Crises in Love (Zora and Jaylan)

Chapter 432

Chapter 432

Our car shot out like a bullet, leaving the jeep behind. But in no time at all, the jeep was on our tail

again. Hannah floored the gas, and the two vehicles tore down the road in a mad dash, one chasing

the other like a scene straight out of an action film.

I could still hear Logan's voice on the phone, "...location, give me your approximate location..."

Glancing outside, I finally realized we were speeding down Seabreeze Boulevard, the coastal road that

led to the club we had just left. Below us was the endless expanse of the ocean, and to the right, the

towering silhouette of Highland Peak from Goldenvale Town.

To our left was a steep drop-off, a treacherous slope strewn with jagged boulders and dense thickets of

trees—a veritable cliff’s edge for any vehicle moving at high speeds.

It was clear—the other car's intent was simple: to run us off the road and push us down the cliffside.

I shouted into the phone, “We’re on Seabreeze Boulevard, just pas—”

With a jarring crash, my body lurched forward, my words were cut off as the seatbelt tightened my

chest painfully. Then I was yanked back into my seat, my head spinning, seeing stars.

They had rammed us from behind this time.

Gripping the handle desperately, fear spread through me like wildfire, my palms slick with sweat.

Hannah was silent, laser-focused on the road, her eyes darting to the rear-view mirror to track the

pursuing vehicle, keeping the pressure on, never letting it gain on us.

Peering into the side mirror, I saw the other car, like a crazed beast, relentlessly biting at our heels, its

movements suggesting it wouldn't stop until we were dead.

The road wasn't too busy at this hour, but the occasional car would pass by. We dodged and weaved,

our car drawing S-curves on the asphalt, I could hear the screech of tires.

I was too petrified by the sudden onslaught to even scream, clinging silently to the handle above the

car window.

Hannah was controlling the steering wheel calmly, the car drifting across the road. I understood her

strategy—she was determined not to let the other car overtake us, to prevent it from forcing us off the

road. If we went over, it would mean certain death, no chance of survival.

Furthermore, the attacks targeted the passenger side, which meant I, sitting shotgun, was in the direct Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

line of fire. It was clear—I was their target!

But Hannah’s driving, her every defensive swerve and drift, was an invisible shield around me, her way

of protecting me from harm.

This increased the difficulty of her task exponentially—not only did she have to avoid oncoming traffic

and fend off the relentless assaults from behind, but she also had to prevent them from overtaking us.

I stared through the rear-view mirror, petrified, forgetting even to scream.

The other car, frustrated by Hannah's suppression, rammed us again with full speed.

Sensing their intent, Hannah jerked the wheel sharply, the car sliding into a drift that sent our rear

fishtailing. The other car's bumper grazed empty air, and in that brief respite, Hannah pushed the

accelerator, putting some distance between us.

I exhaled a shaky breath, but I was far from optimistic; the Seabreeze Boulevard stretch was thirteen

kilometers long.

Once we exited this stretch and hit the city limits, our pursuers would lose their advantage. But now,

dusk was setting in, nightfall fast approaching.

I cursed the time wasted back at the club.

Clearly, they were determined not to let us go, especially not to miss this prime opportunity to kill me on

this road.

The jeep behind us had several near-misses with oncoming traffic.


It wasn't easy for us either; it took all of Hannah's concentration. I didn't dare even breathe too loudly

for fear of distracting her—my life was literally in her hands.

I pulled my gaze back from the mirror, only for a more horrifying scene to unfold before us. I couldn't

help screaming...

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