The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 43

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 43


The phone call from Declan has been disturbing me all morning. Who is killing these innocent she- wolves, and why are they leaving them to be found by us? Is it supposed to be a warning a threat? I don’t want to live my life being scared, if that’s what they are trying to do. I’m going to continue running my pack as I have been, but I’m going to train more, so if and when the mother *comes for me, I will be ready

*Alpha, there is a small group of rogues at the border seeking entrance,’ one of my warriors’ mind links me, ‘What would you like me to do?’

“How many?’ | ask.

‘Twelve, five males, three females, and four pups, and if I may say so, Alpha, they don’t look threatening.’

“Okay, thank you. Please tell them that I will be right there.’

*Copy that, Alpha.”

I head out right away. Instead of letting my wolf out, I drive to where the rogues are. I’m not too keen on being half naked in front of strangers, so it’s easier just to take my car. I love the sound of her when I start her up and she purrs like a kitten, but then takes off like a lion. My thoughts automatically turn to Declan. He got me this car, he’s done a lot for me, and what have I been doing? I’ve been avoiding him and dating his cousin..ugh!

I’m so torn! I’m in love with one cousin but can’t have him, and I can be with the other cousin, but don’t know how I truly feel about him. I know my feelings for Gavin are growing stronger, but I’m not in love with him. There is something deep inside me, nagging at me to keep Declan close, but it hurts to do so.

“ARGH! Why does this have to be happening to me? Why can’t I be like every other normal wolf?” I grip the steering wheel tightly, yelling and growling up toward the roof of my car.

‘There is nothing normal about us, Quinn.’ Tala’s voice comes softly.

“What’s that supposed to mean, Tala?’

“You will get all of your answers all in good time, have patience.’ My wolf says.

“UGH! I don’t know who’s worse, you or the Goddess! I growl at Tala, ‘You always talking in riddles to me and not giving me answers is just as bad as the Goddess not giving me a mate and putting me through all these obstacles!’

Tala giggles, ‘It’s frustrating, I know, but I am sworn to secrecy until the right time comes, Quinn. I am sorry.’

I blow a piece of hair out of my face, ‘Yeah, whatever…’

I finish the rest of the drive in silence and as soon as I see the small group, a small smile graces my face. My warrior was right, they don’t look threatening at all. They do look like they are in need of a good meal and a nice, long rest, though.

Stopping just a few feet from them, I get out and walk over to them, “Hello, I’m Alpha Quinn of the Dark Moon pack. I hear that you were requesting entrance?”

One of the older males steps forward, “Yes, Alpha. We were hoping for an audience with you. We are seeking shelter but hoping that you will allow us to join your pack.”

* And where is it you are coming from? I’m assuming that you all left your old pack since you don’t seem to be vicious rogues.”

The male that has been doing all the talking looks around the small group that he came with. All the adults nod at him and his eyes land back on me, “If I tell you what pack we are from, will you keep it to yourself?”

“Of course, I never reveal information about my pack members unless they want me to.” I smile at him, wanting nothing more than to ease his worry.

“We left our pack because our Alpha is becoming mad. He’s always been a bit on the meaner side, but now he’s becoming cruel and…”

I wait a few seconds for him to continue, but all he does is look down at the ground, “And what?” I urge him to keep going.

“Well, lately, he’s been taking whatever he wants…” I watch as his eyes sweep over the she-wolves in the group. The youngest looking only to be about eighteen..if that. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you saying that your Alpha is forcing himself on she-wolves?”

The male nods, “Among other things.”

12:54 D


“Does he have a mate?” I ask quite disturbed by this revelation.

“He does, but apparently the Luna is turning her head and letting him do whatever he wants.” His face twists in disgust.

“What pack are you from?”

“Blue River, Alpha.”

I’ve been shocked before, but never to this extent. I knew I didn’t care for Alpha Daniel for a reason, but to hear about what he’s doing to the women of his pack and that Luna Sara is allowing it…” I can’t even think about it anymore.

“Alpha Daniel is the one you’re running from? Luna Sara isn’t doing anything about it?” I have to confirm that I’m hearing correctly.

“Yes, Alpha, you are correct.” The male says.

