Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 768 Leo Apologizes

Chapter 768 Leo Apologizes

She felt it incredible, but all this had nothing to do with her. She was not sure what attitude Brian held,

perhaps Brian liked to be cheated.

If Brian liked it, Wendy would continue. It depended on her mood whether to tell Brain this amazing

secret, but she could use it as leverage to intimidate Wendy.

Yeah, Wendy must be scared of her secret being exposed, and as long as she had something on

Wendy, she could get her money back.

At this thought, Klara smiled.

"By the way, you came back with a team, how do you come back by yourself?"

Klara changed the topic, for she had not need to think much about Wendy. Brian was not her target

now, and she would only take it as a joke.

The most important thing for her now was to take care of Jonny, make him her man, and she would

have a rich life.

"They can't come back until the day after tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you in case you find another

boyfriend and leave me."

Jonny instantly turned the lie into love words, which made Klara ecstatic.

"You think too much. I won’t leave you. I am not a slut like Wendy."

Klara smiled from ear to ear and saw something in this sentence. Jonny was the one who stuck to her

and he should be worried.

In this case, she was one step closer to success.

Because of foot pain and stomachache, Winnie could not go back to class. She had to stay in Brain's


The kids were happy that they could spend an extra day with their mother.

Winnie lay in bed and put a warmer in her stomach. She was curled up in a daze.

"You better go to the hospital. You can't go to work tomorrow in this condition."

Brian had been worried about Winnie, although he could watch her, he was still distressed.

"I don't have to go to the hospital. I am much better.”

"You're so busy at work, and it's Monday. Take the kids home, I'll rest here for a day."

Winnie was afraid she delayed the work of Brain, for him the work was the most important.

"The company can do just fine without me. Don't worry about me and let yourself get better soon."

Brian already didn't care how the company was, now he only cared about Winnie.

"By the way, last night..."

"Don't talk about what happened last night. It's not good for the kids to know it."

As soon as Brian opened his mouth, Winnie interrupted Brian’s words.

Winnie thought Brian was to say that they had sex last night, but she did not want to hear it.

"I'm not going to say anything about it. I just can't remember something. Did I promise you something

last night? I can't think of anything, but I think I did.”

After waking up, Brian knew that he seemed to forget something, or he had failed to fulfill his promise.

He tried to recall it but nothing came occur to him.

Winnie was disappointed to hear that.

"I don't know. You have a diary, just read it."

She reminded.

"I read it. I wrote down what happened before you woke up at three in the morning, but I didn't write Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

down what happened after that when I fell asleep."

"But I remember I have promised you something?”

Brian then told Winnie what he had remembered and asked her what he had forgotten.

After listening to the narrative of Brian, Winnie was completely disappointed. She knew that what he

had forgotten must have something to do with her. What he had forgotten was that she had asked him

to help find the other party of her father's accident.

Although she finally gave up, she had said that. If he really wanted to help her, he could get to the

bottom of it even if she said nothing. But he forgot everything she said.

Winnie gave a bitter smile, and unconsciously compared herself with others. If it was the matter of

Wendy, if it was the matter of Klara, if it was the matter of Gloria, would he forget?

"You haven't promised me anything. That's all you've said."

Winnie finally gave such an answer. Since he did not take it seriously, it would be pointless to repeat it.

"But I..."

Just as Brain was about to speak, his cell phone rang.

It was Wendy calling, Brian seemed to be embarrassed.

If he did not pick up, Winnie would have a wild thought, but if he picked it up, Winnie must be upset.

Brian finally answered it in front of Winnie after a moment of hesitation.

"What is it?"

His manner grew cold at once. For What Wendy did to Winnie, he had not found the right opportunity to

deal with it, so he had no explanation to Winnie.

"Brian, where are you? I don't know how to deal with some business and I want your opinion."

Wendy said in a soft voice. Although she was afraid of Brian’s cold attitude, she told herself to be


This was her last chance, and her only chance. Winnie created her the chance and the success lied in


"I can't help you. Ask someone else."

Brain gave a disdainful answer and was to hang up the phone, but Wendy stopped him.

"Where are you, Brian? You can’t talk now?"

Knowing the antipathy of Brain, Wendy still kept asking. For the rest of her life, she felt everything she

was going through was worth it.

Brian was indifferent to her, but it was better than that Jonny brought her physical and mental damage.

Compare with Jonny that devil, Brian's indifference was like the angel's smile.

"I'm not in B City, I can talk, but I can't help you. You'd better find someone else."

Brian rejected Wendy in a cold manner, and then hung up the phone regardless of Wendy was still


Winnie probably heard the phone and knew it was Wendy calling.

Brain was cold and annoyed, but at least he did not show the contempt and disgust he had for her like


People knew where their positions were after comparing, sadly, Winnie's position was outside the heart

of Brian.

"If you're busy, go back to work. I can go back to school tonight."

Winnie did not want to continue to drag Brian, and did not want to affect his personal life.

"It is Wendy, I don’t need to go back."

Brian told her the truth.

But Winnie never spoke again.

She did not care who was on the other side of the phone, no matter what Brian did, she just needed to

control herself.


When Brian wanted to break the silence, Winnie's phone rang.

It was Leo, suddenly she became nervous. She was afraid of Leo called to completely cut off the

relationship with her, afraid that she was abandoned in front of Brian.

But she needed to answer it.

Winnie sighed, and then picked it up.


"Winwin... I'm sorry. I said those things yesterday when I was drinking. I......"

Leo apologized. After thinking for a long time, he felt his mean was too dirty, so he summoned up

courage to make this phone call.

Hearing that, Winnie was relieved. Regardless of whether he drank, at least she did not look pitiful in

front of Brian.

"It is ok, whether you drink or not, I will cooperate if you need help."

Winnie cared about these two friends. But she had to be generous and sacrificed herself for their


There was something comforting to her, too, if her own sacrifice, if her departure from the circle led to a

happy outcome for them.

"Winwin, I'm really sorry. I was wrong..."

Leo was more ashamed, for his words were despicable. However, Winnie did not think so, she felt that

she had brought trouble to others and become burden of others.

If Leo had not thought so, he would not have said that no matter how much he drank. She did not do

well and brought a sense of crisis to others.

She admitted that it was her responsibility. Even Brian misunderstood her, she did not clarify it, so it

was not a big deal that Leo said those words.

"Don't say you are sorry, if I can get you and Emily together, I think I am a hero. However, do tell me in

advance if you need help, or I will be unprepared. We are friends, I can help you at any time."

Winnie was sad, she would not became happy suddenly because Leo's sorry, because she was

innocent. But she had to bear it and had to become the victim of other people's love.

No matter Leo did it inadvertently or now, Winnie had become a stumbling block. At this moment, she

was just as sad as when she found out why they broke up.

"Don't say that, Winwin. I really was wrong. My nonsense must have bothered you, I... I'm sorry. I will

not end cooperation with you. I will not break up with you as a friend."

Leo felt he was cruel hearing what Winnie said. How could he say that to his friend? How could he

sacrifice his friend for his own happiness?

He was like a bastard, who dares to make friends with him?

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