The Medallion

Chapter 1712 The Aura Of Demonic Beast

Chapter 1712 The Aura Of Demonic Beast

"You scourge. I didn't expect that you would actually have Odin killed. What a pain, now I have to make do with another plan..." Gloria originally wanted to use Rocky as a stepping stone to get what she wanted, but his untimely death forced her to change her plans.

"I didn't mean it, and it should have nothing to do with you," Valeria answered while glaring at Gloria.

"Who says it has nothing to do with me? I'm his fiancee!" Gloria patted her plump chest.

"Shame on you!" Valeria couldn't believe the audacity of her.

"Humph, whatever you say. Anyway, since he's already dead, I'm afraid I can't keep you alive either. Maybe I can use this beast to get rid of you..." Gloria said while a sly smile slowly crept up on her face.

Valeria couldn't do anything but stare at Gloria with her teeth clenched in anger. Valeria knew well enough that she was just tormenting her while enjoying the sweet taste of victory. Even though she wanted nothing more than to fight back, she was seriously injured. More so, Gloria had Purple with her. It wouldn't be a fair fight.

"But if you agree to my condition, maybe we can join hands." Gloria suddenly proposed to the defeated Valeria.

"Join hands?" Valeria couldn't believe what she heard. Never in a million years did she expect Gloria to offer her to work together. After all, ever since the engagement ceremony, the two of them had been in bad blood. It was obvious that Gloria would only take advantage of her.

"That's right. The Godly Geniuses of the Purgatory Fief and the Elite Fief have joined hands and Odin is dead now, which leaves you all alone. In that case, it would be impossible for you to defeat either the Godly Genius of the Primitive Fief, nor that of the Elite Fief respectively, let alone their alliance. I do feel

sorry for you, I really do. Your only chance of winning is if you join me," Gloria answered with a smug look on her face.

"That's true, but if I don't join hands with you, you won't have a chance either!" Of course, Valeria wouldn't show any signs of weakness that easily.

"Is that right? Purple's strength is no less than yours. With our powers combined, Purple and I have no reason to be afraid of the other Godly Geniuses. But if I can have one more helper, our odds of winning will increase dramatically! But don't get ahead of yourself. I'm only offering this to you for Odin's sake." Gloria knew that she wouldn't be where she was now if it hadn't been for Odin. Deciding to help his fiancee was her way of thanking him.

Valeria set aside her pride and knew that what Gloria said was right. If she decided to act on her own, she would be at a severe disadvantage. Even though she might be taken advantage of when she allied with her, she too had a chance to use Gloria for her personal advantage. For now, the most important thing for her was to heal her injuries and survive until she found the Nether Dragon King.

"Okay, I'll join hands with you." After a long thought, Valeria finally decided to agree. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"You've made a smart choice. Well, Purple, I'll leave this beast to you. I'll discuss the next plan with Valeria first..." Gloria said to Purple, motioning for Valeria to move aside.

Because her favorite hobby was beast hunting, Purple's eyes lit up in excitement the moment she laid eyes on the beast in front of her.

Without hesitation, Purple rushed towards it.

Meanwhile, the two began to discuss their strategy. "Since the Godly Geniuses of the Purgatory Fief and the Elite Fief are working together, they are very likely to be ahead of us. Of course, they may be

blocked in other areas. The first thing we need to do is to try to get rid of one of them first..." Gloria voiced out her thoughts.

"Who are you going to choose?" Valeria asked as she looked at Gloria.

"In terms of strength, there is no doubt that Godly Genius of the Primitive Fief is the strongest. Even if the three of us go against him, it will not be easy. Therefore, the safer option would be the Godly Genius of the Elite Fief or the one of the Purgatory Fief," Gloria said.

"I heard that the Godly Genius of the Purgatory Fief is proficient in beast summoning. Wouldn't it be dangerous if we let him live longer since he's a greater threat to us?" Valeria proposed.

"It is much safer if we strike down those who we'll surely defeat. I prefer to kill Drew, the Godly Genius of the Elite Fief first." Gloria shook her head, not accepting the suggestion.

"Why?" Valeria couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"Simply because I heard that he is good-looking and has his way with women. It would be much easier to seduce a playboy than to fight against him," Gloria said with a charming smile.

Valeria couldn't help but roll her eyes at Gloria, wondering when she would take this seriously.

"Okay, that's it." Gloria decided.

Valeria had no objection. After all, the most important thing for her right now was to preserve her strength. Otherwise, if she couldn't defeat the Nether Dragon King, everything she did up to this point would be all for naught.

While the two girls made peace, Rocky found himself in a precarious situation. He noticed that he was walking right through the same passageway he had already passed a few moments ago, almost as if he was going in a loop. No matter how many times he tried, he couldn't reach the end of the road.

He tried everything he could to get out, but still, he was stuck in a seemingly endless loop.

"How weird. This doesn't seem to be an illusion or a maze. Why can't I get out?" Rocky decided to look around for some answers.

Failing to find anything that might give him a clue to what was happening, he decided to summon Kohen and asked if it could lead him out.

Thanks to his quick thinking, it wasn't long before Kohen led him to a crystal pillar at the end of the passage. As soon as he got near it, Rocky felt a strange energy emanating from the structure.

"Is this crystal pillar releasing this energy?" Curious, he approached the pillar and reached out his hand to touch it. In an instant, a very strong chaotic memory came crashing into his mind. In it, he saw a man from the Shura Race with the Mystical Dragon Sword on his back.

It was the corpse he found before! Was he the master of the Mystical Dragon Sword?

Before Rocky could find out, the memory began to shift. Rocky saw the holy land of the Shura Race's royal family from afar. Its sheer size left him speechless. It was almost as large as the entire Nether Fire Land and was divided into many different areas. But in the end, there was only the fortress, a small portion of the land, left.

As Esteban said, the Shura Race was adamant to protect the fortress at all cost since it contained the deepest secrets of the royal family.

After thoroughly reading the memories from the crystal pillar, Rocky's surroundings suddenly changed. The mysterious passageway disappeared into thin air and was replaced by an arena surrounded by tall steel railings.

"What the hell is this place?" The sudden shift in scenery left him utterly confused. Before he could even process what happened, a strong rumbling suddenly came from afar.

Then, a huge shadow slowly walked out from one side of the arena.

Rocky immediately felt the presence of something diabolical and summoned his spiritual power, ready to fight it at any moment. Upon closer look, the beast in front of him was actually a towering, hideous giant, emanating an aura that struck fear into Rocky's heart.

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