Fatal Kiss Of The Vampire

Chapter 490: I Found It

Today was Saturday.

I Can Do It was aired at prime time.

Kylie’s smart, adorable image impressed everyone, and William’s humor also made many people his fans.

With the influence of their gossip and the famous guests in the show, the first episode was a great success.

When the production crew and the participants were celebrating, another group of people was in anxiety.

Ever since Dinah was missing, they also lost touch with Kylie.


In the Finch family’s house, the living room was filled with smoke.

Everyone sat in silence. There was only Kylie’s laughter aired on TV.

Nate lost patience. He put out his cigarette and turned the TV off. “Ethan, where the f*ck can Stephen hide himself?”

Ethan’s sight stayed on the black screen of the TV. He pressed his lips to a tough line. He frowned, tapping his big palm on the armrest of the sofa.

Vincent made a cough and gave a glance at the TV.

Nate was struck dumb for a few seconds, then turned the TV on.

The picture where Kylie served Tory a piece of cake showed, and Ethan’s fingers stopped in the air.

“Vincent,” Ethan said in a deep voice. This was the first time that he had opened his mouth tonight. “Collect all the traffic surveillance camera videos of Seattle to find Tory’s moving track.”

Vincent scratched his head. “Ethan, there are dozens of thousand surveillance cameras in Seattle, and it takes at least a month to…”

At this moment, Nate kicked him. “Do whatever Ethan told you to do. We have more people than cameras.”

“Sure!” Vincent knew how difficult it was but had no reason to argue against it.

When there was only Nate left in the living room with Ethan, he approached near and asked in a low voice, “Ethan, can we get any clues to find Kylie by investigating Tory?”

Ethan turned to look at Nate. “If you were as half smart as Stephen, you wouldn’t be like this today.”

Nate was struck dumb again. Why did Ethan suddenly talk about him?

The living room fell into silence once more. Nate walked in circles with worries while Ethan watched the show from the beginning to the end on the sofa.

A while later, Vincent called him.

“Ethan, we’ve got all the surveillance camera videos of this week at the tech center now. Will you come here?”

“I’ll be right there.” Ethan stood up at once. Nate drank a mouthful of coffee, then followed him up.

The Knight XV drove fast on the road, and street lights cast bright and dim light inside.

Once Nate turned his head, he saw Ethan’s sharp eyes and delicate profile.

Ethan seemed calm but actually was more anxious than anyone else.

However, he had to stay calm.

There were over dozens of computers in the tech center, and everyone was trying to find out any useful information from the videos.

Seeing Ethan walking in, Vincent welcomed him. “Ethan, please follow me to my office.”

There were nine LCD monitors on the wall, and they could see different directions of the same crossroads.

“Fast-forward.” Ethan made an order in a cold voice.

Vincent pressed the fast-forward button.

Nate lit a cigarette and handed it to Ethan’s hand, but Ethan didn’t move at all. He was still fixing his eyes on the pictures.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kylie isn’t here. You can smoke one to cheer yourself up.” Nate squeezed the cigarette to Ethan’s fingers.

There were so many people smoking in the Finch family’s house just then, but Ethan was an exception. He pinched a lit cigarette in his fingers, and waited for it to be fully burned, then lit another one.

Nevertheless, they were in a different situation now. It could take a whole night or a longer time to finish checking those videos.

Meaningless things could easily distract people and make them feel visually tired. If so, they could miss the best chance to find Tory.

Ethan smelt the cigarette, but he directly broke it into halves.

Nate pulled his lips, then remained silent.

In order to cheer everyone up, Nate and Vincent ordered many cups of coffee with shots.

Ethan stood there still all the time. He didn’t smoke nor drink coffee. In fact, he didn’t move his eyes away from the screens for a second.

The hour hand pointed at 12.

People were yawning in the room, but they found nothing useful.

Nate was more and more worried.

He was anxious that Kylie could be in danger and was more concerned that Ethan, who lost his beloved woman, would do something crazy.

Ethan still stood upright there till noon.

Vincent felt so sorry for him that he lightly knocked Nate with an elbow and asked in lip language whether they should beat Ethan down to let him have a rest.

Nate also replied in lip language that it was impossible.

If Lord Ethan was unwilling to rest, nobody could force him to do so.

Vincent pursed his lips, then pointed at their colleagues outside his office. Ethan could stay awake for a long time, but they couldn’t.

Nate thought for a while, then told Vincent to tell them to take a rest for half an hour.

“Ethan, you should take good care of yourself even for the sake of Kylie.” Nate walked to Ethan. “You’ve watched these videos for over a dozen hours. Aren’t you afraid it’ll damage your sight? What if…”

At this moment, Ethan turned to look at him with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

“Don’t hit my face!” Nate covered his head in fear when Ethan just raised his hand.

“I found it.” His voice was hoarse.

“What?” Nate put his hands down.

Ethan pointed at one monitor. “The Buick is just covered, and Tory’s real car is the Cadillac One.”

“How did you find it?” Nate moved to the front of the monitor, looking at the picture stopped on the screen.

Ethan didn’t have time to explain that and said to Vincent through a walkie-talkie, “A black Cadillac One. Search it in the videos right away.”

“Yes, sir!” Vincent said.

With a clear target, it was much easier for them to find its location.

After Ethan’s screening, they finally found the car stopped at Mountain Elmon, which wasn’t far away from Garbo Palace.

“What does Tory do there?” Nate was still confused. He also felt utterly regretful because he and Ethan had moved by this Cadillac One when they left Garbo Palace.

It could be the meeting place or the place for Clown and Tory to trade drugs, so Ethan ordered them to be fully armed.

Each of them put on a bulletproof vest and carried guns.

“Ethan put on one too.” Nate handed Ethan a bulletproof vest, but Ethan pushed it away.

“Hey…” When Nate was about to say something, Vincent ran over with his phone.

His face was pale with his forehead covered in a cold sweat. He didn’t open his mouth until he swallowed hard at the front of Ethan.

“Lord Ethan, I just got an emergent call from the fire center.” “A villa at Mountain Elmon is on burning fire now!”

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