Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

#Chapter 250 – Help from a Friend

Alvin gasps as Victor slows the car down, pulling up to their destination. “I know where we are!” he cries, pressing his hands eagerly to the car door and bringing his face close to the window.

“You do?” Victor asks, frowning at his son in the rear view mirror.

“Yeah!” Alvin replies, nodding eagerly. “The fire station! We’ve been here before, for a birthday party!”

“Oh,” Victor responds mildly, shrugging it off. He shouldn’t be surprised, he supposed – the boys had lived in this neighborhood for a long time, and fire houses were common-enough gathering places. “Are you ready?” he asks. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yup!” Alvin replies, taking off his seatbelt and pulling the handle on his door. He frowns at it when it doesn’t open, and then frowns at his dad, who blesses the invention of child safety locks.

“Alvin,” Victor says seriously turning to his son. “Remember, we’re here on official business, okay? Not for fun. So you’ve got to be an Alpha today. Very serious and well-behaved. All right?”

“Yes,” Alvin says, determined, working hard to wipe the excitement from his face. He doesn’t even come close to succeeding. Victor can’t help but smile a little and goes around the car to open his son’s door.

Victor hadn’t intended to take Alvin with him today, but the boys freaked out when they saw that he was leaving the house in one of his suits. They knew that he was going somewhere important, and they were dying to accompany him. Victor had said no, of course – he had to keep his head straight today – but Alvin had looked at him with those big brown eyes, and had brought up the fact that Ian had been allowed to go to the prison with him.

“Why don’t I get to do Alpha stuff?” Alvin had asked in a frail little voice, and Victor’s heart had broken.

So, now, here Alvin was, along on a very important and delicate mission. Victor sighs as he pulls the handle on his son’s door, hoping it isn’t a mistake.

It’s hard to regret, though, when he sees his kid’s smile and feels Alvin take his hand. “Okay, dad,” Alvin says with a nod. “You lead the way.”

Victor nods in agreement and together the pair head into the fire station, looking around for the person they came here to meet. Before Victor can find him, though, Alvin surprises him by crying out again.

“Uncle Mark!” Alvin shouts, and suddenly the boy’s hand is gone from Victor’s. Victor turns swiftly and sees his son streaking towards a gigantic firefighter who is crossing the room, his boots in his hand. Victor’s eyes go wide with surprise as the firefighter blinks at his son and then his face breaks into a big smile.

“Hey, little buddy!” Mark cries out, dropping to one knee and wrapping the little boy in a big hug. “Long time no see!”

Victor frowns, walking slowly over to the firefighter hugging his son, his face deliberately cool. When he reaches the pair, he says nothing, just stands by watching them catch up. Who the hell was this guy?

“Mark,” Alvin says, looking between the firefighter and his dad. “Do you know my daddy?”

Mark starts and hesitates before standing up and holding a hand out to Victor. “No, I don’t, little man,” Mark says, grinning down at the boy before smiling at Victor. “Hi,” he says simply, giving a charming smile. “I’m Mark.”

“Hello, Mark,” Victor says, shaking his hand and frowning to see that the firefighter is about an inch taller than him, and far more muscled. Victor is used to being the tallest man in the room and he doesn’t quite like being outmatched. Victor takes his hand back and puts it casually in his pocket. “How do you know my son?”

“Um,” Mark says, glancing awkwardly at the floor.

“He used to sleep over!” Alvin explains enthusiastically, beaming up at Victor. “In mommy’s room! We used to handcuff him to the bed for fun!” he laughs.

“What!?” Victor breathes, suddenly appalled. He shoots his eyes to Mark’s awkward face and opens his mouth to enquire further when he’s interrupted by the appearance of a familiar dark face turning the corner.

“Hey, Alpha,” Edgar says, smirking fondly and leaning casually against the wall. “Glad you could come visit me at my new job.”

Victor, still shocked and wondering about Mark, takes a minute to look between the two of them, slowly realizing…

That all three…

“Oh my god,” he murmurs, running a hand down his face to hide his embarrassed blush. “Thank god Evelyn’s not here.”

“Why not?” Edgar asks, frowning a little.

“Because,” Victor sighs, putting his hands deep in his pockets. “She would die laughing. And never, ever let the three of us live this down.”

Edgar and Mark both laugh and Victor silently thanks god that the awkward moment has broken.

“Come on,” Edgar says, coming forward and clapping him on the shoulder. “Come upstairs, where we can sit down. It’s good to see you.”

