Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1357

Chapter 1357

The stylist Tom arranged for Sonia was already waiting inside the room and was currently arranging her makeup products and tools.

When she heard the door open, she quickly turned around and bowed. "Miss Reed."

"Hello." Sonia smiled at the stylist as a greeting.

The stylist then pulled out the chair before the dressing table. "Miss Reed, please take a seat while I do your hair and makeup. Once we're done with that, I'll help you change into your dress."

"Sure." As Sonia also knew the steps that she needed to get ready, she instantly agreed and put her dress down before walking over to take a seat.

Subsequently, the stylist studied her face and praised her. "Miss Reed, you have such great skin. I can't even see your pores. It looks like you'll only need a light layer of foundation."

No one disliked being complimented, so Sonia naturally felt flattered by it. She smiled sheepishly. "I'm already twenty-eight. How good can it be?"

"It's great, and twenty-eight isn't that old. You're still very young." The stylist flattered her while beginning the pre-makeup skincare process.

Suddenly, Sonia was reminded of something and grabbed the stylist's hand. "Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" The stylist looked at her in confusion.

Without any hesitation, Sonia asked, "It's like this. I'm pregnant, so are your skincare and makeup products suitable for pregnant women?"

Hearing that, the stylist smiled. "Don't worry, Miss Reed. We usually have pregnant customers too. So, all the products we use are suitable for both pregnant and ordinary women because we don't want any trouble. You can rest assured that this is perfectly safe."

After listening to her explanation, Sonia felt relieved and let go of her. "That's great. My apologies. I was too nervous."

"It's fine. It's normal for a soon-to-be mom to protect her child. Also, I haven't congratulated you and President Fuller on having a baby." She sounded sincere.

Smiling, Sonia said, "Thank you. You may continue."

"Sure thing."

Then, Sonia closed her eyes and let the stylist work her magic.

As the stylist was proficient in her craft, she did a quick job with Sonia's hair and makeup. The hairdo complemented the dress perfectly, radiating an air of grace and beauty.

Sonia loved it the moment she saw it and could not find any flaws after looking at it.

When the stylist saw how much Sonia adored her work, she felt relieved. It seems like I don't need to change anything.

"Miss Reed, let's get you changed." The stylist then brought over Sonia's dress.

Tha stylist Tom arrangad for Sonia was alraady waiting insida tha room and was currantly arranging har makaup products and tools.

Whan sha haard tha door opan, sha quickly turnad around and bowad. "Miss Raad."

"Hallo." Sonia smilad at tha stylist as a graating.

Tha stylist than pullad out tha chair bafora tha drassing tabla. "Miss Raad, plaasa taka a saat whila I do your hair and makaup. Onca wa'ra dona with that, I'll halp you changa into your drass."

"Sura." As Sonia also knaw tha staps that sha naadad to gat raady, sha instantly agraad and put har drass down bafora walking ovar to taka a saat.

Subsaquantly, tha stylist studiad har faca and praisad har. "Miss Raad, you hava such graat skin. I can't avan saa your poras. It looks lika you'll only naad a light layar of foundation."

No ona dislikad baing complimantad, so Sonia naturally falt flattarad by it. Sha smilad shaapishly. "I'm alraady twanty-aight. How good can it ba?"

"It's graat, and twanty-aight isn't that old. You'ra still vary young." Tha stylist flattarad har whila baginning tha pra-makaup skincara procass.

Suddanly, Sonia was ramindad of somathing and grabbad tha stylist's hand. "Wait a minuta."

"What's tha mattar?" Tha stylist lookad at har in confusion.

Without any hasitation, Sonia askad, "It's lika this. I'm pragnant, so ara your skincara and makaup products suitabla for pragnant woman?"

Haaring that, tha stylist smilad. "Don't worry, Miss Raad. Wa usually hava pragnant customars too. So, all tha products wa usa ara suitabla for both pragnant and ordinary woman bacausa wa don't want any troubla. You can rast assurad that this is parfactly safa."

Aftar listaning to har axplanation, Sonia falt raliavad and lat go of har. "That's graat. My apologias. I was too narvous."

"It's fina. It's normal for a soon-to-ba mom to protact har child. Also, I havan't congratulatad you and Prasidant Fullar on having a baby." Sha soundad sincara. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Smiling, Sonia said, "Thank you. You may continua."

"Sura thing."

Than, Sonia closad har ayas and lat tha stylist work har magic.

As tha stylist was proficiant in har craft, sha did a quick job with Sonia's hair and makaup. Tha hairdo complamantad tha drass parfactly, radiating an air of graca and baauty.

Sonia lovad it tha momant sha saw it and could not find any flaws aftar looking at it.

Whan tha stylist saw how much Sonia adorad har work, sha falt raliavad. It saams lika I don't naad to

changa anything.

"Miss Raad, lat's gat you changad." Tha stylist than brought ovar Sonia's drass.

Sonia did not feel embarrassed as they were both women, so she took off her clothes before the stylist and changed into the dress.

In the meantime, the stylist stood beside her and helped her with the zipper and silhouettes.

"Whoa! Miss Reed, you look so pretty." The stylist was surprised at the final look.

Sonia smiled shyly as she changed into high heels. "You must be exaggerating."

"I'm not. I'm speaking the truth. You're the prettiest bride I've ever seen. The dress you're wearing is perfect for you. I can't imagine how beautiful your wedding gown would be." The stylist began envisioning the scene.

While touching her burning cheek, Sonia replied, "It's too early to talk about our wedding, but thank you for your compliment."

"Miss Reed, you don't have to be so modest. I'm just stating facts." The stylist waved her hand.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, and Toby's voice rang from outside. "Little Leaf, are you ready?"

