Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 556 Adventures On The Road (Part Two)

Chapter 556 Adventures On The Road (Part Two)

Seeing this made Harper fly into a fit of rage, so she kicked Jack off of the horse. Not wanting waste any time, she strode away at full speed. At that moment, she was afraid that if she stayed with Matthew for even a second longer, she wouldn't be able to stand him anymore. Moreover, she might need to teach him a lesson, leaving him crippled.

As he watched the horse galloping away, Matthew realized that he had crossed the line. Without delay, he got off the carriage, mounted a horse and went after her.

Harper was so upset with Matthew. But she never would have expected that she'd come across a robbery. It was quite unusual for a robbery to occur on such a cold winter day, and the person who was being robbed was a 'beautiful woman'!

For convenience, Harper was still wearing men's clothes. When seeing Harper rushing over, the 'beautiful woman' opened her large fierce-looking mouth, with her voice as loud as a bell. "Please help me!"

Looking at the troublemakers who had wretched grins on their faces and then at the one who was robbed, Harper dashed forward without thinking twice. In her heart, she comforted herself, 'I didn't see them! I didn't see them'

Both the robbers and the woman who got robbed had been taken completely by surprise. Shouldn't people tend to be righteous when they see a fragile woman being robbed and offer to lend a hand to the helpless? The robbers were thinking they could blackmail the helper by offering them a huge amount of money. But as it turned out, she was actually planning to manipulate the horse, make it stomp on them and kill them!


Screams of agony came from the robbers and the 'woman' who had been robbed. Harper was in a bit of a panic, so she didn't have the time to care whether her horse trampled on them or not. The scene was just too dreadful. At that point, she was so scared that it might give her nightmares. That robbed 'woman' wasn't actually a woman. This guy was clearly a man dressed up as a woman. 'If you're pretending to be a woman, you should try to do a better job! You could have at least shaved off your beard. Your voice is thick, and you even have a full beard. You even tried to imitate a lady speaking in a coquettish voice. That is so disgusting!'

With that, the horse sped away, leaving a trail of its hooves on the ground. The man who was posing as a woman was left lying on the ground, with marks of the hooves all over his body.

"Boss, are you all right?" The brigands walked over and helped him up immediately.

"Oh, my God! How heartless could that guy be! How could he ride away like that even after seeing that a woman was robbed! He even made the horse trample on us!" The man who had a red slip skirt on sat up. He simply wanted to take his men out to make a killing, but unfortunately, he just ended up getting wounded.

"Boss, we should just head back. The chances of someone passing through here in this cold and snowy day are slim… Wait, I can hear a horse galloping in the distance."

"Someone's coming. Quick! I'll try harder and act like a real woman this time..." The horse came closer and closer, and the man riding it had a rather murderous glare in his eyes. Noticing this, the man disguised as the robbed woman thought, 'This man looks like a brave and just guy. We could make a fortune using him!' With that in mind, he opened his mouth and said, "Sir... Ah!"

Before he could say what he had prepared, the horse ran him over, trampling on him and sending the three brigands who were blocking the way flying. And just like that, Matthew and the horse he was

riding disappeared into the distance. The man who disguised as a woman convulsed and stopped moving. Today was definitely not their lucky day!

Even Harper herself felt a lingering fear after she left them. The face she just saw was much too shocking. It wasn't right to judge a person by his appearance. Be that as it might, it was indeed too blood-curdling!

Never would she have expected that she'd come across another group of people who were completely different from the mobs she had met before. Although there were only six of them in the group, save for the pale-looking man leaning against a tree trunk, all of them seemed powerful and knew martial arts.

When Harper looked at their carriage, she realized that one of its wheels was broken. Two of them had their hands full with repairing the carriage while the rest were guarding the pale man. For that reason, Harper slowed down subconsciously.

When those men saw Harper approaching, all of them looked at her with hostility and had their guards up. Despite that, she remained calm as she rode forward. She was by no means a troublemaker, and simply wanted to mind her own business.

Those people's gazes were fixated on Harper as she moved forward, with their hands holding their weapons. From the looks of it, they were prepared to kill her on the spot if she did anything unusual.

It was only then that she began to somewhat regret running away from Matthew and the guards and moving ahead all by herself. If those men had been sent by the emperor to kill her, she probably wouldn't have the chance to make it out alive.

Holding her breath, she urged the horse to continue moving forward. She felt a bit relieved, thinking that she might be able to leave without incident. However, the man who was leaning against the tree suddenly fell on the ground, breathing heavily while tightly grasping the clothes on his chest area. TheContent © NôvelDrama.Org.

middle-aged man who was beside him took out a medicine bottle from the man's arms and opened it, only to find that it was empty. This made his face darken instantly.

"Master, do you still have any medicine on you?"

The man, who was obviously in agonizing pain, shook his head with difficulty. Although the guards surrounding him seemed a little restless, they continued to look at Harper warily, fearing that she might take this opportunity to attack them.

"Is he all right? I'm a physician," she asked, albeit hesitantly. "He seems to have a heart illness. You are still about seventy miles away from the next city. If you don't have the drug to help alleviate the pain, he will be dead before you even get there."

With a look of suspicion in his eyes, the middle-aged man asked, "Are you really a physician?"

"Yes," Harper replied as she got off the horse.

"Stop! Don't come any closer. Otherwise, we'll have no choice but to attack you," the guards warned Harper as they drew their swords.

"Just by looking at me, you guys should have already realized that I don't know any martial arts." With a shrug of her shoulders, she went on and added, "Of course, I only have a dagger with me, but I'll leave it in your care. You can choose for yourself whether you want me to save his life or not."

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