My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0548

All of a sudden I get an urge in my stomach and my breathing picks up. I don't know what is going on, but I am not nearly close enough to the three of them. I reach to the side and grab Cameron's arm at the wrist and over Dakota's shoulder for Oliver's bicep. I look right into Dakota's eyes and then kiss him again. This time it is deep and frantic. He wraps an arm around my back and combs the other hand into my hair. His tongue glides across my lips searching for permission to enter.

I have no idea what I am doing, but I'm not nervous, surprisingly. My wolf is in my head pushing to take over. She wants her mates like I have been denying her on purpose. I remind her that we are still sixteen and this shouldn't even be possible to feel right now so she can relax the attitude and claim her first mate.

I pull back looking into Dakota's eyes again, feeling my canines extend in my mouth, my whole body is on auto pilot. He tilts his head for me, giving me permission with a heated look in his eyes. I leaned down to gently mark him, but my wolf had other ideas. She surges forward and sinks our teeth into the space where his neck meets his shoulder. Dakota gasps and then moans, both of his hands tightening on my body. I can feel every hard line of his torso against me like it's all a brand new feeling. Which, I guess, for me it is. I also feel every inch of his manhood and somewhere in the back of my head, I'm panicking again at those possibilities as it dawns on me that all three of them are naked from shifting.

I don't get too deep in those thoughts though when I feel a prick at my own neck and a surge of energy passes through me. It feels like both pain and pleasure mixed together and I don't hate it at all. All of a sudden I am overwhelmed with the pain Dakota is feeling as if it were my own and my wolf and I instinctually send healing energy to the wound. He takes a deep breath in like surfacing from water. Then he licks the wound on my neck to seal it.

I don't have time to process everything that just happened when I am being pulled into another lap. Cameron's emerald green eyes stare back at me and they are blown so wide the ring of green is almost non existent. "Tiny. Love. Please." He can't even form a whole sentence. I grab his face and pull him in for a kiss too, taking in his Citrus scent with a deep, audible breath. His hair is shorter in the back than Dakota's and I can't get a good grip, but it doesn't stop me from grasping the corded muscles at the base of his neck and pulling him into me. I earn a groan at that and his kiss is a little more urgent than I would have expected from my always-in-control twin. I pull his head sideways and he doesn't resist. His hands dig into my skin as my canines once again find purchase at the neck junction. When I pull back he looks at me and gives me a tender kiss before moving to my neck. He kisses Dakota's mark, which sends a violent shiver through my whole body then sinks his own teeth into my neck. I don't get the surge of energy like with Dakota, this time it is a wave of calm. Steady and sure confidence takes over my whole being.

I feel like I am coming alive as I commit to them all, like finding pieces of me that have been missing my whole life, even though we have always been near each other, it's never been complete. I don't get any further in these thoughts when he lifts me and turns me towards Oliver, who seems unsure. I remember his dream, the one where I leave him behind for the twins.

I crawl into his lap and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. I can feel how lost and confused he is. He doesn't know why he is my mate when I also have the twins, but he doesn't want to let me go either. What he doesn't understand or remember is that he and I have been emotionally connected for so much longer. He was always meant to be mine, no matter what he said to the contrary. We have always been closer than any friends should be, or even a Gamma and a Luna should be. It's always been more. I try to say that all with my embrace before pulling back to look into his deep, soulful, chocolate brown eyes. I I had to put a label on it, I fell in love with him years ago, I just didn't know what it was.

"Are you sure?" He whispers to me. Even now, he's trying to protect me and do anything to make me happy, even if that means walking away from me. "You don't need me.....”

I don't even let him finish the thought before smashing my lips onto his. He grunts into the kiss and this is so much more intense with the twins marks on me. I can feel all the lust and the love circulating and it is very overwhelming. I don't hesitate to grab his hair and pull Oliver's head to the side and mark him before he says anything else that could be considered stupid. I barely have my teeth retracted when he responds just as aggressively. I got a heady energy from Dakota, calm confidence from Cameron, and now a dominant possessive strength from Oliver.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

We are both breathing heavily when he lifts up to look at me again. "You can't get rid of any of us now." He says darkly, his voice so deep it sends another shiver straight to my core, all I can do is smile. But before I can say anything he convulses into me.

"Oliver! What's happening?" I look around to Cam and Kota. He has a tight hold on me, and I can feel him breathing into my neck, but I can't link him and he isn't responding out loud to any of my questions in his ear. Both twins flank us, each placing a hand on my shoulder as they kneel down close. When they both make contact with his shoulders the entire world lights up and I am blinded for a second with a brigh prismatic light.

All four of us shout in unison and we can't break our connection. It looks like we are in an opaque bubble. No one else is in here with the four of us. Oliver starts to shake underneath me. What the hell is going on? I squeeze Oliver tighter, It seems to be the only movement I have control over. I tried his nickname for me. "Oliver, babe, talk to me please. What is happening to you?"

"I. don't. Know." He groans out into my neck. "It hurts, my whole body hurts." I'm still in his lap, but his legs went from folded underneath me to extended straight out in front of him. I am still straddling his legs though.

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