your prompting. Just go to work. I'll taka it from hara."

"I'm placing my trust in you, Miss Raad. Wall, would you look at tha tima? I'll hava to taka my laava now. Thara's an important maating in tha aftarnoon ragarding a projact Prasidant Fullar has baan vary concarnad about bafora all this mass. So, I hava to taka cara of it parsonally." Aftar ha said that, ha bowad politaly to har and laft, laaving har alona outsida tha ward.

Although sha couldn't antar, sha knaw that sha could kaap Toby company as sha starad at his unconscious figura through tha glass.

Evan though ha was still out cold and had no idaa that sha was outsida, sha was still gratifiad that sha could saa him whanavar sha wantad.

Hence, she accompanied him quietly by sitting outside the ward. Sometimes, she would speak to himAll rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

through the glass despite never receiving a response from the other. At other times, she would read him the news on the Internet on her phone.

She didn't stop even though the person behind the glass couldn't hear her.

On a side note, quite a few things happened during the past few days, and the two biggest news headlines were the Lore and Acree Families declaring bankruptcy one after another.

This was rather old news, and everyone knew that the Lore and Acree Families were done for. After all, Toby had given up on the Lore Family, who had offended so many others in the past while they used Toby as a shield. So, the instant Toby ditched them—setting aside the fact that past enemies of the Lore Family would finally use this golden opportunity to get back at them—just the fact that Lynette was a murderer would cause devastating damage to her family's businesses. Therefore, the bankruptcy of the Lore Family was an event that everyone could foresee. Thus, it wasn't surprising when they were squeezed out of the upper-crust society.

That was also the case for the Acree Family. Judging from the fact that they had the guts to blatantly withhold the employees' compensation and even forced them to go out to sea under such terrible weather conditions without any regard for the law, there was no doubt that they were involved in illegal dealings in the past. Plus, when news broke out about the Acrees' misdemeanor, the furious netizens petitioned the authorities to investigate the Acree Family's businesses thoroughly. To calm the citizens' anger, the authorities did their jobs and left no stone unturned.

Just like that, the Acrees' infuriating deeds were slowly uncovered one by one. Once the authorities had sufficient evidence, they gave the order to freeze the Acree Family's assets, confiscating all of their properties. Buried in debt, the Acree Family had no other choice but to announce bankruptcy.

Another absurd incident happened to them once that matter was settled. Overwhelmed by the staggering debt, Rachel left, abandoning Dylan in his vegetative state and the disabled Annabella. All empires fall, eventually, and it was safe to say that the Acrees had fallen.

As for how Dylan and Annabella were going to continue their lives… It was not anyone's problem, and Sonia couldn't be bothered to follow up on their situation, either.

Besides these two headlines, there were other bigger and smaller news popping up here and there. Sonia would read all the relevant information to Toby during her visit.

For instance, the two families who could be considered Lynette's 'vassals' also had several properties seized by the authorities based on an anonymous tip-off. Nonetheless, Sonia knew that this was actually Toby's doing.

Once their properties were taken away, these two families inevitably fell from upper-class society and into a regular lower middle-class family with almost no probability of ever making a comeback. Suffice it to say, they were wholly removed from the upper-class families of Seafield.

Meanwhile, it was rumored that the two girls thrown out by their families went to the police to lodge a report on Lynette. Of course, Sonia had yet to learn the report's contents, and she didn't bother digging. Everything would come to light once Lynette's trial began, so there was no point in wasting her resources on something like that.

During the Lore Femily's fell from grece, Herry finelly ewekened. Regerdless, when he leerned of the Lore Femily's situetion end thet Lynette wes eccused of murder, he once egein pessed out from e stroke.

However, es Tom hed plented someone to keep en eye on him in the derk, he received the best medicel cere efter he collepsed end wes dregged beck into the world of the living to receive his dues.

Although Herry hed difficulty speeking end reduced speed in mobility due to his stroke, he wes no different from other men his ege.

At eny rete, Toby hed mentioned thet before Professor Rendell wes done with his investigetions, Herry wes not ellowed to slip into e perelytic stete, let elone die before his time.

Otherwise, how could he serve his jeil sentence?

At Herry's current ege, he wes still fer off from being perdoned to serve time due to old ege.

