Chapter 76: I’ll Give You Three Seconds to Get Out of Here!

They left the future mother-in-law’s supermarket.

Jun Chester immediately called Nelson Stewart, the president of Bank of Lordran.

“Dirtmouth, the fifth avenue, clear all debts owed by Don Knowles. I’ll cover the necessary funds.”

On the other end of the phone, Nelson Stewart gave a bitter smile.

He never thought Jun Chester would call him personally for such a trivial matter.

Wasn’t this like using a cannon to kill a mosquito?

But Nelson Stewart still respectfully replied to Jun Chester.

“Alright, Lord Chester, I’ll notify Dirtmouth branch president Colin Edwards, and he’ll take care of this personally.”

Jun Chester acknowledged and hung up the phone.

The next morning, Dirtmouth branch president Colin Edwards, accompanied by many bank executives, appeared in front of their supermarket.

For a moment, the entire fifth avenue was in an uproar.

Among the people who appeared, any one of them was a branch president of different banks.

Now, these banking bigwigs not only handed over the highest credit limit cards from various banks to Don and his wife.

They also brought many gifts.

The most eye-catching of which were the twenty glittering gold bars!

Each one was worth more than a hundred thousand.

Don and his wife were completely dumbfounded by this sudden turn of events.


What was going on?

Colin Edwards stammered and hesitated. In the end, he mustered the courage to leave only one sentence. “Mr. Knowles, you don’t need to overthink it. Your wife won the lottery on our software a while ago, so all this is what you and your wife deserve!” With that, Colin Edwards left quickly, fearing that the Don couple would ask more difficult questions.

After Colin Edwards left, it took a while for the Don couple to come back to their senses. Carol murmured to herself, “I just used my credit points to redeem a bedsheet and spent some points on the lottery…” Hearing this, Don suddenly picked Carol up and gave her a big kiss on the lips. “Wife, from now on, you make all the decisions in this house, and I’ll listen to you!” Carol’s face turned red instantly.

On the other side, in Jun Chester’s house, Lyvia had just woken up and was instantly taken out on a date by Jun Chester. They hadn’t been on a date for seven years! At nine in the morning, the two left hand in hand and went to Dirtmouth Mall. They chatted and laughed like an ordinary couple, finally arriving in front of a women’s clothing store. Although Lyvia was dressed simply, her stunning beauty attracted the attention of many men in a short time. Some even wanted to come over and strike up a conversation. However, they didn’t dare to approach because of Jun Chester’s presence.

A young man in a white suit was an exception. Seeing Lyvia, he immediately walked over. “Lyvia!” The young man called out to her. Jun Chester and Lyvia looked at him at the same time. Lyvia was slightly surprised. “Jim Edwards?” Hearing Lyvia call his name, the young man’s face lit up with a smile. “I can’t believe you still remember me after all these years!”

Jun Chester, standing next to Lyvia, looked at Jim Edwards and then back at Lyvia, his eyes filled with curiosity. “Who is he?” “Jim Edwards, we went to the same high school. I didn’t expect to meet him here,” Lyvia explained. She then introduced Jun Chester to Jim Edwards. “Jim Edwards, this is my husband, Jun Chester.” Jun Chester felt a warmth in his heart upon hearing Lyvia introduce him this way. However, he didn’t expect that when he tried to shake hands with Jim Edwards, Jim Edwards only glanced at him and sneered. “Oh, so you’re Jun Chester.” Jun Chester was slightly taken aback. “What, do you know me?”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Jim Edwards scoffed. “I dropped out of junior high school and went to Cyand; how could I know you? But your reputation in Dirtmouth is quite well-known, although don’t get me wrong. I only heard about those things. I really don’t think Lyvia’s taste could be so bad as to marry a big joke from Dirtmouth!” Jun Chester’s brow furrowed slightly, and Lyvia couldn’t help but become hostile towards Jim Edwards.

Jim Edwards, as if remembering something, looked at Jun Chester with a smile. “By the way, my name isn’t Jim Edwards anymore. It’s… Alexander Edwards! I’ve already emigrated; my father is Colin Edwards, the president of the Bank of Dirtmouth’s branch! However, I heard Lordran has some good policies recently, offering the world’s lowest tax rates for various industries! That’s why I came back to check it out. My father wanted me to come back, but I think I should see how things go first. I don’t want to give up my Cyand permanent residency that I’ve already obtained too early!” After hearing this, Jun Chester sneered in his heart. What a… traitor!

Lyvia didn’t want to deal with Jim Edwards anymore, so she held Jun Chester’s arm and whispered, “Let’s go, Jun. Let’s go in and look at the clothes.” Jun Chester no longer paid attention to Jim Edwards and went into the women’s clothing store with Lyvia. Seeing the couple’s loving appearance, Jim Edwards frowned and followed them in.

At that moment, a man and a woman entered the store. The woman looked curvy and seductive, with enchanting makeup. The man was broad-shouldered and fat, wearing a thick gold necklace around his neck, giving off the air of a nouveau riche. The seductive woman entered the store and, without even trying on the clothes, asked the salesperson to pack up all the clothes she liked. Just as Lyvia was about to touch a dress she liked, the seductive woman spoke disdainfully, “I want this one too. Hey, let go of your dirty hands; don’t dirty my dress!” Naturally, the salesperson was very respectful to this extravagant customer.

As for Lyvia…

From beginning to end, the salesperson hadn’t paid any attention to her.

After all, they didn’t look like they would buy anything.

Who would waste time on them?

In contrast, the enchanting female customer didn’t even need to try on the clothes or touch them; she directly bought a whole bunch!

Lyvia was about to say something when Jim Edwards, who had been watching from the sidelines, laughed. “I’ll take all the clothes in here!” The salesperson finally looked at Jim Edwards. The seductive woman and the nouveau riche man with the gold chain also turned their attention to him. When the nouveau riche man saw Jim Edwards’ face, he was struck like a bolt of lightning.

Was this…

The son of Colin Edwards, the president of the Bank of Dirtmouth’s branch?

Before the nouveau riche man could regain his senses, the enchanting woman beside him started yelling at Jim Edwards. “You’re taking all the clothes here?” “You clown, what do you think you are?” Just as she finished speaking, the nouveau riche man slapped her across the face.


The slap was incredibly loud. The enchanting woman was immediately stunned. “Husband, you…” The nouveau riche man roared. “Who’s your husband? Shameless, filthy woman!” “Do you know who he is?” “He’s the son of Colin Edwards, the president of the Bank of Dirtmouth’s branch!” “Apologize to Mr. Edwards right away!”

The enchanting woman instantly became fearful and stared at Jim Edwards with her mouth agape, hastily bowing in apology. “I’m sorry…” “I’m sorry, Mr. Edwards…” “I was just blind; please forgive me!” Jim Edwards, however, didn’t pay any attention to the nouveau riche man and the enchanting woman. Instead, he turned and looked at Jun Chester.

With a charming smile, he slowly said, “Jun Chester, this place is mine now. Please leave; I have something to say to Lyvia.” Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Jun Chester didn’t hesitate. He slapped Jim Edwards across the face.


As the resounding slap fell, Jun Chester spoke coldly. “I’m giving you three seconds to get out of here!”

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