My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0513

Nickolas wraps Gentry up in his arms and guides her away, I'm sure to rest more. I also watch Elena walk over to my dad and start a conversation. I don't feel bad at all for the twinge of happiness at how uncomfortable he looks too. The rest of my friends disperse and I make my way to the staircase alone. It's almost weird to be walking without the usual entourage, but I don't mind the space to breathe, no matter how brief.

I get all the way to my room, knowing I am being watched, but no one is interrupting or forcing their presence on me. I take a shower and climb into bed, not waiting for Lil, her and Oliver were in a deep conversation when I left, or at least appeared to be.

My dreams were all over the place. I started back in Jena's and my cell, but this time I was alone. She got out safe and found my brother. I strained against the cuffs like always, and for some reason this time I was able to free myself with my own strength. I traversed down a hallway I have never seen before and out a giant metal door. I saw Tyler fighting through a sea of tall grass that kept whipping at him and he just fought and fought, shouting something to me, but I couldn't hear. Then Robbie was throwing some kind of stone at me, but not hitting me. They sparkled as they flew through the air, but I couldn't see what they were and they disappeared as they hit the ground. Then Luna Ava was trapped behind a wall of fire and screaming for Lucas, but Brett was holding her back. My dad and Kyle were laying on the ground dead. All my friends were fighting for their lives, bloody and bruised. Kaley and Kevin were on the top of a white tower, eyes glowing red, waving hands around, conducting the wind, but still I heard no sound. There was a shadow behind them, dark and ominous, who pointed straight down. As I tracked where it was pointing, I gasped. Suspended from the ground were my guys hung by their wrists, heads lolling. I can't tell if they are conscious or breathing. I run towards them, but I don't seem to go anywhere. Then a soft lispy voice is in my ear, coiling around me like a snake.

"Choose. You cannot save them all. Look at the ones who claim to love you, sacrificing themselves. But these five have always undervalued you, always thought of you last, if they even thought of you at all. Who will you try to save? The brother who loved you only slightly better than your father. The boy who only sought you out to gain your friend's attention. The boy who thinks you are not strong enough, always needing protection. Or the twins who never seem to want you enough. You are a novelty, a tool to be used and nothing more. Choose who lives and who dies. Take their lives to spare them pain, just like your Alpha. Or come with me, away from all of this heartache. You will be better off without this neverending turmoil they cause you."

A hand flies at my face and I jump up and out of bed, spinning around to try and find my attacker. When I'm sure no one is there, I run my fingers through my hair and head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I head back out to the room and for the first time I realize that Lil isn't here with me and Oliver didn't come for me. He's never not come for me when I am scared or lost in my thoughts. The tightness grips my heart. What was that dream about?

I am never going to get back to sleep now so I throw on some sweats and decide to go see who's in the office monitoring. As soon as I step out of the door I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

The door to the third floor opens wildly.

"What's up Bitty?"

"Why does it feel like you're having a panic attack?"

"Have you been crying?"

"I...I...had a nightmare and I woke up alone and confused. I don't know." I rub my face again. "I think Lucas' death is getting to me more than I thought."

The twins get to me first. Cam picks

me up and I don't even think or hesitate to wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck and bury my face into his neck, breathing

deeply. Kota is rubbing my backgBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

After a couple minutes I look

Cam's eyes and then turn to Dakota, shifting so he can take me in his arms. I need to feel them both. Know that they are here and alive. Once I take several breaths of his cinnamon scent, I climb down and move to Oliver, placing my forehead on his chest like I always do and he wraps me up in his arms. Content

"That must have been a serious dream if you came to us before Oliver." Kota tries to joke and I huff out a teary laugh into Oliver's shirt.

"I have a feeling Mike and the Rogue King are going to be puppies compared to this witch."

"Do you want to tell us about it?" Cam asks softly, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Not really, but I think I need to. There was a lot going on, but I think I might need Elena to listen too. She might understand what the dream meant for me and all of us."

"Come on, you are going to stay with us the rest of the night." Kota grabs my hand and leads me to the door.

"Wait, you said you had a crazy bad dream, but we didn't even feel it until you were already out of it and leaving the room. What happened, Bitty? I should have felt your dream scaring you." Oliver looked just as panicked as I felt when I thought the same thing. I just shrugged.

"What were you doing, just a little while ago?" I ask, not really sure if I should.

"I was sleeping in your... my... room.

Lil had an idea and wanted to run a few scenaries by Wyatt and Nathaniel. We talked about things that might happen when the twins hit that weak time Gentry was talking about. If they are weak and you are sharing energy with them, that means you will be weakened too. It would be an ideal time for Mike to attack."

"If you were just sleeping then you should have felt it. It was awful." He cocks an eyebrow and moves to the bedroom door, gives it a solid once over, then starts running his hand over the frame. When he yelps a 'motherf*cker' we all rush to him. It's a bundle of the different plants we found today and the spefPthat is on it singed Oliver's fingers.

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