She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel George Chapman Chapter 589

She Is A Ceo Novel George Chapman Chapter 589

What Lucia wondered was the taste of the soup.

Before this, she had never connected the takeout that Jack and the others had sent to her with Sophie. She only felt that the taste of the food was very familiar. Now that she had personally tasted Sophie’s dishes, Lucia suddenly understood! Wasn’t that what she cooked?!

But Sophie was far away in the USA, those food can not be prepared by her. Was it…

She could not help glancing at Arthur again and could not believe her guess.

This man had never cooked.

But her speculation made her feelings for him surge out, which almost can not be suppressed. If it was really him?

Thinking of the exquisite food she had eaten for the better part of a year, Lucia silently lowered her head and bit her lower lip, being afraid that her feelings would spill out.

Why did he have to do this for her?

Lucia’s eyes were sour.

“Lucia?” The more she looked, the more she felt that Lucia was acting strangely. Helena lowered her head to look at Lucia’s expression, but she was stunned when she saw her slightly red eyes.

Lucia, what was wrong?

Everyone stopped eating and looked at Lucia in unison.

Lucia gritted her teeth, looked up and smiled sheepishly at the crowd,

“I’m fine, but I haven’t had Sophie’s dishes for a long time.”

So that was what it was.

Arthur looked at Lucia silently.

“If you like it, I will cook it for you every day,” said Sophie.

“Thank you, Sophie.” Knowing that this promise can not be fulfilled in a short time, Lucia still sincerely thanked all the people who loved her.

“You’re welcome, kid…” Sophie had always thought of Lucia as her daughter, and her heart was filled with emotion and her eyes turned red when she heard her thank herself.

“Ah.” Helena couldn’t bear to see Sophie and Lucia being sentimental. She said loudly, “The dishes that auntie made are really delicious. Jack, you guys eat the most. Can you eat a little less? I won’t have enough later.”

When Helena said this, Sophie and Lucia burst out laughing at the same time.

Edwin was impressed by how easily Helena defused the emotional atmosphere. She was a sensitive and emotionally intelligent child.

As they laughed, the atmosphere became relaxed again. Although some feelings and helplessness could not be erased, as long as they could still smile, there was no obstacle that could not be overcome. Everyone was so firm in their hearts.

In the evening, Sophie made time to go into Lucia’s room and ask her about her health, while Theodore was with Arthur.

In the late stage, pregnant women’s bladder narrows and Lucia had to go to the bathroom more often. After a short chat, Lucia said she had to go to the bathroom. Sophie waited for her on the sofa, while Lucia’s phone on the table was ringing. Sophie looked over subconsciously. After seeing the caller’s name, she hesitated for a moment before reaching out to answer the call.

“Lucia, how are you doing?” Esmae’s soft voice was heard on the other end of the line.

Sophie couldn’t help but feel that they had always parted on bad terms, and although they didn’t fight, her tone was always unfriendly. So it was hard not to have mixed emotions when she heard Esmae’s gentle voice.

“Esmae, it’s me,” Sophie said.

“Why you?!” Esmae’s voice rose several pitches in an instant.

“We came back to take care of Lucia. She just went to the bathroom,” Sophie replied with a quiet wry smile.

“This is Lucia’s cell phone. You’re being rude! I’m hanging up!” Esmae said unhappily.

“Esmae! Wait!” Sophie shouted. “Can we talk for a second?”

Even though Esmae said she was going to hang up, when Sophie made the request, she said, “What do you and I have to talk about?”

“We’re all equally concerned about Lucia. How can we not have something to talk about? I have something I want to say to you.” Sophie immediately took a stand, not wanting Esmae to be too defensive about herself.

“About Lucia?” Esmae asked after a pause.


“Go ahead.” Esmae wanted to hear what Sophie had to say.

“Esmae, do you know what Spencer and Lucia did after they got engaged?” Sophie asked.

“So what if I do?”

Sophie frowned. “I’m not asking you to let Lucia be with Arthur, but Spencer can’t be trusted. Why do you insist on Lucia being with him? With your character and your love for Lucia, you shouldn’t have agreed to this.”

“Do you think you know me so well?” said Esmae coldly after a sneer.

Realizing that Esmae’s hostility toward her hadn’t abated in any way, Sophie sighed and said,

“Esmae, no hostility can erase the fact that we used to spend every day together. I do know you.”

Sophie couldn’t have known that on the other end of the line, Esmae, who was in Chicago, had a moment of weakness in her eyes when she heard that.

But Esmae was still so her, and soon she said coldly,

“Don’t talk to me about the past. If you don’t know the relationship between Spencer and Lucia, don’t judge it yourself. Whether they are together or not is not up to you. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

With that, Esmae hung up the phone, and Sophie was so upset that she didn’t notice Lucia had come over.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sophie looked up and saw Lucia. Then she immediately perked up and said sheepishly,

“Lucia, I’m sorry I took your call.” Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s okay…” Lucia shook her head gently and slowly sat down beside Sophie. She had heard the conversation between her and Esmae just now, so she didn’t have to guess much to know Esmae’s attitude and what she had said.

“Sophie, actually, she is not that cruel…” Lucia could not tell her what Esmae was thinking, so she comforted her.

“I know… It’s my own fault. I just don’t know how to make it up to you.” Sophie’s beautiful eyebrows mingled with helplessness.

“I believe that one day, the misunderstanding between you will be gone,” Lucia hoped.

“Well, I believe it, too,” Sophie smiled gently, preferring to look on the bright side of things, even if that day was a long way off.

Even if the time continued to pass, she will continue to wait.

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