His Real Wedded Bride

Chapter 1235 A Thoughtful Friend

Chapter 1235 A Thoughtful Friend

It was dark, but the dazzling diamonds scattered in the heavens still managed to make the sky bright.

The quietness of the night was deafening. The street looked bare and empty.

Nick's car turned right as he slowly drove his way through the gate into a block of flats. Its headlights

beamed straight onto the trash bin far ahead where a sleeping cat remained unmoved.

He switched the engine off and checked the girl in his passenger seat. Getting out of the car, he

headed towards the elevator door as he held Cassie in his arms. Her weight didn't even strain his

arms, and surely he could carry her all night. His apartment was on the 19th floor. Carrying the

unconscious young woman, he walked passed the janitor's room.

Such a scene was immediately noticed by the security guard on duty. Then an embarrassing

conversation began.

The security guy knew that Nick had always lived alone. So he was extremely surprised when he

caught sight of Nick at the point. The guy still had his mouth wide open and stared at Nick suspiciously

when he passed by. Nick could already read what he was thinking just by looking at the guard's face.

In his daily life, Nick was known as a modest and polite young man. Every time he happened to see the

guard, Nick would greet him with a smile. He always left a good impression on the old fellow. But at this

moment, he didn't know what to tell him so he felt at a loss. He didn't want the guard to think bad of

him, so he stopped at last. Getting himself settled down a little, he greeted him, "Good evening!"

The guard, still frozen, took a while before he recovered from his shock, and then quickly replied with a

smile, "Good evening, Mr. Ge." He stared at the young woman in his arms. After a pause, he asked,

"Who is…" But he decided to stop in mid-sentence as he now stared at Nick with his questioning eyes.

Clearly, he was waiting for an answer.

Nick was confused at his expression. He gave him a blank look.

Seeing his clueless face, the guard pointed at the young woman lying in his arms. "Is she…okay?" he

asked in a low voice.

Nick couldn't help but curl up his lips when he heard this. He thought to himself, 'Why does he have to

speak in such a tone? Does he think that I will do bad things to Cassie?'

Despite the guard's simple question, his tone of voice and inquisitive look told Nick that what he really

meant was "Why are you carrying an unconscious young woman at this hour? What will you do to her


In order to not be misunderstood, nor to cause any trouble, Nick explained at once, "Oh, she is my

friend. She drank too much tonight. I don't know where she lives, so I have to bring her home. She will

be fine. Thanks for your concern."

Knowing that Nick had always been an honest man, the guard trusted what he had said was true. He

then gave Nick a nodding smile as he teased him, "Mr. Ge is a very kind and decent man, as I always

know. This girl is so lucky to have a thoughtful friend like you."

Nick felt relieved and decided not to comment any further. He smiled back, awkwardly, and then turned

to the elevator.

The guard shrugged as he watched Nick walk towards the elevator. With a smile, he suddenly realized

that he had just cared too much about other people's personal lives.

Inside the elevator, Nick held Cassie with one of his arm while he reached out to press on the button

numbered 19 with his other arm. As soon as the button lit, he quietly waited for it to move up to his

desired floor.

Meanwhile, Cassie was still sleeping soundly in his arms, completely unaware of anything that was

happening around her.

Nick heaved a sigh as he observed Cassie who lay comfortably in his arms. He thought, 'Such a

thoughtless girl! What were you thinking? You should be thankful that I was there tonight. If you fell into

the hands of some other evil man in this condition, you would be doomed!' While he thought of this,

Nick suddenly felt a sudden stir in his heart. He wasn't sure what had gotten into him so he decided to

divert his gaze off Cassie.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He couldn't help but look at Cassie again. The light inside

the elevator had created a restful atmosphere. Cassie's skin looked soft and light. As Nick continued to

keep gazing at her, he spotted a red glow on her face, which made her skin appear softer and tenderer.

He couldn't resist sniffing close to her, as he felt an alluring and pleasant smell coming from her body.

Something about her scent left Nick with an inexplicable thought. She smelled like a mellow fruity wine,

or a scent of flowers. Her scent was such a strong pull that he found it too hard to resist. It was like a

spell that he was unable to get rid of once he was casted. The only thought he had at the moment was

to hold Cassie firmly and never let her go!

Ding. The elevator finally reached the 19th floor and halted to a stop. Its doors opened at once.

Nick pulled himself off from his illusion. Carefully, he walked out and headed to the first door to the

right. He unlocked the door to his apartment and went inside. The room was dark but that didn't stop

Nick. He knew every corner of this apartment by heart.

