My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0492

Firm hands grab my shoulders and I stiffen. He doesn't try to move me, just keeps me from opening the door. I take a breath in and that's when I noticed it, I can smell Cam's thick citrus smell, but faintly blending with that is her. The smell might be a day or so old, but it's there on his skin. He's been with her, they probably both have. It takes everything for me not to let the tears behind my eyes fall. I took another deep breath willing them back and it was a terrible idea.

"Please stay Tiny, he wants you here."

I shrug his hands off. "If you put your hands on me again, I will remove them with the weapons you gifted me. And we have had this conversation before Cameron. We are not friends, only my friends get to use nicknames."

"And get to touch you apparently." Kota says bitterly.

I turn sharply. "So we're going to do this now? Fine. Everyone knows you haven't been allowed to touch me, talk to me or in general come near me." Kota rolls his eyes. It pisses me off. "Had s*x with Kaley in the last two days?" I go directly for the lowest blow and look between the two of them just staring at me open mouthed.

"I don't know what you're..."

"Talking about?" I narrow my eyes. "Remember. I can smell the difference between you two. You may dress and act the same for everyone else, but you can't hide from me, Dakota. Do you think I wouldn't smell her all over you? Go be a hypocrite to someone else."

They both have the decency to look ashamed at least. Even the Luna stays silent. None of them explain or defend themselves. I don't break the silence, they can live in this awkward moment forever, I have time apparently.

"Skylar, you don't understand, this is so complicated, so many more things are at play here that you realize." Cam, always the placating one.

I just laugh, I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole. I don't know if there is some way that Kaley can listen in on their conversations, but I don't want her knowing we suspect her and her father of this whole f*cked up situation. We still haven't put all the pieces together yet either. I know there is something I am missing.

"Please stay, just until he wakes up, he wants you here for a reason." Luna Ava is pleading with me, still tucked under Kota's arm.

Why am I even considering this? None of them deserve my help or consideration right now. So why can't I just storm out like my logical brain wants me to?

I groan. "Fine. I need some things so I can work. Some of us do spend every waking minute taking care of this pack, not just pandering to the princess' every want and need. If I am in this room, I am his protection detail, no one comes in without my say so. I still want the Gamma here for the Luna. Beta Daniel can be your go between to get you guys set up to run the pack. Mateo should begin working as your Beta as well learning the ropes since you guys are all being thrust into this sooner than expected. I want two of my warriors at the doors to this wing and at the hospital entrance. If you can't handle my demands, then I am leaving."

Cam and Kota don't even look at each other before they nod.

"Whatever you need, Skylar." Cam says, and it sounds so patronizing, but it's what I asked for.

"I think we are going to need a bigger room. I'll just step out and..."

"You stay put! You do not leave this room until Gamma Brett is with you. No offense but I don't even want you going to the bathroom alone. This is the perfect time for anyone to try and attack you and if you get hurt or worse, the shock and pain might kill the Alpha."

Her hand flies to her mouth. Clearly this is not something any of them considered based on all of their looks. I just roll my eyes.

"The most efficient way to kill an

Alpha is to take out the Luna first. This is why get paid the big bucks and apparently get no sleep. You aren't my first Luna detail and it can get pretty bad. I would like to avoid the worst possible scenarios." I rub my eyes. "Are you going to get everyone set or should I figure that out?"

"Gamma Brett is on his way and Beta Daniel is out in the lobby waiting for orders from the boys." Luna Ava chimes in. "What else do you need?"

"I will contact my team and they can coordinate with Delta Kyle and get warriors on the doors. I also would like Lenny here in the hospital to prepare food for all of you. She's the only one I trust and having her here will make it easier to protect her. Have Beta Daniel go and get her. Everyone close to you will need to be protected from whatever the f*ck you all got yourselves into." I am not holding back my absolute irritation any more I guess. I am also a

masochist and I want to see if they

put a warrior on Kaley. Content

*** Alright, sh*t just continues to go down. I'm stuck at the hospital until the Alpha wakes up. Or until I can find a legitimate reason to just walk out. This is what I need..."***

I go through what I need from my team. They help me fill in any blanks and get a solid plan set. They divvy up and take on tasks like we always do on a mission. This well oiled machine just operates and I

couldn't be more thankful for all of them just going with everything that has been thrown at them since we got here.

***"You are too f*cking nice. I would have punched them both in the teeth.”***

***"So, helpful Lil. Elena said to go

with my gut, and I am. Let me know

when everyone is set. I also have

Lenny coming to the hospital to

keep her safe and so she can take care of the Alpha family personally. You guys are out of luck for prepared meals for a little while. I would also like a laptop with all your best access, Nathaniel. I'm going to need to have something to do while I

am stuck here or I might bust some heads. I might as well be on

surveillance duty."*** Content

Of course they all laugh at me, I'm usually too antsy to do the sit down surveillance stuff. This is going to suck.

***"I'll sneak you in some whiskey, Midge. That will take the edge off."***

***"Or make me more violent. I appreciate the thought, Wyatt."


***"So does that mean the birthday barbeque is off?"*** Jena asks.

****Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

I guess, unless I get some kind of 'get out of jail' card, I'm stuck here. And we are all on mission right now. So it's not great timing."* ***"On it!"***

***"Wait! Lil, what does that mean?"***

None of them answer me. F*ckers.

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