Fatal Kiss Of The Vampire

Chapter 482: It Is Him

The housekeeper didn’t dare argue against her and took out another car key at once. “Mrs. Parker, where are you going? May I drive you there?”

“I’m going to the Parker family’s house,” Kylie said.


After dinner, Kylie invited old Mrs. Parker to her room, then told old Mrs. Parker how Ethan had met Agnes.

“We tried to stop him from meeting Adolph, but didn’t expect he would see Agnes.” Kylie leaned on the back of the sofa.

“W-What does she look like now?” Old Mrs. Parker was anxious.

“She looks different from the photo,” Kylie said. “She was wearing a wig, and closely resembles you when you were young.”

Old Mrs. Parker smiled. “She’s always the love of our family members, while I’m always quiet.”

Kylie held Mrs. Parker’s hand and said, “Mother, I think you’re just too kind sometimes. Since Ethan already found out what has happened before, he must be determined to pay them back.”

“They’re father and son, after all.” Old Mrs. Parker shook her head with worry. “It’s unacceptable if the son beats the father.”

“He should be punished anyway,” Kylie said.

Old Mrs. Parker had a habit of sleeping early. When it was almost 9 pm, she asked Kylie, “Will you go back tonight?”

“Nope, I’ll stay here for a night, and we can have a walk tomorrow morning.” Kylie didn’t want to be a burden on Ethan.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

If she stayed in the Parker family’s house, Ethan could focus on his task.

Old Mrs. Parker nodded, then went back to her room.

At this moment, Ethan was leading his teammates, waiting at the No. 1 dock of Seattle.

Dinah gave the high-power binoculars to him and said in a low voice, “Everything is normal.”

“Really?” Ethan squinted.

Dinah glanced at Vincent. She didn’t find anything abnormal.

Vincent had followed Ethan for a much longer time than her, so he soon realized the problem. The drug deal would begin in two hours, but the dock was too quiet to be normal.

Some people should show up to guard this place, at least.

It was very cold tonight, and everyone was shaking in the wet ocean wind.

Dinah kept warming her hands by breathing into them, but the warmth soon went away because of the metal equipment she was holding.

Vincent lightly knocked on her shoulder, and she turned to look at him.

It was close to the time of the drug deal now, so they better not make any sounds. Vincent asked Dinah in Morse code, “Are you sure your information is right?”

“It should be. We’ve planned for today’s action so long,” Dinah also replied in code.

When it was finally 9:30 pm, a line of cars moved over at a slow pace in their sight.

“They’re coming!” Dinah pulled the bolt with excitement.

“Be patient.” Ethan pressed Dinah’s gun down.

The line of cars stopped not far away from the place where Ethan and his teammates hid themselves. One person made a whistle, and the dark surrounding area lighted up all of a sudden.

Dazzling light was cast on a container, and a fat man with a clown mask stood by the door.

He moved his hand, and two men carrying a leather box walked out from his back.

Three of them stepped towards the line of cars in everyone’s sight.

“Ethan, let’s take action now.” Dinah couldn’t wait for a second longer.

“Stay still. They’re not dealing yet,” Vincent said.

Ethan’s sight moved from the container to the clown, who was different from the one he had seen this afternoon.

“Is he the clown you saw last time?” Ethan asked in a quiet voice.

Dinah stared at the fat clown for a while, then nodded. “No.”

“No? Why did you nod your head?” A member of their team said, but Dinah knocked on his head to shut his mouth.

“Did you bring what we want here?” The clown opened his mouth all of a sudden.

“It is him! It is his voice!” Dinah got excited and grabbed Ethan’s arm. She would never forget his creepy voice.

Ethan, instead, gave Dinah a glance. Dinah didn’t understand it at the beginning, then moved her hand away at once.

She was too excited to remember that Ethan was a neat freak.

Except for Kylie, he wouldn’t allow any women to touch him.

Why Clown disguise his appearance, but not his voice?

Ethan was confused.

“We need to check the goods first?” a man of the other group said.

The clown moved his hand again, and one of the two men behind him walked ahead. The leather box was opened facing them, and lines of small bottles showed inside.

The man of the other group looked greedy, seeing those small bottles, but the leather box was closed with a clear sound the next second.

The man swallowed hard, then made an order. “Lift them out.” Hearing that, Dinah was surprised.

Why do they need to lift money out? How much money do they bring with them?

Because of the bright light, everything was very clear. The buyer party unloaded three big boxes from their cars, but they only placed one at the front of the clown, then opened it with a steel stick.

Seeing what was inside, Dinah took a long breath in.

It turned out to be a box of brand new M249. Although it wasn’t a powerful weapon, it was shocking enough to see so many of it.

She turned to look at Ethan, but Ethan just frowned in silence.

Dinah didn’t say anything now.

It was one thing to trade drugs, and it was totally another thing to exchange weapons with drugs.

Given their arms today, it was impossible for them to win.

However, if they didn’t take action today, it was hard to catch Clown again.

Vincent was also very nervous and held his breath.

After a while, the fat clown and the buyer party began to trade.

When they were about to exchange the goods, a group of people showed up out of the blue and fired at them.

“Act now!” Ethan made a sudden order.

They meant to attack them when it was a mess. Ethan and his teammates took action right after the group of strange men started to fire.

The fat clown and his people hadn’t got the M249 light machine guns yet, and soon were injured or killed.

Ethan told Vincent and Dinah to follow the group of strange men behind, then disrupted their tactics.

It worked very well. Two groups of people with guns were all in disorder now, and they were all killed.

When Ethan and his teammates cleaned the scene, he stood by the dead fat clown’s body.

“Ethan, let me remove his mask!” Dinah said.

In fact, she did it for herself.

She hoped the dead clown wasn’t Stephen’s housekeeper. If he was, she would cover this truth.

She didn’t want Stephen to be involved in this.

The mask was removed, and a strange face showed.

Dinah was relieved, then took a long breath out.

Nevertheless, she pulled out a long thin string from the clown’s neck the next second.

“Ethan, what is this?”

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