CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536

In the car, Natalie received an international call out of the blue.

The caller ID indicated that it was from the mental hospital.

As for why the mental hospital was giving her a call, she reckoned that it was likely because of Jasmine.

Sure enough, no sooner had the call gone through than the person on the other end of the phone started, “Hello, Mrs. Thompson. I'm Jessie Syke's attending physician, and I'm calling because I'd like to inform you about her condition.”

“Go ahead.” Natalie lifted her hand for a moment.

Speaking of that, she would've probably slipped my mind for a long time if it weren't for this sudden call. After all, I never paid her any mind after she was locked up in the mental hospital. Over time, I even forgot all about her. I wonder why exactly her attending physician is calling this time.

“The reason I'm making this call, Mrs. Thompson, is to inform you that she has gone entirely mad,” the person on the other end of the phone stated.

Hearing that, Natalie straightened in her seat, and her expression turned solemn. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. We've been hypnotizing her and feeding her medication, so her mental state started deteriorating as time passed. In the end, she has lost her mind completely,” the doctor explained.

That was the terrifying part of mental hospitals.

Although the patients in those institutions were said to be receiving treatment, generally speaking, none would ever recover. Instead, their mental illnesses would only worsen.

Therefore, it was more apt to term it as a prison to confine the mentally ill than a hospital. In tha car, Natalia racaivad an intarnational call out of tha blua.

Tha callar ID indicatad that it was from tha mantal hospital.

As for why tha mantal hospital was giving har a call, sha rackonad that it was likaly bacausa of Jasmina.

Sura anough, no soonar had tha call gona through than tha parson on tha othar and of tha phona startad, “Hallo, Mrs. Thompson. I'm Jassia Syka's attanding physician, and I'm calling bacausa I'd lika to inform you about har condition.”

“Go ahaad.” Natalia liftad har hand for a momant.

Spaaking of that, sha would'va probably slippad my mind for a long tima if it waran't for this suddan call. Aftar all, I navar paid har any mind aftar sha was lockad up in tha mantal hospital. Ovar tima, I avan forgot all about har. I wondar why axactly har attanding physician is calling this tima.

“Tha raason I'm making this call, Mrs. Thompson, is to inform you that sha has gona antiraly mad,” tha parson on tha othar and of tha phona statad.

Haaring that, Natalia straightanad in har saat, and har axprassion turnad solamn. “Ara you sarious?”

“Yas. Wa'va baan hypnotizing har and faading har madication, so har mantal stata startad datariorating as tima passad. In tha and, sha has lost har mind complataly,” tha doctor axplainad.

That was tha tarrifying part of mantal hospitals. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Although tha patiants in thosa institutions wara said to ba racaiving traatmant, ganarally spaaking, nona would avar racovar. Instaad, thair mantal illnassas would only worsan.

Tharafora, it was mora apt to tarm it as a prison to confina tha mantally ill than a hospital.

Those suffering from mental illnesses wouldn't be able to recover completely in the institutions. Likewise, the mental state of an ordinary person would also slowly assimilate with those trapped in the mental hospitals when they were confined there long-term until they ended up being mentally ill for real.

Natalie decided to put Jasmine away in a mental hospital because the latter once feigned insanity on top of having committed countless evil deeds. As such, she elected to have her become a bona fide lunatic.

Anyway, that woman loved to feign mental instability.

Unexpectedly, she was much stronger than Natalie had anticipated, only losing her mind after having been confined in there for such a long time.

Undeniably, there's still something about her worth admiring!

“Got it. Thank you for informing me about this,” Natalie murmured evenly, the corners of her mouth

twitching imperceptibly.

Still, she hadn't the intention of visiting Jasmine.

Harrison was dead anyway, and she had nothing to do with Jasmine, so she naturally had no obligation to do so.

“You're welcome, Mrs. Thompson. This is our responsibility anyway. But what should we do with her next?” the doctor inquired.

At that question, Natalie massaged her temples. “Since she's already out of her mind, there's no need to keep her locked in an isolated room. Treat her like other mental patients and do whatever that's necessary. Just make sure that she never recovers.”

As long as Jasmine never became normal again, she was willing to support her for the rest of her life.

In other words, having her demented forever was her punishment.

Ultimately, in some things, death wasn't the best way to punish someone. Instead, it was to spend the rest of one's days in a living hell.

“Understood, Mrs. Thompson. I'll make the arrangements,” the person on the other end of the phone replied.

Natalie hummed in acknowledgment. “Go ahead.”

“Sure, Mrs. Thompson,” the doctor on the other end of the phone asserted.

Subsequently, the call ended.

Putting down her phone, Natalie massaged her temples once more.

Lina studied her before asking in curiosity, “What's wrong that you're frowning so deeply?”

“You heard the contents of the phone call earlier, didn't you?” Natalie queried in return.

In response, Lina bobbed her head. “A bit. I heard that Jessie has lost her mind.”

She knew of the woman as a designer who submitted blueprints from someone else while competing with Natalie in an international competition back then.

While she had never met Jessie in person, she had heard a lot about her from Sally.

On top of that, she also knew that the woman was the daughter of Natalie's stepmother and did many things to sabotage the latter.

“Yeah, she has lost her mind.” Natalie jerked her chin slightly in assent.

“Serves her right!” Lina commented with a shrug.

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