My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0434


We take off in three directions. I run right at a group of kids who look terrified. I just laugh and jump over them landing soft on my feet and using the momentum to roll forward and continue running. "GO!!! Why are you staring at her? You see us do stuff like that all the time." I hear Sam yell and laugh at the same time.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I can see Jenal to my right, her group following her like a rockstar. Lil is to my left and she is bobbing and weaving through the kids, messing with them and loving every second based on her cackle. None of them can touch her and some are loving the game and some are super frustrated based on the growls coming from them,

"Let's go Lil, we are on a time crunch."

"No one said anything about a time limit. What the hell?"

"It's a personal time thing, not official, but you are not going to slow us down." I laugh back at her.

"Yes, boss." She laughs back.

I know she's put on her real speed when sounds of 'hey!' 'Woah!' and 'how'd she do that?' erupt from behind me.

I run full out for the three rope climb, I grab two, but can't get the third, they are set too far apart, but Lil reads my mind and grabs it. We actually had a drill like this for escape. We had to climb a rope, skinnier than these, but almost as heavy, While pulling the end up to keep the enemy from following. Hauling the two at the same time kind of sucked, but I managed. We met at the top and grabbed the flag. It's bigger than I remember, but maybe that's to make it easier for the kids somehow.

"What's the plan, cause these kids are wearing me out." Jena calls from the ground keeping a good chunk of kids busy.

"Lil, go down the cargo net and along the wall, draw as many as you can. Jena, I'm coming for you, we need to throw them off a bit. Let's make it look like we are changing up who has the flag." “Like cups, got it." Lil laughs and takes off for the cargo net, not even stopping to assess the jump, just goes for it. Crazy ass.

There is a commotion of kids everywhere, I'm just lucky we are all fast and they are still not working together to corral us into one place. All the kids running around makes it hard for us to cross paths at first, but we soon outstrip them and criss-cross each other, making contact several times all the way back to the finish line where Delta Kyle is waiting.

We cross the line and groan almost as much as the kids from the exertion. We walk around and talk to the kids for a minute. Chatting about the game, training, what it's like to be a warrior for the Alpha King. "Well, kids, that was a great run. You gave the warriors a hard time and didn't make the win easy for them. I have a question though. Who has the flag?"

Arguments broke out amongst the kids over which of the three of us had it.

"Why does it even matter? They beat us, the game is over. Who cares which one of them has the flag?"

"Your superior cares, Dwight." If you would have seen who had the flag, you would have only had to chase one warrior instead of all three, or you could have worked together to team up on them in small group's. There's only three of them." Cam says to the whiny kid. "I think you should come to the Sky training tomorrow."

"WHAT?! No! I didn't do anything."

"You did several things. We'll talk about them in the morning though." Dakota smiles at him, then looks at me and winks.

"Hold on. What is Sky training? And why does he sound offended to be required to go?" I move closer to the twins.

"We now have a 4am training that we do. It has been deemed the 'Sky Training' because you are the only person crazy enough to workout at four on purpose. For everyone else it's punishment. It is an eye opening wake-up call for anyone needing a little extra motivation."

"We are off track though." Grumbles Oliver. "Who has the flag? We purposely set a larger one so Sky would have more difficulty concealing it." He finally looks at me with less irritation. They did change the flag because of me, I just rolled my eyes. "At this point she's still managed to hide it from you."

The discussion among the kids became a low hum as they discussed among themselves. My guys come over and stand making a wall behind the three of us.

"Who thinks Beta Sky has it? Raise your hands." My brother says to the group. About a third of them raise their hands and several of those people look like they are just doing what the person next to them is. "Alright, who thinks Warrior Lillian has it?" Another small chunk of confused hands go up. "How about Alpha Jena?" More confused hands, but I don't think this has anything to do with the flag. He gave us all titles that no one has cared to use before.

"How is she an Alpha?" Whiny boy Dwight asks. This kid is asking for an ass beating.

"Do you really need that discussion

here in front of everyone or can we

just go with My Dad was an Alpha and I am the only child of an Alpha Now that he is gone, I am the Alpha. I would think you would have that concept considering you work directly with your future Alpha's." Jena let's her aura out a little bit and I have to stop myself from smiling at the look of fear on Dwight's face. He might actually wet himself in front of the group.

"We're going to be at this early ass training, right? Dwight and I have an appointment."

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