Several minutes later, he finally took Cassie into his own bedroom and then put her on the bed.

His apartment was neither too big, nor too small, equipped with a hall and two bedrooms. One

bedroom was for himself, and the other one was originally used for guests, though he hardly had

visitors before who had stayed the night. Without any spare beddings, Nick couldn't let Cassie spend

the night in the guestroom, so he allowed her to sleep in his own bedroom instead.

In so doing, Nick had no choice but to sleep on the sofa in the living hall.

Luckily, it was not too cold tonight. He had a jacket on and thought that he could just take it off and then

draped it over his body, if he slept on the sofa later on. That would pretty much be okay to keep him

warm throughout the night.

After lying Cassie on the bed, he stayed beside her for a while, just in case she woke up and needed

some help. But she remained perfectly still. Nick decided to finally go to the bathroom to take a shower

when she didn't wake up.

Twenty minutes later, he came back. However, he was taken aback by what he caught sight of.

As he stepped into the room again, an erotic scene was unfolding in front of his eyes!

Perhaps feeling hot, Cassie had kicked aside the quilt that Nick had placed over her. Other than that,

she had pulled her shirt wildly. The black lace bra under her shirt had now been partially exposed. Her

skirt had also been peeled up, so her undies were also visible, also black and made of lace!

Nick's face turned as red as blood, his heart beating faster.

What was in front of his eyes right now really took him by surprise. His breath sped up in an instant. His

mind was a complete mess. He thought to himself, 'I just left to take a shower, and then came back to

observe such a scene! She turned herself into such an indelicate posture! How did she do that in such

a short time?

My God! What should I do now?'

He could swear to God at this point that, in his past twenty years of existence, he had never

experienced such a breathtaking moment! Ever! His heart was pumping rapidly. He had a hard time

controlling his breathing. The beady sweats on his forehead cropped up. His legs had turned into jelly,

almost unable to steady his own body. He could feel the fire inside him. It was continuously growing

and he could feel his body burning.

"Water! Water! Give me water…" Cassie suddenly yelled.

Nick tried to pull his eyes away from her body and attempted to just listen to her voice, but he failed. He

seemed to have been put under her spell. It was too compelling for him to resist and get rid of. After a

hard struggle, he managed to snap himself back to reality and tried to concentrate again. He heard

what Cassie was yelling about. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

Hastily, he turned around and rushed into the kitchen to fetch some water for Cassie. Holding the glass

of water in his hand, he stepped back into the bedroom. Suddenly he paused by the door. He was

afraid that he wouldn't be able to pull his eyes away if he looked at her again. So he lowered his eyes

as he continued to walk towards her. When he finally reached her side, he propped her up without

looking, and then pushed the water towards her lips only by instinct.

Cassie felt nothing but rather thirsty. She was unaware where she was. Her mind was in such a mess

that she didn't even know who the man in front of her right now was.

Without any second thoughts, she grasped the man's hand and guided him to let the water flow into her

mouth. Nick was surprised but he held onto the glass as Cassie gulped it in. When she was done, she

licked her pink lips, a pleased look shown on her face. She felt much better and couldn't help but let out

a gasp of relief.

Her voice sounded so soft and full of satisfaction. Nick felt mellow with such a tempting sound, and he

started to feel a strong stir in him. Again, he knew he was about to lose control of himself.

Quickly, he shook his head to force himself to stop such thoughts. He put aside the glass and carefully

put Cassie back to the bed.

"Nick?" Cassie gripped him on his arm and looked at him, as he was about to turn and leave. Her hand

held onto his arm firmly, but her eyes was clearly in a mist.

Nick turned back and looked at her again.

From her touch, he could feel her ardent heart. He could feel each of her fingers pressing hard on his


She tried hard to wave her forceless hand before his eyes, and murmured, "Is it really you, Nick? Didn't

you just leave? Didn't you leave me alone in this room? Why did you come back?"

Her voice became lower and lower, until it turned into a sad tone. Gradually, tears started to well up in

her eyes, as if she was about to cry. Her heart felt heavy. She felt so weak and lonely. At the moment,

she realized that she needed Nick more than ever.

She felt so anxious. She wanted Nick by her side at all cost. She reached out the other hand to touch

the man's face. Slowly, she moved it from his eyebrows down to his nose, tracing each feature, and

then stopped on his thin lips.

Cassie's soft touch left Nick kind of itchy, as she slowly ran her fingers on his face. It was torture. Nick

could feel sensations burning inside him again. When she finally stopped, Nick felt much relieved and

let out a sigh. However, he didn't expect what was coming soon.

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