Crises in Love (Zora and Jaylan)

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

I nodded. "Yep, they dumped your car into the reservoir! The police and Logan scoured every road but

came up empty-handed. It was some guy poaching fish who found it!"

Catherine's hope deflated like a balloon. She slumped against the pillows, letting out a mournful wail,

"My new car..."

I chuckled, at a loss for words. "Hey, the important thing is you're alive. Once you're back on your feet,

I'll get you a new one, okay?"

She bolted upright, "Oh, for the love of—"

Before she could finish, she clutched her head, and Logan gently eased her back onto the pillows,

exasperated, "Can you not be so dramatic? It's just a car." NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

"DragonLord, lucky for me you're not the fussy type. If you were the one fussing about making it up to

me, I bet I'd be on my feet in no time!" She shot back at Logan, "Ever heard of a BFF? Better than any


Logan was at a loss for words, looking at us both with a mix of frustration and defeat.

I tried to lighten the mood. "Don't compare me to guys. There's plenty they can do that I can't!"

But as soon as I said it, I felt the awkwardness of my own words and almost bit my own tongue.

Suddenly, Catherine turned to me, "So, where the heck did Jaylan and Renata vanish to?"

"The hotel!" Logan chimed in, "All your tailing couldn't stop them from checking in!"

"That jerk!" Catherine fumed.

I rushed to explain, "I bet Jaylan was meeting Jerome. The hotel was just a cover."

Then, turning to Logan, I asked, "Did you find any clue that Jaylan left the hotel?"

"We got him! He slipped out the back dressed as a chef, carrying two bags," Logan nodded, providing

the most satisfying confirmation.

"He had two bags to look like he was tossing out kitchen trash, which chefs often do. The back door is

there to make it easy for the kitchen staff to move supplies. It's an employee-only exit."

"Why were the bags different?" I pressed.

"That's the catch! The hotel buys all its trash bags from the same place, but one of Jaylan's wasn't a

hotel bag. It was from his room, holding his jacket with a logo on it. You'd miss it if you weren't looking


"Jaylan's digging his own grave. Jerome is wanted, and he'll be next!" Catherine hissed through

clenched teeth, then turned to me, "Allie, get a move on! Divorce that jerk already!"

"Exactly, Allie. Everything's set to take him down. Why keep him around?" Hannah added.

I nodded, muttering, "Yeah, looks like it's time to cut ties."

I looked at Catherine and asked, "Could you get in touch with Elbert, the lawyer, for me?"

"It was confirmed."

"When did Jaylan sneak back into the hotel?" I inquired, "I thought he left with Renata the next day."

"He returned during the night, when the kitchen staff were leaving. It was chaotic, easy to blend in. The

uniform turned up in a dumpster at a shopping center, right on the route to Jaylan's office. Probably

Renata ditched it after getting out of his car. They're running technical tests on it now." Reаd at


"That asshole!" Catherine clenched her fists. "I'm going to make him pay for this!"

I patted her hand and said, "We'll make him pay, but first, you need to get well."

With that, I stood up, and Hannah headed out after catching the hint, muttering, "Finally, I can change

my clothes!"

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