My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Chapter 266


ou want to become a committee member?” I asked, staring up at the gorgeous–looking vampire with what must have been disbelief written all over my face.

I’m sure Becca and Brody both looked about the same.

Does it look like I’m joking?” She asked, rolling her eyes.

“I suppose not,” I said, chuckling nervously. “What is your name?”

“Skylar Barnett,” she muttered.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest; she was a Barnett? As in Albert Barnett and Claudette Barnett?

Albert and Claudette basically owned the fashion industry. They were definitely vampires, but they were the most popular vampires to ever exist when it came to fashion, design, and modeling.

That’s why Skylar looked familiar to me; I had seen her in magazines before. That also explains the high–end boots and black cashmere jacket she wore.

I glanced sideways at Becca whose mouth was practically on the ground; Brody, of course, was clueless. He didn’t know much of anything about fashion; but I knew the Barnett’s were huge, which made Skylar huge.

“If you’re done gawking at me, can I fill out the form or not?” Skylar asked, rolling her eyes at us.

“Oh yes,” I said a little too quickly, sliding it over to her.

She sat down in the seat in front of me and started to fill out the form in perfect cursive.

“I’m sorry, but may I ask why you want to join the committee?” I found myself asking, making her pause and glance up at me. “It’s just that, vampires don’t typically like school events or activities… so I’m a little confused.”

She put the pen down and leaned back in her seat to look me over carefully. I felt my face warming instantly.

“My parents are making me take an extra curriculum,” she muttered, sounding extremely annoyed. “Something about wanting the world to know the Barnett’s aren’t just about looks. We also have brains.”

uld be good to have a vampire on the committee,” Brody shrugged,

over at me. “I mean, we have all the other species.”

‘t realized that until he spoke those words; but he really was right. had a bear, wolves, and a fairy, all we needed to complete the

ommittee was a vampire. I wanted the committee to appeal to all tudents, including vampires. So, having a vampire on the committee was only right.

“We would love to have you, Skylar,” I said to her, giving her a fond smile. She didn’t return the smile; she stared at me with an expression I couldn’t read. Then, she grabbed the pen and continued to fill out the form.

“When are meetings?” She asked without looking at me.

“We were planning on holding them at 2 in the afternoon…” I began to say but then froze when I saw her hand pausing.

She was a vampire; she couldn’t be here at 2 in the afternoon. Vampires don’t burn up in the sun, but they are uncomfortable and if they get enough exposure, then they will get sick. I couldn’t let that happen to my new committee member.

“But that’ll obviously have to change,” I continued, trying to appear as casual as I could. “What time do you start your first class at night?”

“9 pm,” she answered. “Is that an issue?”

“No, of course not,” I said, a little too quickly. I wondered if she could tell just how nervous I was; I clearly had no experience when it came to talking to vampires. “Sundown is at 7 and curfew is at 9 during the week. So, maybe we can have the meeting at 8?”

“That works for me,” Brody said with a nod.

“Me too,” Becca said as well.

“Great,” Skylar said as she finished filling out the form. She slid it across the counter and toward me.

She really did have great handwriting.

“When’s the first meeting?” She asked, pulling out a little black notebook from the bag she kept slung over her shoulder.

“Tomorrow,” I told her.

“Should we meet here?”

I glanced at the paper to make sure she listed her phone number.

“I’ll text you and let you know,” I answered.

If she said as she wrote in her notebook, “See you tomorrow.

stood and with long and confident strides made her way out of the ent lounge, leaving nearly everybody staring after her.

What just happened?” Becca finally found her voice.

We just got a vampire in our committee,” I said, still staring at the door. Holy crap.

“How many more members do we need?” Brody asked, staring at our list of members. I knew he was probably thinking about Sarah. I hadn’t even brought up the idea of adding Sarah to the other members, but I knew they wouldn’t be happy with that choice.

“Two,” I answered. “We lost the other two from last year. So far, we have you two, Rachel if she ever wants to show up, Kayla, Skylar, and me. To be a full committee we need at least 8 members, but ideally, I’d like 10.” We stayed silent for a short while; I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t realize Headmaster Prescott was approaching our table.

“Good afternoon,” Prescott said as she stopped at our table. “How’s the recruitment going?”

“We got one more person,” I told her. “We need at least 2 more.”

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that,” Brody blurted, making us all look at him. My stomach clenched because I knew exactly what he was going to say. I just didn’t think now was the right time.

“I’m listening,” Prescott said, eyeing him carefully.

“It’s about Sarah…”

Her smile shifted and now she was looking at him pointedly.

“What about Sarah?” She asked.

“I know she’s banned from any extra curriculums or activities. But I don’t think that’s fair. I think she should still be part of something, or else she’s never going to work as a team. She needs to learn to get along with others and not rely on her abilities to get her through. I think we should have her be a member,” Brody spoke with such confidence that I was impressed. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Prescott raised her brows at him, and I heard Becca gasping at his words.

“Sarah caused a lot of issues for many students,” Prescott reminded him. “What makes you think she can be trusted.”

“I guess I just have faith in her,” Brody replied. “I think this would be


My Professor And He Like It

for her and it’ll teach her that we work better as a team. Plus, I think ould be a good punishment for her to work under Ella. Don’t you

rescott looked at me and I felt my face warming under the intensity of her stare.

And you’ve spoken about this together?” She asked, still staring at me. Brody brought it up to me earlier,” I confessed.

And you find this to be a good idea as well?”

I was quiet for a moment as I allowed her question to settle in the air between us. I glanced at Brody who refused to meet my eyes and then I looked at Becca who was pale as a ghost. I knew she didn’t like this idea whatsoever; I also knew she wouldn’t be the only one.

I looked back at Prescott and squared my shoulders; trying to appear as confident as I could.

“If I’m honest, I’m not really sure if Sarah can be trusted. But I do trust Brody and if he thinks giving her a chance is a good idea, then I suppose no harm could come from it. If she oversteps, we can always kick her off the committee.”

Prescott was quiet for a moment as she thought about this and then she soon nodded; I felt Brody/relaxing beside me.

“She can be part of the committee, but she won’t participate in any school events. Understood?” Prescott said firmly, making us all nod immediately, even Becca.

“Thank you so much,” Brody said, bowing his head in respect to her. Before she left, she turned to me.

“Oh, that reminds me. I have a classroom for you,” she said, giving me a fond smile,

She reached into her briefcase pulling out a small baggie with a bunch of little keys in them. She placed the baggie on the table and slid it toward

1. me.

The baggie read:

“You’re giving us an entire classroom?” I asked, gawking at her.

She nodded.

“The student committee is going to need a real place to work,” she answered. “You are in charge of maintaining it.”

Her And He Liked It

you so much,” I said, hardly able to contain my excitement. ody and Becca took a key from the baggie.

you get more members, send me the list so I can put it in my

Headmaster Prescott said, giving me a wink before she turned alked away.

can’t believe we get a whole classroom,” I said, staring at the baggie th disbelief.

I can’t believe you didn’t tell me we are adding Sarah to the committee,” Becca said, narrowing her eyes at me. “Everybody else is not going to be happy.”

I felt myself sliding down my seat in defeat; I knew she was right. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

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