Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 185

chapter 185

Laura took me to some Pub in the dead centre of the city. Music was blaring as we pulled up, so

loud that it shook the windows on the car. My ears were pounding from the bass and I could already

feel a headache coming on.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around at the mass of people lined up.

"The hottest club on the mainstreet" she said excitedly. I remember Thaddeus warning about

staying away from this area. I thought we were going to a pub, not a nightclub.

"Maybe we should go elsewhere, seems like a rowdy place" I tell her suddenly feeling nervous.

"Nonsense I come here all the time, it's great" she says hopping out of the car. I pull my phone

from my pocket deciding to tell Thaddeus the name of the place just to be safe.

"Quick hurry up, what are you doing?" Laura asks, opening my door.

"Just messaging my husband's" I tell her before popping the phone in my pocket and getting out.

She took me inside, skipping past the long queue and she seemed to know all the bouncers as

she hugged them as we walked into the club.

Walking inside it was dark, disco lights and coloured lights lighting up different areas and there was

even a smoke machine, making visibility a real bitch even with my heightened senses. The place stunk

heavily of sweat and alcohol and I hate to think of what else. I felt severly out of my comfort zone as I

peered at the mass crowd of people crammed in here.

Everyone rubbing shoulders as they passed each other. Laura grabs my hand dragging me to the

bar before ordering some drinks that had strange names.

"You don't go out much do you?" She yells to me over the blaring music. I shake my head.This

place was overwhelming my senses and I wanted to leave already. I sip my drink that has a tasty and

fruity flavour. Laura orders some shots before grabbing them and walking over to a round table. I follow


I thought we were just going to go to some pub, play pool and have a few drinks but now looking at

Laura I could tell she had a bit of a wild side.

"Sit," she says, tapping the stool beside her. I sit down and sip my drink before she shoves a shot

in my hand.

She drinks two down one after the other and they smell like tequila.

"Hurry up down them" she says and I quickly swallow them before sipping my fruity drink to wash

away the taste.

"Wanna dance?" She asks and I look at the sea of people on the dance floor. Sweating all over

each other, the sight didn't look all that appealing to me.

"You go I will wait here" I tell her. She pouts before walking off into the sea of people and I lose

sight of her. I sat twiddling my thumbs bored as I watched people stumble around intoxicated. A fair bit

of time passed when Laura came back with a tray full of drinks.

"I might ring my husband to come get me, this isn't really my scene" I tell her and she shakes her

head. Some man comes over wrapping his arms around her and kissing and licking her neck. She pats

his shoulder gently.

"This is mark, mark Evie" she introduced him.

"Hi" I give a small wave about to get up and leave when she grabs my hand.

"Don't go, we have barely been here for an hour" she says before grabbing her purse.

"I know here take this, this will get you in the mood" she says digging through her purse. She

brings out a small clear bag filled with pills. I shake my head.

"No I'm good, besides they probably won't work on me anyway" I tell her not wanting to take them.

"Then more reason to try, they are just E" she says, tipping the bag up in her hand.

"E?" I ask.

"Ecstasy," she answers.

"Here, try these ones," she says, dropping three green pills in my hand. She grabs another little

bag from her wallet which had pink pills in it. NôvelDrama.Org content.

"Why aren't you taking the same?" I ask.

"Those are too strong for me,but never know could work on you"

"Na I think I'm good" I tell her trying to hand them back to her.

"Stop , let your hair down and enjoy yourself, just take them. If after say twenty minutes you want

to go home I will call your husband, like you said they probably won't even affect you" she says,

pushing my hand away and handing me a drink.

Both her and the new person watched me and I couldn't do it. "No, I think I might go home," I say

over the music.

"Stop being a party pooper you will be fine" she says tapping my hand. I open my hand looking at

the three green pills.They would probably have no effect on me, being a hybrid I thought. Shrugging, I

take them before guzzling my drink. She claps her hands happily before passing me another drink.

She then drags me to the dance floor, and after a while I find myself suddenly relaxing and

enjoying myself. We danced for a while longer when suddenly I started to feel a little off.

"I might go sit down for a sec" I tell her and she nods walking off the dance floor with me.

We found a table away from everyone and sat down. The man from before didn't follow and I was

grateful he stunk heavily of sweat and was burning my nose.

“I will go get some more drinks, wait here" she says.

"Can you grab me some water? I don't feel too good" I tell her. She nods, wandering off. I suddenly

get hit with a wave of something, my stomach turning violently and I get up looking for a toilet.

Stumbling through the mass crowds before finding a bathroom. Going in, I wet my face, trying to cool

myself down. The room is spinning and I look in the mirror. What the fuck did she give me? I wondered

when I saw my reflection, only it wasn't mine but some blurred warped picture of myself fraying around

the edges

"Evie?" I hear her voice which suddenly sounds musical to my ears, my own voice sounding

foreign as everything dulls.

"Here" I scream out to her as she steps in.

"What did you give me?" I ask laughing when I realise I had no gaps between my fingers. I wave

my hand and a rainbow comes off my hand leaving a trail in the air.

"God knows but fun huh?" She says. I knew I should be worried but some voice in my head was

telling me to go with it and it suddenly sounded very reasonable, urging me to have fun.

Walking out, she grabs my arm steering me toward the bar again when I see Orion?

"Orion?" I mutter and he smiles. What is he doing here? He approaches wrapping his arms around


"Hey sweet cheeks"

"Sweet cheeks?" I say never having heard him say that before. I look at Laura who looks nervous

before she pulls me away back toward the bathroom.

"I need to pee," she says, suddenly dragging me off.

" I'll Be back" I tell Orion.

"I will come" he says following into the ladies room.

"You can't come in here?" I tell him but he backs me in through the door.

"Wait where did Laura go?" I wondered looking around for her and over his shoulder.

"Who knows?" he says, kissing me and I pull back from him.

"Stop Orion" I tell him not wanting to make out with him in a toilet gross.

"Orion?, I will be whoever you want me to be,baby" he says and I stop looking at him, he was a

little blurry but it was him, yet why was he acting strange.

"What?" I ask, confused. That weird voice in the back of my head urging me to go to him, telling

me to touch him. He kisses me, his tongue slipping into my mouth forcefully and I pull back. Where are

the sparks I usually get from their touch?

I ask him and he just kisses me harder, pushing me against the sink basin and lifting me on it, his

hands running up my thighs.

"You're too wasted," he says, undoing my top and pressing himself against me. He was probably

right, I could barely feel my fingers as I pulled him against me.

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