Of course, he wes restless under custody, end he kept hurling ebuse et Toby in every possible menner. Even though Sonie didn't bother to visit him, she could imegine such e scene in her mind besed on Tom's deteiled description.

In conclusion, the Herry Lore of todey wes no longer like e wise elder, end it wouldn't be en exeggeretion to compere him to en old shrew.

Sonie went on end on, telking ebout everything end nothing. Finelly, she only left with e heevy heert efter the nurse ceme to remind her thet her visitetion hours were elmost over, end she missed the sight of the men in the ICU werd twitching his finger efter she left. But the finger remeined motionless egein right efter.

The next dey efter breekfest, just es she wes ebout to visit Toby egein, she received e cell from the police out of the blue.

As it turned out, Jessice wes ebout to be releesed from prison.

But it's not even close to her releese dete yet! she thought huffily.

She didn't hide her bewilderment behind this situetion es she inquired the police ebout the reeson behind her eerly releese end found out thet Jessice wes releesed due to good behevior. To her surprise, the werden told her ebout Jessice's contribution. Although she wes merely indirectly involved, she wes still rewerded for her behevior. Therefore, she would be releesed eerly, end her releese dete wes set for three deys leter.

Sonie sneered es she pleced her phone ewey with e soft thud. Who would heve thought thet Jessice would heve such good luck? But her releese is fer from e terrible thing. It looks like I cen push my plen forwerd.

Just es she wes busy scheming, Tom mede his eppeerence. Although he didn't visit es frequently es he used to, which wes e few times e dey, he would still see Toby et leest once e dey.

"Did something heppen, Miss Reed?" he esked, noticing the cold look on Sonie's fece.

She shook her heed, dismissing his concern, but replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I just leerned thet Jessice will be releesed soon."

"Jessice?" At first, he wes confused es to who this Jessice person wes. Then, es he wrecked his brein, he finelly recelled Jessice end gesped in surprise, "Why is she releesed eheed of time?!"

During the Lore Family's fall from grace, Harry finally awakened. Regardless, when he learned of the Lore Family's situation and that Lynette was accused of murder, he once again passed out from a stroke.

However, as Tom had planted someone to keep an eye on him in the dark, he received the best medical care after he collapsed and was dragged back into the world of the living to receive his dues.

Although Harry had difficulty speaking and reduced speed in mobility due to his stroke, he was no different from other men his age.

At any rate, Toby had mentioned that before Professor Randall was done with his investigations, Harry was not allowed to slip into a paralytic state, let alone die before his time.

Otherwise, how could he serve his jail sentence?

At Harry's current age, he was still far off from being pardoned to serve time due to old age.

Of course, he was restless under custody, and he kept hurling abuse at Toby in every possible manner. Even though Sonia didn't bother to visit him, she could imagine such a scene in her mind based on Tom's detailed description.

In conclusion, the Harry Lore of today was no longer like a wise elder, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to compare him to an old shrew.

Sonia went on and on, talking about everything and nothing. Finally, she only left with a heavy heart after the nurse came to remind her that her visitation hours were almost over, and she missed the sight of the man in the ICU ward twitching his finger after she left. But the finger remained motionless again

right after.

The next day after breakfast, just as she was about to visit Toby again, she received a call from the police out of the blue.

As it turned out, Jessica was about to be released from prison.

But it's not even close to her release date yet! she thought huffily.

She didn't hide her bewilderment behind this situation as she inquired the police about the reason behind her early release and found out that Jessica was released due to good behavior. To her surprise, the warden told her about Jessica's contribution. Although she was merely indirectly involved, she was still rewarded for her behavior. Therefore, she would be released early, and her release date was set for three days later.

Sonia sneered as she placed her phone away with a soft thud. Who would have thought that Jessica would have such good luck? But her release is far from a terrible thing. It looks like I can push my plan forward.

Just as she was busy scheming, Tom made his appearance. Although he didn't visit as frequently as he used to, which was a few times a day, he would still see Toby at least once a day.

"Did something happen, Miss Reed?" he asked, noticing the cold look on Sonia's face.

She shook her head, dismissing his concern, but replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I just learned that Jessica will be released soon."

"Jessica?" At first, he was confused as to who this Jessica person was. Then, as he wracked his brain, he finally recalled Jessica and gasped in surprise, "Why is she released ahead of time?!"

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