His Abused Mate

Chapter 24 Heat

*mature content*NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Cecilia’s pov

I wake up feeling sexually aroused or well frustrated. I looked at Jason, he looked so peaceful yet looked so sexy. “Jason..” I whispered pocking him. He groaned “Babe what?” He mumbled. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. “It’s 4 in the morning go back to sleep.” He said looking at the clock. “But baby..” I whined I started kissing his neck. I found his soft spot, he moaned. I pulled away and looked at the hickey, I kissed his cheek. He smiled “Are you done marking your territory, because if you are I would like to go back to sleep.” Jason said “Nooo! NOO! Get up!” I whined shaking him. He started snoring, I teared up. “I hate you!” I yelled than got up and stormed out the room. “Cecilia! don’t be a brat!” Jason yelled after me. “No! I’m going to be a brat! Jason I’m horny! I’m in heat!” I yelled in frustration. I didn’t hear him say anything. “You’re horny?” He asked peeking into the hallway at me. “Yeah, I’m in heat. I want sex, do you want to give me what I want?” I asked “I mean.. if you want big daddy to lay you down and beat that kitty Kat up, I mean we can get to it right now.” Jason said with a smirk. **** I fell back on the bed panting. “Wow you’re good..” I said “Look who’s talking, you lasted longer than expected.” Jason said “Were you a virgin?” I asked “.. yeah..” He said his face turning red. “Aww my baby is embarrassed.” I said grabbing his cheeks. He pushed my hands away laughing. I heard the door bell ring, I got up taking the blanket with me. Jason followed me holding the blanket around his waist. We walked downstairs to the front door, I answered it. “Hey!” Julie cheered. “We’re interrupting something?” Noah asked motioning to us. I looked down at the blanket, than I looked at Jason. “Oh uh no.. come in.” I said as me and Jason stepped aside. “You both had fun, Jason look at your neck and chest dude.” Julie said grabbing his face, turning it. She touched one of his hickeys, he winced.

“Alright mom..” Jason said emphasizing the word mom. “You too Ce, god look at your neck.” Julie said poking my neck. “Ow Julie that hurt!” I whined. “Go get dressed please..” Noah said I laughed. “Alright.” I said “Babe we have to move at the same time or this won’t work.” I said we successfully made our way upstairs. We took quick showers than put in some clothes.

“Hey we should to an animal shelter!” I said squealing. “Yes! We should volunteer!” Julie cheered. “Can we go?” I asked Jason he shrugged. “I don’t care.” He said grabbing his keys. “Yay!” I squealed running out the front door after Jason. We got in the car and drove to the nearest animal shelter. I was bouncing in my seat, I was so hyper. Before Jason even parked, I was the car an running into the animal shelter. “Hi There!” A girl said at the desk. “Hi! Me and my friends would like to volunteer here! Do you need volunteers?” I asked smiling she laughed. “Actually yes we do! If you can sign this paper, we can start your training tomorrow.” She said handing me some papers. I took a pen and started filling out the papers in the sitting area. Jason, Julie, and Noah walked in. Jason walked up to the desk first, the girl did a double take when she saw Noah. I looked at Noah and he was staring dead at her, you could tell at that moment Noah had found his mate! “Uh.. volunteers?” She asked they all nodded. “Yes.” Jason said “Alright just fill out these papers and you’ll start training tomorrow.” She instructed. Noah was last to get his papers, I watched as they talked. He said something and she blushed. “I’m Noah.” He said “Sophia..” She said “Jason.. look your brother found his mate.” I said nudging him. He looked at his brother.. he smiled softly. In his eyes you could see he was proud of his brother. Julie was in tears over there crying. “Julie..” I said Jason looked over at her. She sniffled “Aww Julie what’s wrong?” Jason said getting up and walking over to her. He hugged her. “Julianna talk to me.” Jason said “I’m just thinking about all these puppies and kittens that are hurt..” She sobbed. Jason knew she was lying. “Julianna stop lying to me.” He said “Okay Noah found the one for him and so have you, I feel like I have no chance I’m finding the one for me.” She cried I walked over to her. I kneeled in front of her “Julie sweetheart you will find the right guy for you. He will walk into your life and he’ll be there for you always. I promise you’ll find him or maybe he’ll find you.” I said explaining. “Now wipe your tears, I don’t like seeing my baby sister cry.” Jason said wiping her face. He kissed her head, I smiled they were so cute. We filled out the papers than gave them back. “Alright so come back tomorrow and your training will begin.” Sophia said we nodded. “Can I at least see 1 puppy?” I asked Sophia laughed. “Of course follow me.” She said we followed her. She took me to the puppies, I teared up they were all so hurt and need so much love. I saw one puppy that was laying down. “Can I see this one?” I asked Sophia “Yeah.” She said pulling out her keys. She unlocked the cage and he lifted his head looking at me. “Hi there little guy…” I cooed he got up and walked toward me. I lifted him up “You’re so cute.” I said snuggling him. “He is one of the smaller puppies that we have.” She said. “Babe let me hold him.” Jason said I handed the puppy to him. “Your are cute aren’t you?” Jason said the puppy licked his nose. Jason smiled. I might get this puppy, he’s adorable. I already love him.

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