Terrance and Alexia

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Why Are You in the Hospital?

Why did Terrence suddenly ask such questions?

Although Edwin was brilliant, he still could not answer the questions.

Terrence angrily pinched the spot between his eyebrows and suddenly slammed the documents in

his hand on the table.

“What are those people doing? Do they need me to personally come for such a small matter?”

“Mr. Ramsey…”

Edwin stood to the side with a bitter face. Terrence gave him a deep look but didn’t speak.

On the other side, after Alexa hung up the phone, she did not take it to heart.

During the lunch break, she heard her colleagues talk about the Powell family’s eldest young master.

Wasn’t it Kieran?

Alexa asked curiously. The colleague next to her glanced at her and said.

“I heard from a friend that the Powell family has been targeted. Bart is in the hospital.”

“My goodness, why haven’t the media reported it? It’s so serious!”

“The news has been blackened out.” She continued, “It’s really strange. Kieran is a famous surgeon

and a good man. How could he suddenly be targeted?”

“Maybe someone is jealous of him.”

When she heard the word “jealous”, Alexa’s heart fiercely lurched.

Could it be that Terrence did it?

It just so happened that there was a check-up at night. Alexa arrived at the hospital after work and saw

Kieran in the office. She felt inexplicably relaxed.

It was evening. The afterglow of the setting sun slanted through the window and touched Kieran’s


His clean and tidy white coat seemed to emit a holy light.

The twilight was as gentle as him.

“Dr. Powell,” Alexa stood at the door and called out to him softly.

Kieran looked up and put down the medical record in his hand.

“You came,” Kieran smiled and said in a low voice. “Sit down. I’ll get the nurse to arrange the

examination immediately.”

He was still as gentle and considerate as ever. Alexa stood at the side and struggled for a long time

before finally asking.

“Dr. Powell, how is your family doing?”

Hearing her sudden question, Kieran was surprised for a moment before smiling.

“You already know?” Kieran turned around. “In fact, my father is not in good health. Every time this

season comes, his old illness will flare up. There is no other reason.”

When he said that, Alexa was more certain that there was more to it.

“Is it because of me?” Alexa said directly. “I will talk to him…”

“No,” Kieran retorted firmly. “As a large enterprise, it is normal for it to get unwanted attention. Ms.

Duran, don’t feel guilty about it.”.

“Dr. Powell, she can go over now.”

The nurse came over and cut in, and the topic was stopped.

Kieran did not tell her about the results of the examination, but he arranged a bed for her and

prescribed several bottles of IV.

“Stay in the hospital for the night,” Kieran discussed with her. “The amount of medicine is relatively

large. Is it convenient for you?”

“No problem. Thank you, Dr. Powell.”

After talking to him about her illness, Alexa went to the ward and called Mina.

It was a good thing that Terrence was not at home today, otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with


At two in the morning, the private plane belonging to the Ramsey family slowly landed in New York.

Terrence did not delay and drove directly to the Duckdale Villa.

They had not seen each other just for a day, but it felt like three years had passed.

The farther Terrence went, the more he missed Alexa.

Terrence rubbed the spot between his eyebrows, looking a little tired.

His phone vibrated a few times. It was Brynlee calling.

Brynlee knew his whereabouts. Although Terrence was somewhat unhappy about it, he did not say


“Terrence, did you return to New York?”

“Yes. I’ll go back to the headquarters,” Terrence explained.

“You didn’t wait for me…” Brynlee frowned unhappily.

Terrence felt a bit of a headache, but he still patiently comforted her.

“I’ll go abroad with you next time. I have a meeting. I have to go.”

Terrence rushed home, but there was no one in the house.

Terrence searched the whole house but still could not find Alexa.

It was early in the morning. Where could she go?

Terrence suppressed his anger and called Mina. Mina said Alexa was at her friend’s house.

“Get her location immediately!”

In less than five minutes, Edwin replied.

“Mr. Ramsey, Mrs. Ramsey is in the hospital.”

In the hospital?

It seemed she had completely let down her guard. She forgot about her past mistake. She actually

dared to meet Kieran behind Terrence’s back while he was on a business trip.

The anticipation and longing in Terrence’s heart instantly disappeared. His face was as cold as ice,

but his heart was filled with rage.

Not long after, more than a dozen luxury cars were grandly parked before the hospital. The well-trained

bodyguards stood quietly and solemnly, and the atmosphere was oppressive to the

point of being terrifying.

Alexa had finished the few bottles of IV, and the nurse helped her remove the needle. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Before Alexa could fall asleep, her phone suddenly rang.

It was Terrence.

After Alexa answered the call, before she could ask about his situation, she heard Terrence’s cold


“I’m downstairs at the hospital. Come down immediately.”

She thought, He came back?

Alexa’s eyelids fiercely jumped, and a bad premonition instantly touched her heart.

Carefully looking down from the window, she saw many fancy black cars. Terrence stood tall and

straight in front of the luxury car at the front, and Alexa was shocked.

It really was Terrence!

Alexa did not dare to delay and immediately changed her clothes before going downstairs.

She trotted to him, but Terrence’s expression did not soften in the slightest. Instead, it became colder.

Alexa forced a smile, but Terrence ignored it and directly grabbed her wrist as if catching a thief.

The hand he grabbed had just been pricked. Terrence’s force was suddenly vented on her hand, and

the back of Alexa’s hand instantly turned green and purple.

“It hurts…” she whispered, and her eyes soon became wet.

She had been lying in the hospital and suffering until now. Terrence had forced her out of the hospital

without asking her. Now, he was mad. Alexa was extremely aggrieved but did not dare to complain.

“Why does it hurt?”

Terrence shouted impatiently and turned to stand in front of her. He grabbed her hand forcefully.

Alexa’s bony hand was now swollen, and she could even see a few red needle holes.

“What were you doing in the hospital?” Terrence asked in a cold voice.

“I came to see a doctor.”

Alexa pulled her hand back and even took a step back vigilantly.

“What is the illness?” Terrence frowned hard. His patience was about to run out. “Tell me now!”

“I caught a cold and came to the hospital for treatment.”

Alexa explained word by word, but Terrence suspiciously narrowed his eyes, a strange emotion

flashing through them.

“Come and do a full body check tomorrow,” he ordered strongly.

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