I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Enzo’s POV “Go back there and take what is ours!!” Max roared, fury boiling through him. He was desperate to have Lila as his and I wasn’t going to partake in such activities. If I were to be caught, I could lose everything I had worked so hard for, and I wasn’t going to let that happen. I had big goals and dreams to fulfill in order to lock my future down and I wasn’t going to let a mate bond get in the way of that. Plus, if I were to get too close to her, it’ll put her in danger. I’m always being watched and hunted by my father’s followers. They nearly killed my mother. I won’t let something like that happen to Lila too. ‘ Not while I’m alive. I was careless and weak. I acted with my dick and not with my head. I won’t let that happen again. Though, I could still taste her sweet lips on mine and feel the softness of her skin pressed against me. It made me feel a way I had never felt before. However, I chose to ignore that feeling. I returned to the dance because I had a job to do and I couldn’t just leave, but I made sure to avoid Lila for the rest of the night. Which was easy because it seemed she had left with her friends. Come to think of it… Brody was gone too. … I was the first to arrive, after Bastien, at the monthly Alpha committee meeting. Bastien had everything set up at each section of the table; mainly an agenda for what we are going to be discussing today.

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“Enzo, I shouldn’t be surprised that you are early,” Bastien said as he motioned for a seat. “How is

everything?” “Good,” I answered. “Lila did a great job with the dance. It seemed everyone had a good time.” “She chose a great Alpha for the head of security,” Bastien said with a head nod. “I appreciate you for keeping her and everyone safe.”

“Of course,” I said in return. Before any more words were exchanged, more Alphas entered. They were already engrossed in small talk when they came into the room and took their seats. “Help yourself to some coffee and donuts,” Bastien said, pointing to the counter across the room where he set up coffee and donut stations. “Once everyone is settled, we will get started.” Bastien set up his laptop while he waited for everyone to take their seats. Once everyone was seated, he began to speak. “There are some concerns I wanted to bring up to everybody. There was an attack recently where a Volana wolf had gotten injured. We need to be wary of our surroundings and be on the lookout for anything suspicious. If we need to recruit more gammas in specific areas, please let me know and we can figure out a game plan to be sure your pack’s safety. Safety is the number one priority. I know from experience that Blaise’s followers are not messing around, and they will attack anything and anyone that’s different.” Everyone was silent as they processed his words. “In other news, the central bank will need a new bank manager so if anyone is up for the job, or if you know anyone up for the job, please visit the central bank and put in an application. I will be reviewing them all over the weekend and will decide on interviews on Monday.” Alpha Bastien paused again as he glanced around the table and his eyes landed on Alpha Steven, the richest Alpha amongst them all. Steven was an arrogant prick, and he always hated the fact that Bastien was in charge of the committee and not him. He wanted to be in control of everything and own everything, the committee was the one

thing he couldn’t buy, and it drove him crazy. “The Shifter Academy had recently created a new organization for students, known as the student committee. My daughter, Lila, will be in charge of that. They will be planning new events for students in the future,” Bastien said, still staring at Steven whose eyes had darkened. “I didn’t approve of that,” Steven said through gritted teeth. “You don’t need to approve it; the board already approved it.” “Are you forgetting who owns that school?” Steven sneered. “It’s owned by the kingdom and the board is in charge of the academy. You fund the academy, yes, but in the contract, you forfeit all rights to the school. You are not the owner.” “I can pull my funding and the school will be run into the ground,” Steven growled, standing to his feet in a threatening manner. “The school your daughter attends? Are you really going to disrupt her education because you can’t get your way?” Bastien asked. “How would that make you look as not only an Alpha but as a father as well? You will lose the respect of your pack and the kingdom if you did such a thing.” “If anyone is going to be head of the committee, it should be Sarah,” Steven hissed, his eyes turning red. “Due to your daughter’s recent troubles and her current status as suspended, I’m afraid she isn’t allowed to be head of the committee. My daughter will remain in charge until further notice.” This silenced Steven; he wasn’t happy about this, and it was taking everything I had not to smirk. He sat back down and continued to glare at Bastien for the rest of the meeting. The meeting went on for another hour before the conversation started to slow down. By the end of the meeting, I was ready to leave and enjoy the rest of my day working on my curriculum for the rest of the week. Just as I started to pack up my belongings in my briefcase, I heard my name being thrown around the mouths of the other Alphas, causing me to freeze.

“Hey, Enzo!” One of them shouted from across the room once they were sick of talking about me behind my back. Now, they wanted to involve me in the conversation. “You’re 23, right? When are you going to find your mate?” “Yeah, you are getting too old to be single. You should be settling down by now.” “Got any she-wolves you are looking at?” I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I certainly wasn’t expecting that. I just stared at them blankly for a long while as they all stared back at me with wide and curious eyes. The sad part was this time they weren’t drunk. How was this any of their business? “Guys, leave him alone. He will settle down when he’s good and ready,” Bastien said with a faint smile on his mouth as he shook his head. “He wants to get ahead though! An Alpha is only as good as his Luna. Without a Luna, how do you expect your pack to thrive?” Alpha John said with a frown. “I’m not interested in this conversation,” I found myself muttering. I finished collecting my things and zipped my briefcase before turning toward the door. “If you’ll excuse me…” I said, walking away. “Hey! Wait up, Enzo!” Alpha John said from behind me, following me into the halls of the city hall. I paused and glared at him; I was very unamused that he was following me to harass me about my love life. “My daughter, Bethany, is back in town from her tour. She’s a singer and quite good. You might have heard her music on the radio.” Bethany Rochelle; of course, I had heard of her music. She admittedly had a nice voice and a lot of students around campus listened to her in the lounge. Her music isn’t to my taste, but I recognize that she has some serious talent. “I might have,” I said in return, not giving him more information than that. “Well, she will be in town for a while, and she was just saying the other day that she wishes to find a gentleman and settle down. She’s sick of always being on the road and wishes to pursue a serious relationship with a proper suitor.” Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I see.” I didn’t like where this was going. “I was hoping I’d be able to introduce you. You are quite the looker yourself, which is exactly her type. What do you say? Want to meet her and take her out for a date?” I saw the hopefulness in his eyes and for a moment, I almost thought of saying yes just to shut him up. But I didn’t want to listen to Max’s complaint about going out with another woman when he all wanted to do was be with our mate. A mate I wasn’t even sure I wanted to keep. But, until I figured it out, it was probably better if I didn’t pursue another she-wolf. “I’m afraid you are mistaken about my relationship status. I’m actually in a very committed and happy relationship.”

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