Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 158 Fifty-Six

chapter 158 Fifty-Six

Evelyn’s POV

Ryland moves Amara to the couch placing her down gently just as Thaddeus walks back in with

Orion. Imogen, Ryland, and I all looking at Thaddeus, my heart skipping a beat remembering Amara’s

words. Thaddeus noticing his sister on the couch rushes over.

“What happened?” he asks, looking to his mother. Imogen stares at her son with fearful eyes

before her eyes dart to me. But Ryland was the one that answered. “Nothing happened, she just

passed out” he says, Thaddeus I could tell, knew he was lying.

“What did she see?” He demands looking to me, but I had gone completely mute, like I couldn’t

even form a word. How could one person completely destroy the world, cities, countries even but the

world? Amara groans her hand going to her head like she had a bad headache.

Her eyes were back to normal as they flicked to everyone staring at her. “What brother just passed

out. I am alright,” she says.

“What did you see?” he asks again but this time to her.

“Nothing, you need to know. Things change, they will change“ she says her eyes darting to Ryland,

who looks away before looking at me. Imogen looked lost for words, exactly what do you say when the

entire world rests on your son’s shoulders and your daughter’s visions.

“Well, we should be off, make sure you use the herbs they will help; the wards are set everything is

fine, just fine” Imogen says her eyes not leaving Amara. I could tell she was desperate to get out of

here. I had no idea why they wouldn’t tell Thaddeus but figured it could change the events of what

Amara saw, what Amara warned Ryland about.

Thaddeus went to protest when suddenly I blinked and they were gone, Amara must have misted

out of here. Thaddeus stares at the empty space where his mother and sister were before his eyes go

to Ryland.

“Tell me.”

“You know I can’t do that, Amara said things will change. I tell you; you will alter the future again

and maybe not in a good way” Thaddeus breathes loudly clearly not happy about being left out of the

loop. Orion takes the herbs from Ryland walking off into the kitchen. I look to the stairs, the shower

calling my name. Thaddeus noticing me looking at them steps forward his arms out. I reach mine up

and he picks me up awkwardly as I wrap my legs around his waist, my belly making all my weight lean

onto his arms, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he carries me up the stairs effortlessly before placing

me on my feet. I walk to the bathroom turning the shower on.

Thaddeus leans in the doorway watching me. “Will you tell me?” he asks, but Ryland saying things

could change with him knowing, I shook my head. I didn’t want to be the one responsible for making

things worse. Just thinking about it was making my heart race with fear. Thaddeus steps forward my

heart skipping a beat.

“Why are you scared of me?” he asks. I wasn’t scared of him, just what he was apparently capable


“I’m not” I tell him, holding my hand out for him. He grabs it stepping forward and wrapping an arm

around me before rubbing my belly. “What are we going to name her?” he asks. I have no idea, no

names coming to mind at all. I actually thought it was going to be a boy myself so now I was completely

blank on names.

I shrug, not knowing before pulling my shirt off over my head. Thaddeus drops down helping me

pull my tights down while I hang onto his shoulder. I couldn’t even see his head underneath my belly

but felt him press his lips to it, as sparks rushed over me. He stands up and I tug on his shirt wanting

him to shower with me. He complies pulling it off and I trace my fingers down his abs to waistband of

his jeans before turning away and stepping in the shower.

Thaddeus steps in behind me before adjusting the shower head which was level with his neck

pushing it up higher before turning the other one on.

Thaddeus dips his face under the water before looking down at me. “I love you” he whispers. My

heart squeezing at his words and I rest my head on his chest.

“I love you too” I tell him before grabbing the soap and washing his chest and abs. He growls softly

almost a purr making my eyes dart up to his and he kisses my head. Once we showered, we walk

downstairs or more Thaddeus walks because he gives up waiting for me and scoops me up, the

problem wasn’t the stairs, it was trying to seeing them as I clutched the railing. Going down was easy

getting up them was another story, I was always breathless.

Ryland was sitting on the lounge flicking through channels, stopping on the news as I walked over

to him and climbed on his lap. Orion brings out a cup of tea, handing it to me. I sniff it and it smelt like

grass making me wrinkle my nose.

“Drink it. Amara said it will help and it will, she is never wrong,” Orion says.

“But it smells nasty” I tell him, but he folds his arms, looking down at me before Ryland moves my

hand trying to get me to drink it.

“Did you taste it?” I ask Orion, who shakes his head. I huff annoyed how can he expect me to drink

something he hasn’t tried? I pass him the cup and he rolls his eyes before taking a sip and gagging his

cheeks puffing out but he forces it, down trying to make out it doesn’t taste that bad. I raise an eyebrow

at him.

“You’re drinking it,” he says, handing it back.

“No, I am not after seeing your reaction to it” Orion’s eyes turn red, and he leans over the lounge

his face next to Ryland’s.

“Drink it Evelyn” I feel the fog slip over me. I try to fight against it. Ryland looks at him.

“Don’t use that on her, it’s not fair to force her” he says, his hand rubbing my back gently.

“It’s for her own good” he says, turning back to me. Thaddeus was watching both of them and I felt

Ryland’s chest rumble before I hear him growl.

