His Precious Love

His Precious Love Chapter 319

His Precious Love Chapter 319

Chapter 319

The Lopez family kept Gerald’s accident so quiet that none of the media was aware of it. The only attendees at the funeral were close friends and family.

Dressed entirely in black, Rayna accompanied Curtis and the others to the cemetery.

She saw Wyatt and his mother upon getting out of the car. Pamela looked haggard, as though Gerald’s death had made her age overnight.

Gerald had had a decent reputation and had been a good husband to Pamela. Rayna had even heard from Curtis that Pamela had cried all night with Gerald’s body in her arms on the day of the accident.

Jessica stood beside Wyatt. She was also clad in black, with a dark veil shrouding her petite face. Although her expression remained impassive, her lips moved as though she was saying words of comfort to Pamela.

Rayna withdrew her gaze and sighed softly.

Despite Gerald’s embarrassing conduct, he had been married to Pamela for decades and was Wyatt’s father. Rayna reckoned Pamela would not tolerate Jessica’s presence if she knew the truth.

Wyatt came over to receive Theodore and the others when he saw them.

“Theodore, Curtis, thank you for coming.” He still seemed energetic despite the blankness of his gaze and his hoarse voice.

Theodore patted him on the shoulder. “My condolences.”

Wyatt shrugged and said jeeringly, “I’m not that upset. This must be karma for everything he’s done.”

Those incidents had soured his relationship with his father to such an extent that he was unwilling to inherit the family business.

The funeral began at nine.

The crowd stood in silence and, after the casket was lowered, stepped forward one at a time to offer their


As the attendees were few, the ceremony concluded within an hour.

Rayna glanced at Jessica, then let go of Curtis‘ hand and said, “You go ahead with Theodore. I’m gonna go over and take a look.”

Curtis nodded.

Pamela stood before Gerald’s tombstone with tears flowing unrestrainedly down her cheeks. Jessica was comforting her.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Lopez. Just because the world doesn’t know it, doesn’t mean the employees of the company wouldn’t. They need you and Wyatt.”

Pamela nodded and held Jessica’s hand tightly. “Oh, Jessica, I don’t know how I’ll manage without you.”

“Not just me. Wyatt cares for you as well.”

When she drew closer, Rayna heard Jessica’s murmurs of consolation to Pamela. She kept her distance to avoid disturbing them and only approached after Jessica had somebody lead Pamela away.

Rayna sighed. “You must be feeling awful to have to console Mrs. Lopez.”

“You know everything?”

Chapter 319

“Yeah. Curtis told me,” Rayna said as the pair headed outside. “You have a good heart for not allowing your vengeance to spill over to the rest of the Lopez family.”

Jessica chuckled with a bitter smile. “I want to so badly, but Pamela and Wyatt don’t know anything yet. My enemy is Gerald alone.”

It was Wyatt’s fault for offering to take that bullet, making me hesitate and fail to do what was needed.

When she rushed to the hospital with Wyatt and saw Gerald’s remains, a feeling of satisfaction erupted within her as she had finally avenged her sister and parents.

However, the jubilance was quickly replaced by guilt when she saw Pamela’s tears and Wyatt’s shock, which made her sick.

She even regretted her involvement in the plot for revenge.

I should have employed a clever girl to approach Wyatt and exact vengeance on my behalf.

Jessica stopped in her tracks and turned to Rayna. “I’m sorry, Nana,” she muttered apologetically. “I approached you with a motive. I used you.”

“It’s all right. I’m not mad at you.” Rayna smiled and gave her a hug. “You couldn’t have taken on something like that on your own. How could you have told someone about it? I understand.”

“Oh, Nana.”

“I’ve always thought of you as that friend of mine who is as radiant as the sun,” Rayna said. “I hope our friendship never changes, okay?”

Her gentle tone and her understanding caused tears to well up in Jessica’s eyes. Unable to withstand it any longer, she burst into tears.

“I feel awful,” Jessica sobbed on the other’s shoulder. “My sister would have been fine if any one of them had just said the word. Why? When I was in school, my teacher taught us to be kind by telling us that life is fair without exception. I’ve always remembered those words, but what did I get for it? Just because that girl’s father was the headmaster, the school altered my records and robbed me of my opportunity to study abroad. Just because my sister was beautiful and our family had no power, they suppressed the news of her suicide and forced my parents to their deaths. Just because I had no connections or means, they threatened me without fear of any consequences. They told me killing me would be as easy as squishing an ant and forced my uncle to receive a fee to keep his mouth shut.”

Jessica’s cheeks were stained with tears. “Why should I be kind in the face of so much injustice? Why should I believe in equality for all? The weak have no rights!”

It was only because of Jefferson’s help from the shadows that I managed to exact vengeance. I have nothing of my own.

Rayna was close to tears when she heard the tale. She patted her gently on her back. “I’m sorry for not having met you earlier and for all the indignities you’ve faced.”

Jessica muffled sobs on Rayna’s shoulder soaked through the latter’s dress.

“The world is so unfair!”

The powerful could do as they please, and the powerless were humiliated to their deaths merely for asking justice for their dead daughter. Those six powerful people have destroyed my once happy family and promising


Rayna kept her company in silence, letting her weep and vent.


When Jessica was done, her eyes were swollen and her makeup was smudged, © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Rayna wiped Jessica’s face gently with a damp towel. “All of us can tell that Wyatt really likes you”

Jessica pursed her lips. “I know,” she croaked.

Rayna sighed lightly. Not wishing to decipher the meaning behind Jessica’s words, she asked, “Now that Gerald is dead, are you still going to seek revenge on the other five?”

Jessica’s eyes were filled with hatred. “Yes! They deserve to die a thousand deaths”

“Do you need my help?”

Jessica shook her head. “Thank you, but I feel guilty enough toward you and do not wish to drag you into this.”


“All right.” Rayna did not force the matter.

After chatting a little longer, they departed together and ran into Wyatt at the cemetery gates. He had just seen some friends off and was on his way back for Jessica. He frowned when he saw her scarlet eyes.

Rayna told them that her ride was waiting for her outside and left before them.

“What happened?” Wyatt stepped forward, took her face in his hands, and examined it closely. “Your eyes are swollen from crying.”

“My dead family came up while I was talking to Nana,” she lied. “I couldn’t stop the tears.”

Wyatt kissed her cheek. “You’ve suffered so much over the past two days,” he said tenderly. “You even kept Mom company last night. Now that she’s gone back with the housekeeper, I’ll send you home to get some sleep.

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