Crises in Love (Zora and Jaylan)

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

"Looks like she can kiss her friendship with Sophie goodbye!" Janice said with a chuckle, shaking her

head in disbelief. "Oh my god! This is the funniest thing I've heard all year! I haven't laughed this hard

in ages! Hanging out with you guys is like it's Christmas every day!"

"You really think Jessica had a chance in hell of keeping in touch with Sophie?" Geneva piped in, her

tone dripping with derision. "Sophie never really liked her to begin with. If it wasn't for that favor she

owed me, she wouldn't have given Jessica the time of day. But I gotta hand it to Sophie, she nailed the


"Spill it, what happened next?" I urged, eager for more gossip.

"Well, Sophie just started giving her the cold shoulder. Jessica was like a cat on a hot tin roof, she was

anxious." Geneva recounted with such vivid detail, you'd think she was watching a live show.

"I see... No wonder she was ignoring her mom's injury, all frazzled and fuming!" It suddenly clicked why

Jessica was so restless and hot-tempered when Hazel got burned the other day.

"Exactly! She was lashing out at everyone, like a rooster that's had its feathers ruffled, always ready to

scrap!" Geneva continued with a sneer. "One day at the office, Jesper slapped her across the face. She

stomped her foot and stormed out."

"Why?" I asked, intrigued.

Geneva raised an eyebrow and I quickly added, "Was it because of that embezzled ten million?"

"Yep! But when Jesper mentioned hiring a new finance director, she came back, apologizing and taking

her lumps. Jesper laid it out for her clear as day, saying if she so much as touched the company's

money again, she'd be out on her ear!"

"How did Jesper find out about Jessica dipping into the company funds?" I inquired.

"She delayed a supplier's payment, only five days late, but I always nail the tasks you give me."

Geneva gave a mock salute, which made me chuckle.

"You told me to make her life a living hell, right? So I deliberately held off those five days to give her a

taste of purgatory. Only after I returned her investment with interest did she hustle to pay the supplier.

Then I had the supplier casually drop the hint to Jesper, and Jesper is not dumb; he checked the

accounts and everything clicked." Geneva spread her hands, a self-satisfied smile on her face.

I had to admire it; Geneva was a real ace up my sleeve.

"Reminds me, that call you made about the supplier... was it regarding Jessica's delayed payment?" I


"That's the one! You were in Silverdale City at the time, so I didn't elaborate, just took the initiative,"

Geneva explained.

I gave her a thumbs-up. "Brilliant!"

"Jesper warned her sternly not to let it happen again. But you know how it is, sometimes pressure just NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

makes people more rebellious. The tighter you squeeze, the more they want to slip through your

fingers. Jessica got a taste for easy money, and she was itching for more."

A thought struck me, "Does she know this contact?"

Geneva shook her head. "No way I'd let her meet him. She tried to get Sophie to introduce them, but

Sophie brushed her off, saying it wasn't necessary as they weren't close. New chąpter avąilable oո


Jessica didn’t believe it, of course, and she contacted him.

I couldn't help but smirk like the cat that got the cream, imagining Jaylan in a frenzy. "I made sure his

fires kept burning."

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