Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 191

chapter 191

Hearing the front door open,. I get a whiff of Rylands scent before hearing him trying to calm Orion

down. I grab my coffee heading out the back away from them.

I sit at the table and chairs on the back varandar before seeing Orion's smokes sitting on the table.

I grab one lighting it, enjoying the burning sensation in the back of my throat. I haven't smoked since

just before I found out I was pregnant with Mara. I must admit I did miss smoking, as stupid as that


Nothing better than a coffee and a smoke first thing in the morning. The arguing inside stopped,

the house falling silent when I heard a car start before leaving. The laundry door opens and I scramble

to put my smoke out.

"Don't make it a habit" I hear Ryland say and I sit back.

"I thought you were Orion," I told him. Knowing Orion loved giving me lectures about smoking.

He sits in the chair across from me with his own coffee in his hand. I light my smoke again.

"Who left?" I ask him, putting my feet on my chair.

"Orion" he answers. I nod before drawing back on my smoke.

"God I hate seeing you smoke" he says looking at me.

"Don't you start, not like it is going to kill me" I tell him.

"No, it won't but doesn't mean I like seeing you do it"

"It's one" I tell him.

"And tomorrow it will be a packet," he says.

"Feel free to leave, I didn't ask you to watch me"

" No, I thought you were doing a runner," he says, sipping his coffee.

"No point you would find me anyway" I tell him.

I finish my smoke before hopping up and heading inside. Thaddeus was washing dishes, it was an

odd sight to see, not that he didn't do housework, but he usually did what he calls the more manly jobs. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

"He went to get Mara?" I ask him.

"No mum would probably beat his ass if he tried to take her," he says, grabbing another plate and

washing it.

"Grab a tea towel" he says. I grab one, handing him my cup before starting to dry what he washed

already. We did the dishes in silence but it wasn't awkward though, I could tell he was itching to say


"When Orion comes back we need to talk about something else" he finally says.

"Why can't you say something now?" I ask him. Not wanting to deal with Orion becoming a moody

ass again. Thaddeus says nothing, just continues cleaning the kitchen.

I walk upstairs flopping on the bed, considering I wanted to leave it before, I now found it relaxing

because it was filled with their scents. I eventually doze off only to wake when someone sits next to my

head shaking my shoulder.

I look up and see Ryland. "A little hungover?" He asks.

"No" I tell him, rolling to face the other way, though I did have a headache but I think that's from

arguing with them.

"Come on, hop up Orion is home"

"So?" I ask, snuggling under the blanket.

"Thaddeus wants you downstairs"

"And he is not my keeper" I retorted, annoyed they won't just leave me alone.

"Fine, I will go tell him you said that"

"Fine, can you pull the blind down on your way out?" I told him. He ignores me walking out of the

room. I pull the pillow over my head, drowning out the light.

I hear someone walk into the room, before I feel the blanket ripped away. A hand wraps around my

ankle before I am ripped off the bed.

"I sent Ryland to get you, and what did you say?" He asks while he holds me off the ground by my

ankle, my hair touching the floor as I dangle upside down.

He jiggles me like a tea bag. "Stop, you will make me puke" I tell him.

"Why didn't you come downstairs?" He asks.

"Put me down," I tell him.clawing at the carpet with my hands trying to get away. He tosses me

before catching me, my face now in his crotch. "Thaddeus!"

"Evelyn!" He says back.

I grip his pants trying to turn upright.

"Must say you have a lovely ass" he says before I hear him growl and he bites it. I buck.

"You're not the only one with teeth," I tell him. He chuckles before pulling me upright before I bite

his dick.

"That fucking hurt," I tell him.

"Well don't make me get you," he says, crushing me against his chest. I wrap my legs around him,

knowing he wasn't putting me down.

He walks downstairs before placing me on my feet. He points to the living room and I walk into the

room. Orion was sitting on the lounge with Ryland.

I walk over to them about to sit on the couch between them when Ryland pulls me on his lap.

Thaddeus walks out before reaching in his pocket and looking at me. He places something on the

coffee table. I feel my chest rise and fall, panic seizing me when I realise it is the bottle of pills Amara

gave me.

My mouth suddenly went dry. Orion was glaring at the bottle and I could feel his burning anger

over it. Ryland's grip on my waist tightens before he presses his chin on my shoulder.

"How many times have you taken these?" Orion asks his eyes on the bottle still.

"Once" I tell him feeling bile rise in my throat. They were pissed off, Orion the most but all of them

were angry.

"Were you going to tell us?" Orion asks, finally looking away from the bottle. His eyes still crimson

making me look away.


"No, I knew you would have carried on over it"

"So instead you risk becoming infertile?" Thaddeus asks. I shrug not caring, I am not having

anymore kids.

Orion Mutters something,and Ryland nudges him with his foot.

"She fucken is" Orion says.

"I'm what?" I ask him, turning on Rylands' lap to face him.

"Nothing," Thaddeus says glaring at Orion who looks away. Nobody says anything for a few tense


"I want more kids," Orion says. I sigh annoyed.

"Well, find someone else, I am not having anymore" I tell him and he looks at me.

"We can only have kids with our mates, so yes you are"

"My body, not yours" I snapped at him. He growls.

"You don't get to decide for all of us Evelyn when you are the only one that can carry our children"

Orion retorts.

"You are not the one having to carry a child, you think pregnancy is fun it fucking sucks, you want

anoither one go find another way because I am not having anymore babies" I scream at him.

"You don't want anymore?" Ryland says and I feel his sadness, were they insane how could they

want another after everything, they should just be grateful they have Amara.

"No, I don't" I tell him hopping up.

"You only have to carry it for a few months, it's not like you have to raise it, not like you act like a

mother to Mara" Orion says and I see red. I slap him, how dare he say that. He growls before getting

up and shoving me.

" At least I am not suffocating her like you do" I tell him, shoving him back. Ryland grabs me,

ripping me back just as Orion lunges at me. Thaddeus blocks him and Orion hits him instead.

Orion freezes, realising what he did.

"Hands to yourselves, and you, come on Orion you're better than that"

"Why because she is fucking female" Orion says.

"No because she is your fucking mate" Thaddeus yells at him. Orion sits down bracing his elbows

on his knees before putting his head in his hands.

Thaddeus sits on the lounge next to Orion, gripping his knee and giving it a squeeze.

"Nobody is saying right now Evie, but you can't take those. If you didn't want kids right now, you

should have told us. Not just ruin your body with poison. That stuff is dangerous" Thaddeus says.

He gets up walking into the kitchen before returning and dropping boxes of condoms on the coffee

table. Ryland groans at the sight of it. Orion scoffs not happy.

"Until you're ready we will just have to tarp up" Thaddeus says, giving the box a dirty look, like it

was a cock torturing device.

"Nope I am not wearing that strangulation device, I call dibs on her ass" Ryland says, making me

slap his chest.

"You might need to stock up in bread bags though" he says staring at Thaddeus crotch, the man

was huge, so was Ryland but Thaddeus was monstrous.

"Okay discuss that, I am going to have a shower" I tell them getting up off Rylands lap.

Orion says nothing but snatches the bottle off the coffee table when I go to walk around it. I roll my

eyes at him before walking off.

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