My Sweet Wife

Chapter 403 Extra chapter Happy life(18)

After eight months, Sophie Sabastian finally gave birth, and this baby was still a boy.

The whole family was happy, except Vladimir, because Vladimir always wanted a sister like Amelie, Old Cooper was worried that Vladimir was unhappy and would beat up the second baby, so he was extra careful.

“Vladimir, the younger brother is fine too, look how much he looks like you.” Sophie Sabastian coaxed Vladimir softly.

Vladimir stared intently at the tiny baby lying next to his mom, “He looks red and wrinkled, a little, ugly, not like me!”

“Mommy, Vladimir doesn’t want a brother, you give Vladimir a sister instead.”

Sophie Sabastian was embarrassed, “Vladimir, a brother can’t be exchanged.”

“You can’t exchange it or return it?” Vladimir asked again in a depressed voice, his little brain didn’t yet understand how little babies came to be.

He only knew that it was born in his mom’s tummy, but how it was born, how this little baby got into his mom’s tummy, and why his mom wouldn’t let his sister get into his tummy, he couldn’t understand yet.

There was going to be a whole lot of talk, but the more Vladimir looked at the baby, the less he was in the mood.

Vladimir looked to Old Cooper, “Grandpa, Vladimir wants to go home, Vladimir wants to find Amelie’s sister to play with.”

“Ah? Vladimir wants to go home now?” Old Cooper didn’t quite want to go back, he had just arrived at the hospital and hadn’t seen enough of his own little grandson, he hadn’t even warmed up the bench under his buttocks, and now he wanted to go back, so he pretended his ears hadn’t heard him and asked again.


Old Cooper thought for a moment, looking for wording, coaxing Vladimir. “Vladimir ah, your mom still has to stay in the hospital for a week. If you go back now, you won’t see your mom for a week, won’t you spend more time with your mom? Won’t you miss your mom and miss your mom?”

“Why wouldn’t I see her for a week? Grandpa will just bring Vladimir again tomorrow.” Vladimir asked rhetorically and naturally.

Old Cooper sweating continuously downward, he thought Vladimir small, still used to fool Vladimir, but now he felt more and more strained, Vladimir is getting worse and worse to fool.

Vladimir took Old Cooper’s hand, “Grandpa, let’s come back tomorrow, come over tomorrow and deliver good food to mom.”

“Vladimir, Grandpa wants to stay a little longer.”

“Then Grandpa, you can stay here, Grandpa will just ask Grandpa the driver to take Vladimir back.”

“This …”

Vladimir looked at Old Cooper with some anxiety, “Grandpa, Vladimir still has to rush back to accompany Amelie’s sister to draw, otherwise if we wait for a long time, Amelie’s sister should be unhappy. Hurry up, Grandpa hurry up and have Grandpa the chauffeur come over to take Vladimir.”

Leonardo Cooper had just dared to come over from the doctor, he looked at Sophie Sabastian with a heavy heart, “Honey, does it hurt to feel the wound?”

“It hurts, but it’s okay.”

Sophie Sabastian had a C-section this time, not a normal delivery. After giving birth to this baby, her body was really poor to the extreme, that’s why the doctor called Leonardo Cooper over, explained to him about Sophie Sabastian’s physical condition, and told him that it’s best that Sophie Sabastian is not to be conceived again, or else her life will be in danger.

Originally, Sophie Sabastian’s constitution is not easy to conceive, to contraception, Leonardo Cooper do not have to worry, he is mainly worried about Sophie Sabastian’s current physical condition, will there be any hidden danger.

There are a lot of women who after giving birth, their bodies have appeared big and small illnesses, and even threaten their lives.

The more he thought about this, the more worried Leonardo Cooper became.

Old Cooper looked at Leonardo Cooper’s appearance, and then looked at Vladimir who was anxious to go back, so he had to say, “Then Leonardo, you take care of Sophie here, and I’ll send Vladimir back first.”

“Uh-huh.” Leonardo Cooper glanced at Old Cooper and answered.

Vladimir looks to Sophie Sabastian, “Mom, Vladimir will come back to see you tomorrow, and tomorrow Vladimir will send lots of food. This ugly brother, Vladimir still advises mom to get rid of him, he has caused mom a lot of suffering and injuries and so much.”

“He’s not an obedient boy, so it’s better for mommy not to have him.”

Old Cooper couldn’t help himself, “Vladimir, how sad would your brother have to grow up knowing that as soon as he was born, you let your mom throw him away?”

“Vladimir, every child comes into this world, the mother who is the mother will suffer a lot, is risking her life to bring the child into the world.”

Hearing Old Cooper say this, Vladimir looked at Sophie Sabastian suspiciously and asked, “Mom, did Vladimir make his mom suffer a lot too?”

Sophie Sabastian smiled softly, her face full of motherly tenderness, “For mommy, to see you and your brother born, mommy feels blessed and doesn’t feel bitter.”

“You are a gift from God.”

Vladimir looks at Sophie Sabastian in disbelief, “Mom, my brother and I were given to you by heaven. Then mom you hurry up and talk to heaven and ask him to change it for mom. Vladimir likes his sister and not his brother who is so ugly.”