“Drink it Evelyn now” Orion says, and I can’t help the urge to do as I am told. Thaddeus sits on the

lounge beside me before glaring up at Orion. “Stop it now” he snaps at Orion and I feel the fog lift my

hand that was trembling holding the cup stops.

“Can you try to drink it, even some of it” Thaddeus asks, and I look at the cup with disgust, the

smell alone was bad enough.

I bring the cup to my lips before taking a deep breath and holding it before quickly swallowing

some of it. The moment it hit my tongue I baulked forcing it down my throat. Ryland tips the cup to my

lips again while I shake my head.

Orion was still watching me, and it was clear if I didn’t drink it, it was going to start a fight. I roll my

eyes at him before drinking it, chugging the last of it. It tasted like freshly cut grass and dirt. I shiver as I

drain the cup before handing it to Orion, who looks in it before walking off.

“God, he has been in a bad mood lately” I mutter, looking at Orion leaving the room. Ryland pulls

my head against him and I rest it on his shoulder. Thaddeus sighs grabbing my feet and placing them

on his lap and moving closer to Ryland. I felt a cold rush roll over me making me twitch, my eyes

widening and for the first time in ages I felt like I had been hit with a caffeine buzz, completely alert and

awake. But most of all I noticed my body wasn’t hurting, I felt rejuvenated like I could run a marathon.

But also had an overwhelming sense to move. It was different.

“Well, that worked fast, look at her pupils” he says, nudging Ryland. Ryland grips my chin looking

down at me. “Indeed, it did” he says, letting my chin go. I felt revved up and ready to go, go where? I

had no idea, but I suddenly wanted to move. What the hell did she give me?

My limbs were restless and twitching and Thaddeus grabs my feet holding them in place.

“Maybe a little too much” he mutters, looking at me just as Orion walks out. He leans over kissing NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

my head.

“See you feel better” he says. He was right but I wasn’t sure if this was a better feeling anymore, I

felt antsy.

“What is that stuff” I ask, my words coming out so quickly they sounded like a squeak.

“Maybe a little less next time” Orion says looking to Thaddeus who nods.

“One herb is like analgesic, the other like speed. Werewolves sometimes use it to speed up their

healing abilities when gravely injured” Orion answers.

“Speed?” I squeak looking down at my belly.

“It’s natural and won’t hurt our baby, Amara would never give anything that would cause harm to

her niece” Thaddeus says, watching my hand as I rub my belly before I feel her kick, but it wasn’t

painful like usual, usually when she does kick, I feel like she is breaking something. Thaddeus watches

my hand move and I move it, lifting my shirt. Orion’s eyes watching my belly move as I felt her roll. His

cold hand touching my tight skin as it stretches underneath his hand.

“Not hurting anymore?” Orion asks, and I shake my head. I felt nothing, more like I was given local

anaesthetic, yet I could feel my limbs but at the same time they also felt numb, it was a weird feeling,

foreign to me.

“Any baby names yet?” Ryland asks, and I shake my head looking to them to see if they have any.

They too shake their heads.

“Well, she will just be baby till someone thinks of something” I tell them, and they nod. Orion’s eyes

snap to the huge TV for a second. A picture of a service station comes up.

“Turn that up” Orion says, and I look back at the TV. Thaddeus sighs getting up. “Where are you

going?” I ask, as Ryland turns the volume up.

“I am not arguing over this again” he says walking upstairs. I look to Orion who had a foul look on

his face before turning to listen to what the news reporter was saying.

Video footage of inside the store shows Thaddeus standing next to a child just in the doorway, and

another man had a gun pointed at him. We watch without sound as Thaddeus turns looking down at

the child before saying something to her. The picture a little grainy but it was obvious she was crying.

My heart skipping a beat as fear consumes me, did he kill the little girl. It flicks to the service attendant

being interviewed the vision cutting off.

“He just appeared out of nowhere, he saved us, saved us all then asked me for some smokes and

paid for the ladies fuel” he says excitedly, and I could tell he was excited about being on TV. Orion

looks at me shocked before his eyes dart to the stairs where Thaddeus went. The video flicks on again

the news anchor’s voice playing in the background. “What you are about to see, some viewers may

find distressing.”

We watch as a man points a gun at the woman before pointing it at Thaddeus’s chest, he says

something before the man shoots and Thaddeus pulls the bullet out before killing the man and he falls

on the floor, the woman appears to be screaming before the little girl rushes out from behind the shelf

only for Thaddeus to step in her way and bend down to her level and grabbing her face. We don’t hear

what he says but he then stands handing her a chocolate and turning to the mother who grabs her

daughter and rushes out. Thaddeus steps over the body before going to the counter and getting

smokes and handing the frightened man cash before walking off” I stare stunned.

“See everyone an unlikely hero, does this mean the dark one has changed, I suppose only time

will tell. But next on we have heard of a new landmark for-” The TV flicks off as she goes to the next

report. We all stare stunned before I am hit with Orion’s guilt.

“I feel terrible,” Orion mutters.

“And so you should,” Ryland growls at him. I climb off Ryland’s lap walking to the stairs. Orion

watching me before he follows his head hung. I climb the stairs to our room easily without losing my

breath. Thaddeus looking up as I walk in.

“Look I didn’t mean to okay; can we not argue please we just got home” Thaddeus says, shocking

me. Does he think he did something bad? Orion clears his throat.

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