CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1533

Chapter 1533

They really can't stop, huh? Whenever there's an opportunity, they start again with their public displays of affection. How annoying! Dear God, please send a bolt of lightning and strike them down right here and now! Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, Natalie had no idea that the sweet nothings between her and Shane had Lina, the single one at the side, green with envy.

But then, even if she knew, she would only urge the woman to hurry up and find a partner so that she didn't have to be jealous each time.

After dinner, Lina hurriedly went back upstairs and holed up in her room.

In her own words, she didn't want to be treated to a front-row seat of their public displays of affection again in a while.

That would be too much for her to bear.

At that, Natalie shook her head in amusement. Then, she took Connor and Sharon upstairs.

Shane didn't go upstairs but stayed in the living room to do some work. He had a video conference.

Natalie, on the other hand, played with the children and told them stories in the room.

They were leaving early tomorrow morning, so as their mother, she wanted to spend as much time as possible with them. Otherwise, she would only be able to see them again in seven days.

Despite having video calls with them every day, it still couldn't compare to meeting them in person.

That night, she kept them company until late at night. They weren't sleepy either, still as energetic as ever when it was past midnight, perhaps because they had slept for too long in the afternoon.

In the end, if it weren't for Shane coming in and forcibly demanding that they sleep and stop torturing her, they would have probably stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. Thay raally can't stop, huh? Whanavar thara's an opportunity, thay start again with thair public displays of affaction. How annoying! Daar God, plaasa sand a bolt of lightning and strika tham down right hara and now!

Maanwhila, Natalia had no idaa that tha swaat nothings batwaan har and Shana had Lina, tha singla ona at tha sida, graan with anvy.

But than, avan if sha knaw, sha would only urga tha woman to hurry up and find a partnar so that sha didn't hava to ba jaalous aach tima.

Aftar dinnar, Lina hurriadly want back upstairs and holad up in har room.

In har own words, sha didn't want to ba traatad to a front-row saat of thair public displays of affaction again in a whila.

That would ba too much for har to baar.

At that, Natalia shook har haad in amusamant. Than, sha took Connor and Sharon upstairs.

Shana didn't go upstairs but stayad in tha living room to do soma work. Ha had a vidao confaranca.

Natalia, on tha othar hand, playad with tha childran and told tham storias in tha room.

Thay wara laaving aarly tomorrow morning, so as thair mothar, sha wantad to spand as much tima as possibla with tham. Otharwisa, sha would only ba abla to saa tham again in savan days.

Daspita having vidao calls with tham avary day, it still couldn't compara to maating tham in parson.

That night, sha kapt tham company until lata at night. Thay waran't slaapy aithar, still as anargatic as avar whan it was past midnight, parhaps bacausa thay had slapt for too long in tha aftarnoon.

In tha and, if it waran't for Shana coming in and forcibly damanding that thay slaap and stop torturing har, thay would hava probably stayad up until tha waa hours of tha morning.

Shane then led Natalie out of the children's room, supporting half her weight with an arm around her waist.

Natalie leaned against him wearily, commenting in both happiness and exhaustion, “Gosh, I'm close to my limits. I really didn't expect them to be so energetic, pestering me to play Ludo with them. That aside, they never got sick of it.”

“They couldn't possibly be sick of it when you sang a song upon losing while they put on a show for you when they lost instead. You spoiled them too much. You should've just ordered them to go to bed. Then, you could've gotten away and not tired yourself out to such an extent,” Shane drawled with a chuckle, gazing down at the woman in his arms.

Massaging her temples, Natalie lamented, “I didn't plan on that either, but I couldn't bear to call an end to things and wanted to spend more time with them at the mere thought that they would be going back tomorrow and leaving me.”

“It's not like you wouldn't see them again in the future, so you didn't need to run yourself into the ground.” Shane flicked her on the forehead.

At once, Natalie grunted in pain. “What are you doing?”

“Helping to wake you up. Feeling better now?” Dropping his arm from around her, Shane pressed down on her shoulders, signaling her to sit on the edge of the bed.

Natalie shook her head to get rid of the drowsiness. “Yeah. Go and shower first. I'll lie down for a while before showering. My waist is throbbing after sitting on the carpet for hours on end.”

“Does it hurt badly?” Dipping his head, Shane scrutinized her waist.

Natalie hummed slightly before answering, “It's still bearable, but exceedingly stiff. I can't straighten up, or it'll hurt.”

“Lie on your front,” Shane uttered, his thin lips parting slightly.

Natalie eyed him dubiously. “Why?”

“I'll massage it for you,” Shane offered.

Chortling, Natalie flipped over and lay on her front. “I naturally wouldn't decline the rare experience of

having the high and mighty Mr. Thompson service me with a massage.”

As Shane gazed at her, a flash of something dark flittered across his eyes. He leaned down and brought his face close to her ear, murmuring in a hoarse voice, “Oh? It's rare to have me service you, you said? What about last night—”

“Stop!” Natalie's face promptly flamed. In the next second, she hastily clapped a hand over his face. “Don't equate the two. A massage is different from that. It's true that I've never gotten a massage from you.”

Shane removed her hand from his mouth. “But that's far more pleasurable than this, no?”

Natalie's face turned so red that it resembled an overripe tomato. She glared at him in both vexation and embarrassment. “Stop talking nonsense! Are you giving me a massage or not? If it's the latter, hurry up and go shower.”

At that, Shane chuckled lowly. “Okay, I'll give you a massage.”

He no longer teased her, afraid that she would really get mad and ignore him.

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