My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271 Emergency At The School

Lila’s POV

+15 Bonus

“They found somebody dead?” I asked in a h oar se whisper, turning to face Enzo who had a grave look on his face. I knew from his face alone that it was true and suddenly my heart hurt. I had to leari against him. to support the weight of my body before I completely fell over.

I felt dizzy, like I wanted to pass out at any moment and my breathing became incredibly shallow.

Enzo didn’t answer me at first; he only looked beyond the area and at the many police cars that were parked in the lot, along with the ambulance.

“Like a student?” I continued to ask, staring at him still and unable to look away..

“Yes; a student,” he finally answered, audibly swallowing


I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer, but the knot in my stomach wasn’t going to leave this alone.

“I’m not sure,” he said shaking his head. “I should have reported it sooner.”

“You knew about it?” I asked, furrowing my brows together.

I stepped out of his strong embrace and peered up at him.

“I smelled something off earlier,” he admitted, meeting my eyes. “It smelled like rotting flesh; it was disgusting. Made me nearly throw up. But the scent faded after a little while.”

“What made it fade?”

“I don’t know..” he said, and the look on his face, I knew he was telling me the truth. “But it was after I saw

His voice faded suddenly.

“After you saw what?” I pressed.

He met my eyes again and I saw that he was struggling with this next sentence; my stomach clenched at the very thought of what he was about to say.

“It was after I saw Rachel.”

I gasped at his words and stepped even further away as if he had just slapped me across the face.

“You think she did this?”

“I didn’t say that,” he said quickly.

“You didn’t have to. I can see it on your face,” I said, getting a bit worked up.

He grabbed my arms and held me in place, forcing me to look at him.

didn’t say that,” he said much slower as he looked into my eyes.

I felt my body calming slightly, but not by much. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“You said that she’s been acting strange lately,” I said, remembering his words from earlier during class. He was worried about her and now I was starting to understand why.

“She’s been acting strange; you’ve noticed it too,” he said in return, furrowing his brows together. “It doesn’t mean I think she killed someone.”“

“Do we know how this person died?”

“No.” Enzo answered, looking back at the police who were speaking to a very distraught headmaster.

Alpha Jonathan was also there, and he was looking very grim at what the police were saying. Moments later the EMTs were emerging from the main doors of the academic center and carrying a stretcher. Whoever was on the stretcher was covered with a blanket and shielded from onlookers. There were a lot of students who were watching the events unfold before them, none of them daring to speak. Most of them hide in plain sight.

Headmaster Prescott had tears in her eyes, and she looked as if she was about to get sick. I was about to get sick as well and I needed to bury my face in Enzo’s chest to keep from losing control.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly; not wanting to let me go.

I couldn’t hear what they were saying, I didn’t want to hear what they were saying. I purposely blocked them out, but I knew Enzo was listening of the whole thing. He grimaced as the cops continued to speak.

“Did they say the cause of death?” I found myself asking through my tear-filled eyes.

He held onto my trembling body even tighter.

“Yes,” he answered. “But I don’t think you should know about it.”

“Tell me,” I said, much more confidently than I felt.

He sighed but remained silent.

*Enzo_” I pushed, not sure what I was doing or why I wanted to know so badly.

“She was drained of her blood and suffered some heavy force to her head,” Enzo answered.

I flinched at his words, but at the same time, I felt some sort of relief from hearing it. If she was drained from her blood, then the likelihood of Rachel doing that was slim. She was a bear; they weren’t bloodsuckers or particularly violent like that. I don’t think she would have drained this girl from her blood.

The thought was sickening.

“It couldn’t have been Rachel,” I murmured. “She wouldn’t have done that.”

“Maybe not,” he agreed. “Sounds like it was a vampire.”

I stared up at him with a gaping mouth, my heart nearly beating out of my chest.

“A vampire?”

“All of her blood was drained from her body,” Enzo repeated. “So, yes.”

“We have a vampire on the committee…” 1 breathed, unable to contain the tears any longer. They flowed down my features, and I let out a small s ob. “Skylar didn’t do this… she wouldn’t have.”

“Nobody is saying she did.” Enzo said calmly. “There are other vampires here.”

“Yes, but if one vampire did this, then everybody is going to stereotype them.” I told him. “It’s not fair to the rest of them.”

He looked like he wanted to say something more, but then we both heard Headmaster Prescott loud and clear.

“A tragedy has happened today. All students need to return to their dorms as soon as possible.”

I wanted to go talk to Headmaster Prescott; I started to numbly move in her direction, but Enzo grabbed my arm, stopping me.

“Stay here and wait for me,” he told me firmly.

I wanted to protest, but the look on his face quickly shut me up. I watched as he walked over to Headmaster Prescott and Alpha Jonathan, both of whom were continuing their conversations with one of the police officers.

“Every student needs to be investigated,” I heard Alpha Jonathan saying to the officer; the officer was part of his pack, so it was only right that Alpha Jonathan was the one telling him what to do.

“Yes, Alpha,” the officer said. “We are collecting evidence as we speak and once we gather enough, we will pull students and speak with them individually.”

“Start with the wretched vampires,” Alpha Jonathan seethed, making me flinch.

“We can’t stereotype, Prescott said calmly, clearly trying to keep herself calm. “There are a lot of students here and-”

“Her blood was drained,” Jonathan hissed. “We are starting with the vampires.”

“There weren’t any fang marks on her neck,” the officer said, staring down at his notes with a timid frown. “But it seemed as if her body was torn into.”

“So, what are you saying? A wolf did this?” Alpha Jonthan asked, narrowing his eyes.

“I’m not saying that either. The officer began to say but was interrupted when Enzo approached, and Prescott took notice of him.

“Oh, good. Professor Enzo. As you can see, things are a bit messy tonight. I might need your help getting students back to their dorms safely. Whoever did this, is still out there and worried for the safety of everyone else.”

“I will,” Enko assured her, nodding his head. “I just wanted to see if there was anything else I could do to help and find out a bit more information. Do we have any leads?”

“None of yet,” the officer said, still staring at his notes. “We are going to spend the night investigating and then pull students in for questioning. I think it’s wise if we cancel classes for the rest of the night and probably the next few days.”

“I agree,” Prescott said, glancing at Alpha Jonathan.

Chapter 271 Emergency At The School

He looked questionable at first, but then eventually nodded as well.

“What student was it?” Enzo asked; I shouldn’t have been surprised by his boldness, but I was.

“Merida Scott,” Headmaster Prescott answered grimly.

My heart tugged painfully in my chest, I knew her. She was a wolf in my grade, and she was also in both my art and werewolf history classes. She was an incredible artist: she’s been contributing a lot to the mural with her share of pictures.

I couldn’t believe she was gone.

Hearing her name made me dizzy and I had to lean against the wall for support.

Alpha Enzo was quiet, obviously recognizing the name as well.

“Alpha Jonathan, will you be staying with me again tonight?” Enzo asked, his voice oddly calm.

“No. I need to return to my pack tonight. I have a business to take care of. But I’ll be back tomorrow to help with the investigation,” he answered,

Enzo nodded in response and turned to Headmaster Prescott, bowing his head slightly in respect and


“I’ll make sure students are back in their dorms and safe.” I assured her.

She looked grim but she nodded and gave him a small smile.

He said nothing more as he turned away and walked back to me. I was in an area where they couldn’t see me, not that they were paying attention anyway. They were quickly turning back to one another and speaking in low tones when Enzo reached me.

“I’m taking you back to my house,” he told me gently. Then I’m going ot make sure everyone else is back in their dorms.

I nodded, feeling unwell.

“Can you make sure Rachel and Becca are safe?” I asked.

“Alex should be there with them, but yes. I’ll make sure they are safe as well, he assured me.

I gave him a grateful smile and allowed him to lead me out of the dark corner of the building and toward the faculty housing. Most of the faculty were already inside; Enzo checked the perimeter before walking with me down the walkway and toward his house.

His house was the most hidden, so I wasn’t worried about anyone seeing me enter his house. But 1 worried they’d see me walking toward it. But he checked the perimeter first and then walked in a way

that I was covered as we walked down the walkway and into his house.

His house filled me with warmth and love when I picked up his scent, but it also filled me with a nauseated sense when I also picked up Alpha Jonathan’s lingering scent. I felt my stomach clenching almost instantly.

He turned to me, giving me, a loving look and he wrapped me in his arms, holding me close.

“Lie down and I’ll be back in a few,” he assured me, bending down, and pressing his lips gently against mine, sending electric chills throughout my body. My entire body tingled at his touch as I breathed him


I nodded but just before he pulled away, I grabbed his arm.

“Enzo…” I said in a low tone. “Please be careful. Whoever did this… whatever monster killed Merida… they are still out there, and I have a feeling they will kill again.”

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