Love Is Fair

Chapter 84

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 84

Chapter 084 The Sassy Girl Is back

The girls who were driven out stood at the door, listening to the commotion inside, and worrying about Hailey, “How dare she show such a terrible attitude to Mr. Gomez? She‘s getting herself in trouble.” But not long after, they felt it not quite right “Hailey, how could you beat your brother for that damn guy?

The girls stared at each other with wide eyes and couldn‘t believe what they had heard, ‘Who is the one

being beating? Mr. Gomez?‘

‘That woman, how dare she do that?‘

‘She‘s gonna pay for it! The girls all put on shocked faces, while Brook was extremely calm, standing at the door to record video Seeing Hailey punching Jared‘s face, Brook winced for his pain. The video was sent to the chat group. All the brothers quickly replied with a candle emoji, and attached a

sentence, “Hold on, Jared!”

Brook though it might be enough then came forward to pull Hailey away, “All right, stop , Hailey. You don‘t wanna see him die young and became a casket, right?” Five minutes later, the room returned to silence. Hailey sullenly sat on the sofa, while Jared was putting

an ice pack on the corner of the mouth. The dignified Mr. Gomez looked so wretched at this time. He

glanced at Hailey gingerly with grievance from time to time. Brook stood in the middle of them, acting as a peacemaker, “Come on, it‘s a big deal. You‘ve beaten him. Now relieved?”

Hailey coldly snorted, still wearing scowl. Her angry face was unspeakably cute in the eyes of Brook and Jared. They look at each other and had the same thought in their minds, ‘Our little sassy girl is back. “Were you guys in on it?” Hailey‘s sharp eyes suddenly swept over towards Brook.

White seven suddenly a sense of crisis of being involved and quickly wave his hand, “No, no, although we

do want kick his ass, Jared hates him most.” Jared angrily kicked Brook, “Thank you, dude!” Hailey did not relent, “Then you also know in advance, why not tell me? Why just let him do such a stupid thing!” Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Brook smiled embarrassedly, “Betray my brother? That‘s not the way I get things done.” Hailey coldly snapped, “So lying to your sister is the way you get things done?” Brook was speechless. Now he was really in a dilemma. “You are holding the candle to the devil!” Hailey was still furious and continues to scold Jared, ‘Let‘s put aside the fact that your behavior is childish. Do you know who is Owen? He‘s the president of Mazedew Group. And he is injured in Poya now. Once the police launch an investigation, you think who will be the first one to be found? Jared diedainfully sneered, “You think I‘m afraid?”

“I know you‘re not afraid, but Jared, the less trouble the better.” Hailey‘s voice relaxed quite a bit, “The reason I’m angry is not for you beating him up. I think he deserved it for he did those bastard things to me. What I‘m angry about is that you hit him without my knowledge.” Jared raised his eyebrow, “I don‘t understand. What‘s the difference?”

Hailey bit her lip lightly. The difference was that when she was completely unprepared and learned that Owen was attacked, she was incomparably nervous, scared, and even panicked. The moment she saw him seriously injured, she could not wait to get the person who hurt him killed immediately. But the one who hurt him behind the scenes was actually her own brother. That tearing feeling of being in a dilemma

was so unpleasant.

“To tell you the truth, Jared, now I have not fallen in love with someone else, that is to say, the man in my

heart is still Owen.” Hailey‘s eyes were dark and deep as she revealed herself, “If you don‘t want to make things difficult for me, then don‘t go looking for trouble with him again.”

Hearing this, Brook and Jared‘s pupils all shrank.

When Hailey left from the Nomad, it was already late at night.

It was a night of ups and downs. The happiness of getting the small enamel bowls was all washed away

by these troubles.

“Missy, are we going back to the Garden of Rose?” The driver asked.

Hailey pondered for a moment and said, “Let‘s go to the Coastside Hospital.” She was still worried about


It was dark in the ward. Owen was lying alone on the hospital bed. Jose and Matthew were not there. Hailey frowned and blamed those two unreliable guys. They had said they would stay with Owen. But now there was not even a bodyguard at the door. What if something terrible happened again? She closed the door gently and walked toward Owen. Owen fell asleep. She quietly looked at him. His pretty face with fortitude now was consumed by sickness. He looked softer than usual. People who didn’t know him might think he was a gentle man. Thinking about the word “gentle“, Hailey lost her


She reached out and gently felt his face, from forehead to nose, lips, chin... Every inch of his body was familiar to her, but also strange, because they had never really entered each other, either physically or


Whether she admits it or not, “See the best, blind to the rest.” In the rest of her life, there would never be

anyone like Owen who left her such an unforgettable memory.

The moment when she touched his eyes, his eyelid fluttered. Hailey stopped and froze. The next moment,

the sleeping man woke up like a fierce tiger, clasping the back of her head and kissing her unawares.

Hailey‘s eyes widened. She tried to struggle against his shoulder, but her wrist was tightly clutched by the

man. At the same time, her lips were pried open by him. He was like a great general, waiting at the city gate covetously. When the opportunity came, he came

rampaging with his sword, capturing her and winning the game! “Bastard! How dare he pretend to sleep! How dare he do this to me!‘ Hailey cursed him in her mind. Now

she hoped that Jared would cripple him and make him completely unable to get up! Owen did not fall asleep, because he had a feeling that Hailey would come again. He drove away Jose

and Matthew to keep the two third wheels out of the way. And his feeling was right! She reaily came! Ani since she was here, it meant that she still cared about him. In that case, then how could he let this chance go? And how could he miss her? After being abstinent for so long, now he finally could taste her and he felt it was better than ever. Owen kissed him hard. He suddenly felt that he had wasted the past 20 years of his life. However, hindsight was easier than foresight. With their lips and tongues tangling, Hailey went soft from struggle and resistance. After a long time, when he finally let go of her,

Hailey was blushing with her eyes shining and watery. She saised her hand and gave him a slap. glaring at him angrily, “Owen, you are a jerk!

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