“What is your name?” I ask him.

“I’m Conner, Alpha, and this here,” he points to the grown male beside him, “is my son, Walker. He was also one of Blue River’s warriors, so I’m sure they know by now that we left the pack since we have been gone a week.”

“What took you so long to come here?” I inquire since it’s been a whole week since they left their pack and it’s obvious that they haven’t had much to eat.

“We wanted to make sure that we were in the clear and that we wouldn’t be found before getting here. We are not the first ones to try and leave,” he glances around his group once more, “most of them are brought back, dead.”

gasp and cover my mouth.

“It’s true, Alpha Quinn,” Walker finally speaks up. As a warrior, I was privy to the hunting parties that were sent out to round up the deserters. Alpha Daniel told the pack that our warriors found them already dead, but that isn’t true. He’s the one that gave the order to kill all of them.”

I try wrapping everything they are telling me around my head, and I just can’t believe that an Alpha would do this to his pack members. I think about both Declan and Gavin being related to this monster.


“What about the Alpha heir, does he not do anything about his father’s treatment?” I ask, hoping and praying that he isn’t like his father.

“As far as I know, Gavin knows nothing of his father’s behavior,” Walker provides this information, “Alpha Daniel continues to keep his son away from the real ins and outs of how he, himself runs the pack. He has no plans on handing over the title to his son any time soon. I’ve heard him with my own ears, that he thinks Gavin is too soft to run the pack.”

A huge weight lifts from my chest, and I breathe a sigh of relief, “So, do you have anything against, Gavin?” They all shake their heads, and another sigh escapes me. “You do know that I am good friends with the Alpha heir?”

Walker speaks once more. Yes, that is one of the reasons we came to you. He’s talked about how fair and just you are, and of course, everyone knows about the Dark Moon pack and their Alphas.” He smiles warmly.

His words cause me to blush, “Gavin is too kind, but you need to know that he is here often and well, we are sort of seeing each other now. There is a good chance that he will see you all.” None of them looked concerned about what I just said, and it just reaffirms my thoughts about the Alpha heir not being a bad guy.

“We like Gavin, he’s nothing like his father. We stayed as long as we did, hoping for the title to be passed to him, but after I heard the Alpha say he wasn’t passing it down for a while, we knew that we couldn’t stay any longer.” Walker states.

“Well,” I clap my hands together, “That settles it then. I’ll have my men come and pick you up and bring you to the pack house. You can get cleaned up, eat, and rest first. Later I can swear you into my pack.”

I go to turn away, but Conner stops me.

“With all due respect, Alpha, we would like it if you would swear us in first. We don’t want to take any chances of the Alpha’s men finding us here before our bond is broken.”

“I doubt that will happen, but I have no issue with granting you this.” I smile and then mind link my Beta to send a van to pick up the group.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket, and I pull it out to see that it’s a text from Gavin. Swiping the message open, I can’t help the smile that forms on my face

GAVIN: He beautiful, are you busy?

ME: Actually, I am, but I have a little bit of time. What’s up?

GAVIN: I was hoping to come see you for a bit later and was wondering if you had time to spare for little ole me.

ME: I was actually going to have you come by as soon as you have the chance. Something’s come up and I think you need to know about it.

GAVIN: Is this about the body they found last night? My father told me about it and that’s one of the reason’s that I wanted to come by.

Actually no, it’s something else, but I would like to discuss that with you as well.

GAVIN: Okay, I’ll be there shortly after lunch.

Thanks, see you soon!

I turn to the group. “That was actually, Gavin and he will be here after lunch. You will all be sworn into my pack before he gets here, just in case any of you are worried.”

“Thank you, Alpha. We owe you for doing this for us.” Conner states.

shake my head, “You don’t owe me anything. If anything, I should be thanking all of you. Thank you for coming to me and wanting to be part of my pack. I take great pleasure in knowing that my pack is growing stronger by the day by all the new members that I add. You all bring something to the table and that’s all that I can ask for.

“Uh, Alpha?’ A warrior mind links me.


*There is a group of wolves coming our way, and from the scent of them, they are from Blue River.’

“Well, *!

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