My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0389

"There are a lot of people here." Jena whispers to me. "I didn't even think about how many warriors there actually are."

I reach behind me and give her hand a squeeze. "These are trainees. We are all in various stages of training, but it's easier for us to be here when we aren't on a mission. Sometimes people are gone for months or years and it would suck to have to keep track of someone's separate house and belongings, so living here is the best situation."

The shock of our arrival dies pretty fast and we walk in towards the dining area, Lillian in the lead with Jean in between us. We each grab a plate and Jena's face keeps darting around at all the people not really hiding their staring. A few have come up to say hi, but they must have been given orders to leave us alone. Once we have full plates we head over to the table Lillian and I normally share with Nathaniel and Wyatt. They are strangely absent though.

"Where is Wyatt? I thought he came back with us. ANd was Nathaniel a part of the rescue team too?"

"They are around somewhere, just giving you space. Obviously everyone knows, or thinks they know, what happened to you and that you came back with someone you rescued. No other trainee has done something like that. We were told to leave you alone until you were ready to jump back into regular life. Wyatt was one of the first to see you and I think he took the sight of you pretty hard. You looked rough."

I just nod. I understand, I think.

"Wyatt, Nathaniel. You guys can join us. We aren't broken and it would be helpful for Jena to meet people."

"You sure Midge, we can give you space as long as you need it." Nathaniel adds.

"I don't need space from my friends, idiot." I laugh at him and then I hear him and Wyatt laughing behind me.

"Now sit down and eat with us and I can introduce you to Jena."

They join us and the conversation is not as forced as I thought it would be, but Jena is mostly listening to us talk, just takin in her surroundings. Lillian, Wyatt and Nathaniel try to engage her at first but then just let her be when they realize it's making her more uncomfortable to be in the hot seat.

I let them know all about my adventures at UMaine, the classes I took and the people I met. I also gave them a very abridged version of what happened when I was captured. I still haven't talked to Osiston and Alpha Reggie yet, so I don't know what I am allowed to say and what I need to keep quiet. I also don't want to draw more attention to Jena, who's time was longer and far more painful than mine.

The bell sounds for training to start not long after we sat down. I get up and Jena follows, not really sure where we are supposed to be, but I don't think they want us training until they have talked to us about the mission. As if I conjured her, Mina walks up behind me and wraps me in a hug from the back.

"I have missed you. It's good to see you up and around. Warrior Brogen and Alpha King Reggie want to see you both in the war room. Come on."

I wave my friends off, promising to eat lunch with them if we are out in time, then Jena and I turn to follow Mina.

We head to the planning room that started this whole journey. It feels weird to be full circle now.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Hello ladies, Mina, please stay, this includes you." Alpha Reggies begins. "I'm glad to see you both up and around. Doc Sylvia has given us a full report and you both seem to be healing nicely. We will have you on light training for the rest of the week. Skylar, don't look at me like that your training was interrupted and you were in a cell for a month, we have no idea what your body is prepared to do so we would like to evaluate you, just to make sure there isn't some underlying damage that we missed. Jena, we would like to evaluate you as well. As the daughter of an Alpha, I assume your battle training was extensive." She nods at him while he pauses. “Skylar said one of your captors mentioned you being there for a year or more?” She nods again.

"Time was hard to keep track of, so I really couldn't tell you how long they had me. Can I ask a favor though?" Alpha Reggie nods. "I would like the chance to search for members of my pack. The attack on my pack was brutal and I don't even know if there were survivors or if others were captured, but I would like to search and give them a place to call home if there is anyone out there, living like a rogue." She looks down at her hands and takes a deep breath.

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