“Your brother is not ugly, he’s just wrinkled and small because he hasn’t grown yet.” Sophie Sabastian patiently explained to him.

But Vladimir didn’t care if his brother was ugly or not, “Vladimir still likes his sister and wants her.”This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

The conversation fails.

The Cooper family could tell that Vladimir didn’t like Erbao, but he didn’t really hate him either, his mind was not on Erbao at all. Since Vladimir followed Amelie to a kindergarten, he has been playing with Amelie all day long, basically as soon as school was over, he went to look for Amelie, and even ate at Kennedy’s house.

Old Cooper took Vladimir back.

“Vladimir, slow down, don’t run, grandpa can’t catch up with you.” Old Cooper shouted after him.

Vladimir tried to run and talk to his grandpa at the same time, but he ended up bumping into someone’s leg, and the feeling he hit wasn’t flesh, it was still an iron bar.

“Ahh! That hurts, why is your leg harder than iron!”

Seeing Vladimir fall on the ground, Cleo went forward to help him up, “Little friend, are you alright, did it hurt?”

“Aren’t you bullshitting? I even shouted in pain!” Vladimir is always in front of outsiders with a fierce, domineering little young master’s appearance, he coldly opened Cleo’s hand at this moment and huffed.

Old Cooper hurriedly helped Vladimir up, ”Aigoo, my good grandson, didn’t fall and get hurt, right? Quickly, quickly let grandpa take a look, where did you fall.”

At this moment, Romaine who was standing next to him hurriedly went up and took a look at Cleo’s leg, “Dr. Cleo, are you alright? Does your leg hurt?”

She knew that Cleo’s leg, the one that was hit, was a prosthesis, so she was worried that the articulation between the prosthesis and the flesh was rubbed and injured by such a collision. She wanted to check it for Cleo, but she saw Cleo pressing her hand, and she could only stop moving.

She got up and saw Vladimir and was just on fire, “Where did you come from bear boy! You bumped into someone and instead of apologizing to them, you treated them so badly. What did your parents teach you?”

If Sophie Sabastian and Leonardo Cooper had heard this, Sophie Sabastian would have been ashamed of herself and Leonardo Cooper would have been happy to see someone teach Vladimir a lesson.

“Why are you yelling at my grandson? He’s a child, he bumped into someone, but this doctor is an adult, he’s standing fine, but my grandson fell to the ground, not to mention that this doctor hasn’t even said anything yet, so what are you yelling about?!”

“No wonder your grandson is so nasty, it’s because he has a grandfather with no class like you!”

Seeing Romaine arguing with Old Cooper, Cleo pulls Romaine, “Forget it, it’s just a bump. I’ve got patients to see, so I’ve got to get busy.”

“Oh.” Romaine answered.

But before leaving, she didn’t forget to shout at Old Cooper, “Forget it this time, you’d better be careful and watch your grandson! Just like you, if you teach your grandchildren like this, don’t let your grandchildren run under someone else’s car wheels one day!”

“You …” Old Cooper was so angry at what she said that he felt his brain was going to explode and his heart hurt from the anger.

It was a curse on his grandchildren!

Romaine followed Cleo’s side and kept following into Cleo’s office, she closed the door with her hand, “Dr. Cleo, you must be hurt after being hit like that just now, tug your pants up and let me help you take a look.”

“No need. If you don’t have anything else to do, get out and don’t keep me from my work.” Cleo was in no mood to pay her any attention.

Romaine saw that he refused to tug his pants up, she directly stepped in front of him and reached out to tug on his pants, “No matter how busy you are at work, you have to take care of your body first. I know you care about people seeing this leg of yours, but you could have let me see it, it’s not the first time I’ve seen it, I don’t mind.”

She had yanked Cleo’s pants up as she spoke.

The mechanical leg was exposed to the air and she frowned in pain as she looked at the flesh of his leg, “Luckily it’s not bleeding, but it’s red and swollen. It’s better to take care of it, this season, it’s too hot, the wound is easy to get inflamed.”

“You …”

Romaine pressed his leg, “Don’t move! It’s all red and swollen like this, and you don’t even feel any pain. This leg is your own.”

When she said that, Cleo had no choice but to stop refusing her kindness.

And with his pants already tugged up, she had already taken the medicine from his drawer and squatted by his leg, rubbing it for him.

A cold touch came from his leg, and Cleo stared at her for half a second before speaking, “Romaine, if you’re doing this because of the cost of the surgery that I’m substituting for your father, you don’t have to.”

Money, Romaine was already paying it back in installments, her father’s leg compensation had already given part of it, and it wouldn’t take long for her to pay off the rest as well.

So Cleo didn’t see anything in helping to pay for the surgery, but Romaine was the one who came to the hospital every day to see him.

Sometimes it was to bring him some food, other times she just stayed in his office, not saying a word, for the whole day.

“I’m not just here because of the cost of my dad’s surgery. I also want you, Dr. Cleo, to put in a good word for me to work at your hospital. I can take care of the patients and sweep the floors and take out the trash. My dad’s health condition, as you know, needs to be hospitalized all the time, so I want to stay and work at the hospital.”

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