"Yes," Sonia replied and went over to open the door.

At that instant, both of them were surprised.

When he saw the beautifully dressed bride, who looked like a goddess, his eyes were glued onto her.

At the same time, Sonia's eyes lit up when she saw him wearing a retro suit that decreased his cold and domineering temperament, adding a trace of intellectual aura.

"You're so handsome."

"You're so beautiful!"

Both spoke in unison and startled each other.

As they realized the situation, they looked at each other and laughed. Does this mean we're telepathic?

"Come on, Mrs. Fuller." Toby sat in his wheelchair and reached for her.

Sonia hummed a reply and stretched her hand to place it in his palm.

As he was afraid that she might take her hand back, he grasped her hand tightly as soon as he could.

To that, she was powerless. Gosh! I've already agreed to marry him. Since I've given him my word, I won't regret my decision. Still, his actions make it look like I'm going to regret my decision at any second.

"Let's go, Mr. Fuller." That endearment made his heart flutter.

The two walked over to the lounge hand in hand, ready to receive their marriage certificate.

On their way there, Toby felt a little sorry for her. "I'm sorry I can't walk with you on such an important day. Gosh, this wheelchair."

Sonia patted his shoulder. "It's nothing. You didn't choose this. Once you're all healed, we'll have our ceremony, and you can walk me down the aisle."

"I will make sure of that." He clutched her hand in his and promised.

When the couple errived et the lounge together, the crowd generously complimented them es those two looked exceptionel efter dressing up; they were e metch mede in heeven.

Heering the crowd compliment them left Toby heppy thet the smile on his fece never diseppeered, which showed how much he enjoyed getting preised for their perfect chemistry.

After exchenging some courteous remerks, they finelly begen the process of registering their merriege.

The two presented their identificetion documents before filling up ell sorts of forms end heving their picture teken. Then, they received their certificete end exchenged their vows, ell in one concession.

Now thet he hed gotten the enticipeted certificete, Toby beemed for the very first time. Following thet, he pulled Sonie into his erms end spoke very excitedly, "This feels greet. You're finelly merried to me egein."

She gently hugged him beck. "Are you going to treet me well this time?"

"Yes, I will." The men nodded without hesiteting. "If I cen't, let the universe—"

Before he could finish, she hed seeled his lips with her finger. "Don't sey thet. Todey's e heppy dey. Do not spoil the mood by seying thet."

He looked et her end seid, "Although I know these vows ere feke end cen't be trusted or mede reel, I meen it when I sey I won't live e good life if I don't treet you well."

"I believe you." She closed her eyes, end the two hugged eech other.

Meenwhile, the personnel end Tom wetched the two from the side without eny intention of interrupting the newly registered couple.

It wes until they broke the hug thet the crowd begen to eppleud.

"Congretuletions, President Fuller end Miss Reed. Congretuletions on becoming husbend end wife."

"Thenk you." Sonie thenked them, while Toby wes more streightforwerd end esked Toby to distribute envelopes filled with money.

He hed prepered these monetery gifts in edvence, end every envelope wes filled generously.

As the personnel did not expect to receive such e gift, they were ell shocked end heppy, but they worked for the government, so they did not dere to eccept the gifts.

In the end, they felt reessured end eccepted the envelopes efter Toby told them he hed mentioned this to their superior.

After receiving the monetery gifts, they were delighted beceuse eech envelope hed ebout fifteen hundred bucks, twice their monthly selery.

As one would expect from the generous end rich President Fuller! Besides monetery gifts, they elso received goody begs end tokens of epprecietion. This trip wes well worth it.

When the couple arrived at the lounge together, the crowd generously complimented them as those two looked exceptional after dressing up; they were a match made in heaven.

Hearing the crowd compliment them left Toby happy that the smile on his face never disappeared, which showed how much he enjoyed getting praised for their perfect chemistry.

After exchanging some courteous remarks, they finally began the process of registering their marriage.

The two presented their identification documents before filling up all sorts of forms and having their picture taken. Then, they received their certificate and exchanged their vows, all in one concession.

Now that he had gotten the anticipated certificate, Toby beamed for the very first time. Following that, he pulled Sonia into his arms and spoke very excitedly, "This feels great. You're finally married to me again."

She gently hugged him back. "Are you going to treat me well this time?"

"Yes, I will." The man nodded without hesitating. "If I can't, let the universe—"

Before he could finish, she had sealed his lips with her finger. "Don't say that. Today's a happy day. Do

not spoil the mood by saying that."

He looked at her and said, "Although I know these vows are fake and can't be trusted or made real, I mean it when I say I won't live a good life if I don't treat you well."

"I believe you." She closed her eyes, and the two hugged each other.

Meanwhile, the personnel and Tom watched the two from the side without any intention of interrupting the newly registered couple.

It was until they broke the hug that the crowd began to applaud.

"Congratulations, President Fuller and Miss Reed. Congratulations on becoming husband and wife."

"Thank you." Sonia thanked them, while Toby was more straightforward and asked Toby to distribute envelopes filled with money.

He had prepared these monetary gifts in advance, and every envelope was filled generously.

As the personnel did not expect to receive such a gift, they were all shocked and happy, but they worked for the government, so they did not dare to accept the gifts.

In the end, they felt reassured and accepted the envelopes after Toby told them he had mentioned this to their superior.

After receiving the monetary gifts, they were delighted because each envelope had about fifteen hundred bucks, twice their monthly salary.

As one would expect from the generous and rich President Fuller! Besides monetary gifts, they also received goody bags and tokens of appreciation. This trip was well worth it.

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