My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0425

Chapter 0425

We all get into position and I give Lillian the lead. She's in front of them now and can see what they are doing. She holds her hand up to stop us. They are all looking at something, heads close together.

Then all hell breaks loose. The silence was broken by a low, guttural growl that reverberated through the woods. I was thrown forward, but recovered quickly rolling to the side as another swipe of an arm blew past my head. I lost track of the girls, but I'm sure they were keeping just as busy as me.

A second guy joined my fight. Both of these guys were big- ish. I guess when you compare anyone to my guys they are just -ish. But everyone is always bigger than me and the stupid ones think that makes them better than me. These two were no different.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

One lunges at me trying to get at my legs, I turn away and use the move I used on one of the guys forever ago and used one of his arms to swing me up and jab my elbow into the soft spot on his lower back making his muscles spasm.

He drops to recover while his buddy comes at me, grabbing one of my arms. I twist under, but he doesn't let go right away and the skin to skin rubbing burns like a b*tch. I manage to break his grip though as I continue to move behind him and kick his knee in. It was too much to hope I broke something, which would slow him down.

Bonehead number one comes at me with a couple wild punches. I manage to grab one wrist and use his forward

momentum to pull him towards me, punch his face, and knee him in the thigh. I push off of him and move onto his buddy with a side kick to the center of his chest knocking him backwards. I'm not trying to let them get their hands on me. Number one comes at me and I throat punch him as he reaches for me and number two grabs me from behind, lifting me off the ground. Number one smiles his yellow rotted smile and stalks forward, panting hard. Fighting is clearly not their main job. When he gets close enough I kick up hard, catching him in the jaw. This time I heard bones crack as his head whipped back unnaturally and he fell backwards and I let my body weight pull me and number two down and forward. I reach back and grab two handfuls of hair throwing him over my shoulder and onto his back. I pull out one of my wrist blades and stab him in the upper chest and twist the knife making it harder to heal.

I hear a yell for help from Lillian, so I leave this douche to his wounds. Number one didn't get up, I made a quick check for his breathing, nothing. Not sure how that works, but I'm also not going to question one less dickhead to deal with.

I take off for the sounds of my friends. Jena has one guy fallen in front of her, she's got two more battling for her attention. Lillian's guy has her pin up to a tree and a knife at her throat. He's talking to her, but I can't hear what he's saying over the rest of the fighting noise. I move up behind him. I'm downwind so he shouldn't scent me coming.

I put my own blade on his throat. "Where's your boss hiding?

Is he too much of a chickensh*t to come and find me

himself?" I dig the knife in. I don't care if these guys die, that really should bother me, but I can't dissect that train of thought now.

"You little b*tch. You're not worth the

trouble. He can have any p*ssy he wants and he chooses the biggest pain in the ass he could find. He didn't say you had to be pretty when we brought you back..." He swings back and catches me with his elbow. My knife digs in and slices across his throat, but not enough to be lethal. "URGH! Just for that, I'm going to f*ck you so hard up against this tree that you can't fight back anymore."

At his words I see red. My wolf and I seem to almost connect in our anger. This is the type of guy that needs to never walk this earth again. I don't even know what happened, but when I blink I am straddling him, two knives in my hands and blood everywhere.

Lillian grabs my shoulder and I flinch away from her.

"It's just me, let's go, Jena needs help.” We both take off and Jena's guys are at least smart enough to know we pose a bigger threat than they thought. They take off and we are in pursuit.

"We caught up with several guys, No Mike. Four down and we are chasing two now." I basically scream into the mind link. I don't think I have ever had to report in while chasing down someone before. It's a little irritating.

I have no idea what direction we are running in. I do know that we are not letting these guys get away from us though and we have adrenaline on our side right now. They shift as

they head over a ridge and we lose them for a few minutes, then I hear the unmistakable sounds of growling We shift immediately and let our wolves add their speed. We see our rogues engaged in a fight with pack wolves, my pack's wolves. I can smell the familiar scents as we cross into the patrol border lines.

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