“You too,” Victor says fondly, meaning it. Working with the Betas hadn’t been the same since Edgar left. Victor looks hesitatingly at Alvin for a second, but Mark steps in.

“The tyke can stay with me,” Mark says fondly, ruffling the kid’s hair, “if that’s helpful.”

“Really?” Victor asks, pleased and surprised.

“Sure,” Mark says, looking down at Alvin and giving him a little nudge. “We’ve got some really tiny places in the truck engines that need to be degreased. Put those little hands to work.”

“Really?” Alvin gasps, thrilled. Mark looks to Victor, his eyebrow raised, and Victor nods his assent. Mark takes Alvin away then, asking him about his brother and his new life. Alvin chatters happily as they go.

“He’s a good guy,” Edgar says, starting towards the stairs. “No worries. He’ll keep Alvin safe.” Victor follows, looking around curiously.

“Are you happy here?” Victor asks when they reach the landing, which leads to a comfortable if shabby common room with a kitchen, a big-screen TV, and a couple of couches.

“I am,” Edgar replies with a smile, leading Victor to the kitchen counter where he pours two cups of coffee. “I mean,” he shrugs, “it’s a step down from the intensity of Beta life but it’s good camaraderie. Good to know you’re doing something good.”

Victor looks at Edgar seriously then. “Do you ever feel like you want to come back?”

Edgar pauses, looking at Victor intently and then down at his cup of coffee. “Is that what this is about?” he asks.

“Did you think I was coming by to watch the game?” Victor replies, his voice hard. Edgar meets Victor’s eyes again, holding them. “I need your help, Edgar,” Victor continues seriously. “It’s a mission, a big

one. And I honestly think that only you can do it.”

Edgar sighs and puts his cup of coffee back down on the counter. There’s a moment of silence before he responds. But when he does speak, it’s a single world.


Victor frowns at him, then. “How are you two doing that?” he asks, frustrated.

“What?” Edgar asks, confused.

“Evelyn did the same thing this morning,” Victor says, shaking his head. “What, can you two just read my mind or something? Did she text you?”

Edgar laughs at this, leaning back on the counter and smiling at Victor like an old friend. Victor’s grateful for it, for this man and all he’s done for him. He hates to ask for more but…well, if it was a case of keeping Evelyn and his boys safe, there’s nothing he wouldn’t ask of anyone.

“How is she, anyway?” Edgar asks, and Victor knows he doesn’t mean Amelia.

“She’s good,” Victor answers honestly, giving his friend a warm smile. “She’s…very happy.”

“Did you marry her yet?” Edgar continues, an eyebrow raised.

Victor huffs a laugh and looks bashfully at the floor. “I’m working on it,” he says, not mentioning his interrupted plans this morning.

“Did you go see her?” Edgar presses further and Victor looks up to meet his eyes. “The wise woman in the forest?”

Victor nods slowly. “Astral mates,” he says simply, knowing Edgar will understand.

Edgar just scoffs and shakes his head, laughing a little ruefully. “Damn,” he says. “I never stood a chance.”

Victor doesn’t reply, just stands quietly watching his former Beta. He feels an odd impulse to apologize but he resists. Because frankly, he’s not sorry. Evelyn is his, she belongs with him, and he won’t apologize for that. Still, he gives Edgar a minute to pull himself together.

“So,” Edgar says after a moment, smiling up at Victor and tucking his feelings away. “What do you need?”

“I’m not going to lie, Edgar,” Victor replies, his voice low. “It’s a big ask.”

“With you, Victor?” Edgar returns, giving a little shrug. “It always is.”

“Are you willing to give this up?” Victor asks, looking around at the fire station. “The life you’ve built here?”

“Well, it depends on the ask,” Edgar replies, giving a little smirk. “But for my Alpha and my Luna?” he shrugs again. “I could be convinced.”

“You’ll be compensated,” Victor offers, hoping it soothes the sacrifice. “Generously.”

“Oh, Victor,” Edgar says, looking steadily up into his eyes. “If I’m going to turn my life over for you again? Then yeah. You’re going to make me a very rich man.”

Victor laughs, clapping his friend on the shoulder.

“Come on,” Edgar says, grabbing his coffee and nodding over to the couches. “Let’s go talk details.” ————————————————————————————————————

My dear readers, Thank you for stopping by and reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it. I’m trying my best to update assp. I’ll appreciate it if you explore my other stories as well. Please follow my f******k page jane above story and group jane above story if you wanna chat or keep updated on my writing schedule. Yours, Jane above story

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