The Million-Dollar Heart (Percival and Vivienne)

Chapter 932

Vivienne was momentarily speechless.

Was Mr. Wolf really in such a hurry to marry her?

Arthur was adamantly opposed, "No way, marriage is a big deal. Just because you say you're ready in two months, who knows if you're just saying that to trick my daughter into going along with it..."

Percival, "..."

Arthur, if you've got a problem with me, just say it!

In this standoff, Sasha couldn't side with anyone without being wrong.

All they could do was rely on Yorick to mediate, "Vivienne, it's up to you. If you say yes, no one else's opinion matters."

Vivienne coolly replied, "I don't care about the formalities, as long as I can be with Mr. Wolf."

Arthur was fuming.

My dear daughter, I'm just looking out for you. We've finally reunited as a family, how can you just up and leave like this!

But the situation now was such that if he said another word, the delicate relationship he'd just repaired with his daughter might crumble instantly.

Yet, he couldn't bear the thought of simply handing his daughter over to someone else.

"No, I need more time to think."

Vivienne rolled her eyes at him in disbelief.

Was her marriage not her own decision to make?

Percival smirked, "Arthur, if it eases your concerns, I could even take your last name and join the Linklater family!"

This statement, predictably, shocked everyone present.

Even Yorick, who was presiding over the meeting, changed expression.

It wasn't shock, though, but embarrassment.

Arthur's spectacle at the Perez household had become legendary, with countless versions circulating.

Who didn't know that the mighty War God, in an attempt to win over his future father-in-law, had humbly offered himself as a son, only to be unceremoniously rejected?

It was a major blow to the Linklater family's pride.

Arthur thought, Petty much? I just voiced a couple of concerns, and this is how I get repaid?

Percival insisted, "I genuinely want to follow in my father-in-law's footsteps!"

Arthur, "..."

Realizing his objections were futile, Arthur confronted Percival with the full force of his patriarchal authority, demanding, "I need to know what lengths you'll go to for my daughter." His daughter deserved nothing less than the best.

Percival met Arthur's gaze squarely, his expression serious.

"I will cherish her more than my own life. And everything I own will be hers. I know she doesn't need it, but I want her to have that extra layer of security."

Vivienne internally declared she needed nothing but her Mr. Wolf.

Arthur was somewhat appeased by Percival's response. Years of experience had taught him that promises were cheap unless backed by action, especially given his daughter's unique standing.

He was well aware of Percival's assets and influence, modest compared to his daughter's but still considerable among his peers. That Percival was willing to commit his resources was a good sign. Convinced he had no other option, Arthur turned to Sasha, seeking her support with a look that mixed reluctance and sorrow.

Sasha smiled, squeezing his hand gently, "Our daughter will still be part of our lives after marriage. We can see her anytime, and I trust Percival. Don't you trust my judgment?"

Arthur had no response.

After exchanging a look with Sasha, Vivienne turned to Yorick, "Dad, let's settle this matter. We should pick a date for both families to sit down and talk."

Later, as Vivienne saw Percival out, she returned to find Sasha alone in the courtyard, gazing at the moonlit sky.

"Where's he?" Vivienne couldn't bring herself to directly name her father.

Sasha chuckled, "Your dad's probably in his room, worrying about you getting married."

Vivienne decided not to press further.

"Oh, your Uncle called today. Tomorrow's the day for us to visit your grandparents. You should come too."

The next day.

At the Wright family estate in Rivenwood, Hunter sat at his mahogany desk, busy with work, while Winston played with toys on the floor, occasionally running up to Hunter, who then indulged him by playing together.

The butler entered, "Sir, your eldest son has arrived."

Without looking up, Hunter acknowledged with a grunt, prompting the butler to usher in the visitor.

Robbie entered, his gaze briefly settling on Winston in Hunter's arms before looking away.

Winston, putting down his blocks, greeted him with a soft, "Big brother."

Robbie offered a fleeting smile, its warmth disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

Hunter's voice carried authority, "What is it?"

Robbie spoke up, "Grandfather, Lianne realizes her mistake and is willing to personally apologize to the Linklater family, hoping for their forgiveness." