My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chatper 280

Chatper 280

Chapter 280 Celeste

Lila’s POV

“What are you talking about?” Rachel asked, emerging from her room and surprising us both.

“Rachel,” Becca greeted, giving her a faint smile. “It’s nice to see you. Feels like it’s been forever.”

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“I was only in my bedroom,” she said with a shrug, plopping down on the couch beside her. “Why do you look so sad?”

She looked at me and we exchanged odd looks, but then I nodded to her, giving her permission to fill her


“We just found out that there’s someone else at this school that has the ability to manipulate minds,” Becca

told her.

Her eyes widened at her words.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, someone, other than Sarah, can force people to do and say things,” she further explained, shuddering. “They forced Scott to take the fall for killing Merida.”

I watched as Rachel’s face fell in shock.

“Scott confessed?”

We both nodded.

“But it wasn’t a real confession,” I made sure to inform her. “He was forced to do it.”

“How do you know that?”

“I just know,” I said in return. “I could tell. Something was up with his eyes…”

“His eyes?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at me. “What do you mean?”

“They were all dark and weird. He also wasn’t acting like himself-”

“But wasn’t he like an as shole or something?” Rachel said quickly, keeping her eyes locked on mine.

“Well, yeah, I mean he was. But a lot of his doing was because of Sarah and the hold she had on him. He’s been trying to do good since they broke things off and he became aware of her,” I said in return. “He’s also not capable of murder.”

“Anyone is capable of murder if provoked,” she said with a shrug; her casual attitude was shocking to me.

“I doubt Merida provoked him into murdering her,” I said, shaking my head at her.

“You didn’t know her that well,” Rachel shrugged.

“Neither did you, apparently,” I said, furrowing my brows together.




Chapter 280 Celeste

Rachel looked at me a moment longer before standing.

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“I want to make some popcorn; then maybe we can all watch a movie and just forget about this tragedy for the night.”

“That definitely sounds good,” Becca agreed. “My brain hurts from thinking about it.”

I wanted to agree with them and just forget about everything for the night as well, but thinking about Scott in prison taking the fall for something he didn’t do, something heinous. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to let it go that easily.

I already ruled Sarah out, which meant it could have been anyone. I can’t rest until I know for certain who killed Merida and clear Scott’s name.

“Extra butter?” Rachel asked from our mini kitchen as she grabbed the bags of popcorn.

“Definitely,” Becca said and then she looked at me. “I’m glad she came out of her room finally. I was really worried about her. We should enjoy tonight and worry about it tomorrow.”

“Don’t you think she’s acting a bit weird?”

Becca glanced in Rachel’s direction and then back at me.

“She’s been acting weird all week; tonight is the first night she’s semi-normal,” she answered.

I sighed; not wanting to argue.

Becca grabbed the remote and started searching for a movie on Netflix while Rachel finished with the popcorn. By the time Rachel joined us with the extra buttery popcorn, Becca found a cheesy romcom and was loading it.

As the movie played, my mind began to wander. That tightness in my stomach only grew more intense and uncomfortable. There was something unnatural in the air and I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and what it wanted. But I knew something at this school wasn’t right.

The thought of Scott killing Merida just didn’t make sense to me; I knew in my gut that he didn’t do this, and I was going to prove his innocence and get him out of prison.

I stood up quickly, moving in a way that spilled some of the popcorn on Rachel’s lap.

“Hey!” She said, frowning and eating the fallen cornels.

“Sorry,” I murmured. “I’m just not in the mood to watch a movie tonight. I’m going to head to bed.”

“Okay, goodnight,” Becca said with a worried frown.

I said nothing more as I went into my room and sealed the door behind me. I grabbed my phone and thought about calling Enzo, but I knew he was probably busy with Headmaster Prescott, trying to figure out how to tell the students that the murderer had been captured and cleaning up the aftermath. There hasn’t been an announcement yet, but I’m sure that will be coming soon.

Though, it was kind of late, so maybe in the morning.

No; Enzo couldn’t help me with this, but I knew someone who might be able to. I scrolled through my

Chapter 280 Celeste

contacts until the name I needed appeared on the screen, and then I pressed the call button.

“Lila Bean; is everything okay?” My mom said at the other end of the phone.

I sighed in relief hearing the comforting sounds of her voice.

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“Not really,” I murmured, sitting on my bed. “Mom, something awful happened, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Your father told me that there’s been a murder at the school,” she breathed sadly. “Word had gotten around the packs quickly. Did you know the victim?”

“Merida…” I said, lowering my gaze to my hands. “Yes, I knew her. We weren’t friends. But we were in some classes together…” I paused as tears threatened the corners of my eyes. “She didn’t deserve what happened to her…”

“Of course, she didn’t,” my mother breathed. “We are sending her family a care package. I’m going to her pack personally to speak with her mother in a few days. I just wanted to give her some time first.”

“Scott confèssed to the murder,” I blurted.

My mother was quiet for a heartbeat.

“Your ex-boyfriend?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly. “He confessed to killing her.”

“He’s Alpha Emmet’s son, right?” My mother asked. “In line to be the next Alpha of the Redstone Pack?”

“That’s him,” I murmured.

“I had no idea he was capable of such a terrible thing,” my mother dropped her voice to a mere whisper.

“He’s not, Mom,” I said, shaking my head even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “I don’t know why he confessed but when I looked in his eyes, something was off with him. His eyes were dark and he didn’t look like himself. It was like he didn’t know who I was or know the things he was saying.”

“You mean like his mind was being manipulated?” She asked.

“Yes; but it wasn’t by Sarah. I already talked to her, and I believe her when she says it wasn’t her,” I said quickly, making sure she knew that I ruled Sarah out.

“No, that doesn’t sound like Sarah’s magic,” my mother surprisingly agreed right away. It sounded as if she was lost in thought. “You said his eyes were dark?” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes,” I answered. “His eyes are usually bright blue, but in this case, they looked almost black. It was strange.”

“That sounds like the work of dark magic,” my mother said; and I knew without looking at her that her face was scrunched up in confusion.

I frowned.

“How is that possible? The guardian was supposed to protect us from dark magic,” I said, standing to my

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Chapter 280 Celeste

feet and making my way to the window.

I looked outside and up at the sky where the light barrier still surrounded the campus.

“It’s still intact,” I added, still frowning deeply.

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“Regular dark magic can’t get inside, but darkness can find a way in. Even the guardian of the earth said that they can’t always keep darkness out of the barrier and that it can only help keep those inside safe. But darkness is a powerful force and unless it’s defeated, it can always get inside.”

“You think it’s darkness? The one that Hazel was sensing. The one Jazzy conjured?” I asked, my heart beating painfully in my chest.

“I think the only way you can know for sure is by asking the guardian orb.”

“I can just ask the orb? Do you think it’ll talk to me?” I asked curiously, still staring up at the shining orb on top of the shield.

“The guardian said they are attached to your powers. So, yes, I believe if you ask, they will speak to you.”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my rapid heartbeat.

“Thanks, mom,” I said softly. “I’ll give it a try.”

“Lila, promise me you will be careful,” she said quickly. “I have a feeling something big is approaching and this is only the beginning.”

Her warning left an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“I promise,” I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

I hung up a moment later and threw my phone on my bed. I guess now was a better time than any. I stepped toward my window and opened it. I allowed the cold air into my warm room as I gazed up at the shining orb of light.

Clearing my throat, I said, “Hello orb of light. Can we talk for a minute? I need your assistance?”

I waited a moment, and when nothing happened, I frowned.

Trying again, I spoke a little louder, but not loud enough to alert my roommates.

“Guardian of light? Guardian of the earth? Guardian of the earth’s child? I really need to speak with you. I think darkness has returned and I need to know for sure if you sense it as well—”

Before I finished that sentence, I saw a sparkling dust surround the orb on top of the barrier and then the orb disappeared. However, the barrier remained. I took a step away from my window, startled.

Had I scared it away? Was the barrier going to stay if the orb was no longer there?

I turned toward my bed to grab my phone but froze when I saw that I was no longer alone in my room.

A small, childlike, girl, stood in front of me. Her eyes were glowing sky blue and her silky white hair was long, trailing down her backside and landing just above her tailbone. She wore a pure white dress like she was the flower girl at a wedding or something. The whiteness of her gown and hair brought out her




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Chapter 280 Celeste

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porcelain white skin. I could also see her white aura as clear as day; she was practically glowing in a white


“You have called, and I have come,” she said, bowing her head slightly at me.

“Y…you’re that orb of light?” I asked, my voice tremoring slightly.

“My name is Celeste; I am not an orb, nor am I light,” she corrected. “But I am one-fourth of earth’s magic. I represent the water element.”

“Oh, I get it,” I breathed. “Each of you represents a specific element. So the other three must represent, air. fire, and—”

“Spirit,” she finished for me. “While our mother represents earth. Without us… Earth is just a rock.”

“That’s incredible,” I breathed, staring around her glowing and childlike features. “I didn’t expect you to be so young.”

“We appear in many forms; this is my most favorite,” she said proudly. Before I could respond to that, her blue eyes seemed to have darkened and turned into a dark ocean blue. “You have called for me for a reason and I am here to answer your question,” she said, lowering her voice slightly.

“Yes,” I said, sitting on my bed. “I need to know if I’m going crazy, or if darkness is truly here.”

“I assure you, you are not going crazy,” she said gravely. “I can sense darkness within the barrier. I can sense darkness is close.”

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