Let's Start All Over Again, Shall We (Maggie and Nathaniel)



Chapter 174 Kill a Person, Strike at the Heart

Throughout the night, Maggie earnestly discussed possible responses with the Cameron family.

Consequently, Ronald invited the Cameron Group’s principal investors for a nocturnal gathering at his residence.

That evening, there was no shortage of vigor among the Camerons.

Dawn arrived sooner than expected.

No viable solutions emerged, not due to a lack of creative thinking on the Camerons‘ part the night before, but because every strategy they considered seemed insufficient to halt their ongoing downturn and dilemma.

As the old adage goes, “Hit where it hurts.” In this instance, their adversaries had adeptly pinpointed the Camerons‘ vulnerabilities, effectively eliminating most of their avenues for recourse.

Both Master Cameron and Madam Cameron were dealing with health issues owing to their age, yet the pressing nature of dealing with projects worth tens or even hundreds of billions prevented them from resting.

Noah’s usually jovial face now carried a trace of sorrow, his expression taut.

Mary’s feelings had evolved from initial irritation and fury to a state of despair.

Ronald had sternly criticized Joseph, leaving him feeling as though he had been hit by an icy gust, rendering his propositions ineffective and inconsequential.

Meanwhile, Maggie pretended to be invested, and although her recommendations were sensible, they too failed to significantly impact the grim scenario.

At that moment, an important investor was alerted by his phone and stood up from the couch.

“Bad news, the incident from last night is spreading like wildfire online, drawing a barrage of critical comments. Prominent internet personalities and official accounts are broadcasting the news. They’re casting us in a severely negative light. Now, the public sentiment is massively against us.”

Ronald’s expression darkened, “What’s the situation with the PR team? Weren’t they tasked with managing this crisis immediately, overnight? And Joseph, didn’t I direct you to engage with the press to quell the spread of the news?”

Noah shook his head, “Despite their round–the–clock work, the public isn’t convinced. We’re facing overwhelming negative sentiment, and our attempts to counter it are falling flat.”

Joseph responded, icy, “I’ve reached out to numerous media outlets, only to be met with silence or dismissal. Those who did respond argued that the incident had stirred too much uproar, believing that the truth would come to light on its own. No one’s willing to keep quiet.

Maggie, scanning her phone with a furrowed brow, added, “Even the official website has stepped in, issuing

a harsh criticism of the Camerons‘ actions and delivering a severe condemnation.”

Ronald sank deeper into the sofa, his expression one of utter dismay.

Chapter 174 Kill a Person, Strike at the Heart

trustworthiness, heralding a potential collapse of Luster Corporation entirely.

The aftermath of this scandal also brought the Adams‘ 1 wsuit into the spotlight. Consequently, numerous internet personalities and influencers bought similar items from both companies at premium prices for detailed comparison.

The verdict was unanimous: the Adams‘ jewelry showcased superior craftsmanship and elegance, whereas the Camerons‘ offerings were found to be inconsistent and of lower quality.

Some went further, conducting exhaustive comparisons of the operational, execution, and customer service approaches of both entities.

The findings pointed out the disarray within the Camerons‘ operations, including pricing inconsistencies and haphazard initiatives.

On the flip side, the Adams were praised for their organized, scientific, and dependable management customer service.

Maggie understood Ericko had taken action.

Despite the Adams‘ ethical practices and potential to rank among the top luxury brands for years, they were undeniably a force to be reckoned with.

This development seemed to completely eclipse the Camerons.


Noah reported, with a concerned look, ‘Designers are now openly blogging, uniting in a boycott against the Camerons, and some have even begun sharing what you said yesterday.” He paused, casting a glance at Ronald, who looked completely taken aback.

While targeting these designers‘ weaknesses or personal matters might have been deemed permissible, the broader implications and fallout from this scandal spreading were another matter


Ronald was overwhelmed with frustration, recognizing that the calamity had stemmed from his own actions, leaving him no room to fault anyone else.

“The Adams are staging an event!” Olivia annc inced urgently, having come across the news.

“What event?” Ronald inquired, managing to quell the bitterness swelling in his throat, his voice deep and steady.

Olivia promptly accessed the official Adam Group Twitter account.

A photograph of Ericko immediately drew their gaze.

Ericko presented himself with a gentle and elegant demeanor in the photo, vibrant and poised like a refreshing breeze or a sprout of green bamboo, radiating an air of sophistication and mildness.

Yet, the photograph was merely a backdrop to the crucial message conveyed through the Weibo post.

To conclude the year, the Adanis have unveiled a special promotion: any customer purchasing jewelry from the Adam Group will receive a complimentary thermos cup with Madagie’s signature. This is for those who have experienced heartbreak after purchasing from certain company.”

Maggie could barely suppress a chuckle upon seeing the black and white thermos cup with a signature Ericko was brandishing in the photo.


Chapter 174 Kill a Person, Strike at the Heart

She had endorsed Ericko’s proposal when he initially presented it, recognizing it as an ingenious tactic to boost Madagir’s visibility and pave the way for future endeavors

Indeed, one should capitalize on every available oppo mity! NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Leveraging the Camerons downfall as a stepping stone for their ascent, it was imperative to exploit every posóble advantage and maximize the gains

However, the sight of Ericko posing with the thermos cup still elicited laughter from Maggie.

Despite the familial connection, Ericko’s manner of holding the cup imparted an air of an earnest, albeit

adorable official.

Gathering her thoughts. Maggie turned towards Ronald, who was visibly struggling to suppress his rage on the sola, and sharply criticized. “The Adams has crossed the line! Their actions are downright spiteful!”

Indeed, their tactics were diabolical,

Offering solace in times of adversity was one thing, but the manner in which it was executed felt inherently malevolent, even to Maggie

The Adams will face consequences for their actions one day! Ronald, your thoughts?” Master Cameron’s fury was palpable, his voice quivering with anger.

As Ronald prepared to respond, his expression was grave, and an unexpected turn of events occurred. He suddenly coughed up blood and collapsed, losing consciousness.

Romuald’s world turned dark as he fainted, leaving those around him in shock.

Maggie was momentarily taken aback, having never witnessed Ronald react with such intensity in either of her lifetimes.

Yet, in a way, it was understandable–such actions were heart–wrenchingly cruel.

Resolved to mark the occasion, she planned or Lucas to procure firecrackers for a proper celebration. It was clear to her: Luster Corporation’s downfall was scaled.

“Dad” Despite her inward satisfaction, Maggie knew she had to maintain her façade.

The more time she spent with the Camerons, the more opportunities she would have to ensure their undrang. Thus, she fully intended to exploit her position.

Rushing forward with a look of concern, Maggie feigned anxiety. After a brief moment of hesitation, the others rallied to her side to offer their support.

“Ronald, are you okay?”



“Sir? Sir!”

Chapter 174 Kill a Person, Strike at the Heart

Seizing the moment amidst the pandemonium, Maggie whipped out her phone, swiftly dialed emergency services, and, under the cover of the ensuing turmoil, she messaged Leo to inform the media.

Indeed, the abrupt health crisis of the Cameron Group’s chairman, necessitating immediate hospitalization, presented a too–good–to–miss publicity opportunity.

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