Love Is Fair

Chapter 89

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 89

Chapter 089 The Capable Has the Say

The people in the meeting room saw Hailey coming and stood up from their seats to greet her, “Ms. Newman.”

This made Morgan angry again. He was the chairman, but when he came no one was so respectful and

polite to him. ‘Who is the boss?‘ Morgan was furious inside. Hailey nodded lightly and waved her hand, indicating the people to sit. She did not walk toward Morgan, but sat across from him. It was Chris who pulled over a chair for her. The moment Hailey sat down, all the directors and executives coincidentally turned their bodies to Hailey. They were all sophisticated and not stupid. They knew clearly that who was talentless and who was the real boss of Crystaldate. Everyone could see through it but just didn‘t say anything. “My dear niece, you finally came.” Morgan leaned over against the conference table and glared

sorrowfully at Hailey, who was sitting directly opposite him, and questioned in an unkind tone, “About the horse farm, should you give me an explanation?” “Didn‘t you already know about it? What‘s the point of explaining to you?” Hailey lazily looked up and pushed some materials from her side to Matthew‘s, “On this document, there are more than twenty reasons why the land in the northern Suburbs is suitable for building a horse farm instead of a golf course. You almost ran out of Crystaldate‘s assert by buying the land. If it can‘t be earned back, the only end of Crystaldate is bankruptcy.” “Do not alarm me with bankruptcy!” Morgan did not even look at the materials, casually threw them to the

ground, grunting angrily, “You‘ve always said bankruptcy, but has it ever happened?, Crystaldate is a large group. How could it go bankrupt so easily?” Hearing the half–assed words, everyone showed a look of contempt. Hailey shook her head speechlessly, “Uncle, you know what you lack in brain you can

make up for by reading. It‘s ok to say these stupid words at home. We are family after all. But if you if talk a lot of nonsense in public, you may look foolish.” Morgan‘s face was gloomy, “Are you teaching me a lesson, niece? You weren‘t home for three years and

the rules of the Newman family have all been forgotten, huh!” Hailey smiled coldly, “The first rule of the Newman family is that the capable has the say.” Hailey said in a

deep voice, “Uncle, let me refresh your memory. Just a month ago, my father‘s Crystaldate was almost killed by you. It was me who put funds to save it. Otherwise, you think you can still swagger around in front of me? I guess you‘d be a stray dog by now.” The extremely mean words made Morgan‘s face instantly darken, “You... How dare you say that to your uncle...” He covered his chest with a frail and weak look, and fell heavily on the chair. Reid also couldn‘t stand. He felt that Hailey scolded him, too. He said with a stern face, “Hailey, watch your words. We are your uncles after all. Show some respect.” “Uncle, I think I have given you enough respect, but you are shameless.” Hailey was not anxious or

annoyed, and even smiled slightly. “You seem to have gotten something wrong. Although Crystaldate is family business, it was founded by my father, and has nothing to do with you guys Why my father said that it‘s family business? It‘s because he was to leave the firm to me. Even if he has left the world, in the

inheritance, the first helt is me. I‘ve never heard of the inheritance is not passed to the daughter, but

brother. I gave you false names in the company, just to keep you from messing around. But if you have

to do so, well, then don‘t blame me for being unkind.”

“You...” Reid was so angry that her face turned blue, but he couldn‘t say anything. When Hailey was just back home, she was sort of polite to them. Each of them took a step back. But now this time she was clearly going to offend them and have no consideration for their feelings. And she was fearless, which was extremely unfavorable to them.

Reid was sitting there, being afraid. He was an idler who only spent money but not made money. He

didn‘t know anything about business and was not interested in it at all. His only pleasure in life had been collecting antiques He was planning to get some good antiques in Cloudsouth, but he did not expect that he was somehow involved in the gambling stones and put all his money in. Now he was still upset about that, and expecting the market value of Crystaldate to go up a little more so he could make some money from stocks. If now Hailey kicked him out, then he would lose his last card. The loss was not worth the gain. Thinking of this, Reid felt abashed. He lowered his head and no longer

said anything more. But grievance surged in Morgan‘s heart. He took a couple of breaths before he said, “Why do you want a

horse farm? Can you make money with that? Do you know how much money we spent on that land in the

northern Suburbs? If it doesn‘t work out, if we lose money, won‘t Crystaldate still go bankrupt?” “Don‘t worry. I‘ve been making money on my own since I can remember. I know better than you what can bring money and what cannot.” Hailey sat there calmly with powerful vibe, “What‘s more, I also invited Mazedew and Feline to take part

in. I‘m not bragging, as long as it is done well, we will be beneficiary at least for five years. All of you here, as long as you do your job well, you can benefit.” Everyone wanted to do money–making projects. When they knew that Mazedew and Feline were in, those present felt more confident. They nodded their heads with confident looks and made a promise to Hailey, “You may rest assured, Ms. Newman, we will do a good job and won‘t be a drag.” Morgan was abruptly wide eyed, “What Mazedew? The one in North City, the Mazedew Group?” Hailey asked him in return, “Do you know other Mazedew Group?” ‘So that‘s it!‘ Morgan‘s heart jumped so hard that he almost fell down. He stood up from his chair,

trembling and swallowing. He pointed at Hailey, “You... you actually cooperate with the Mazedew of North City. Are you out of your mind?” Reid also looked at Hailey with shock and confusion, “Yes, we have always had problems with them. We are in conflict with each other for so many years. Now they suddenly cooperate with us. I think they are up to no good. What if they are going to screw us?”

“You don‘t have to worry about this. As long as you hold steady and don‘t screw yourself, no one can

screw us.”

Hailey cynically twisted her mouth, and said to the crowd, “Yes, there was competition between Crystaldate and Mazedew before, but that was normal business competition. In business, there are no absolute friends, there are no absolute enemies. It‘s all about profit. I prefer a win–win situation to competition.” After she finished, the crowd nodded again silently, and the conference room suddenly fell

into silence. “Any questions?” She asked. The crowd shook their heads. Morgan and Reid looked like they hadn‘t been taken out of the shocking news, and also didn‘t say anything. “So that‘s all, meeting dismissed.” With a clap, Hailey left chicly.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

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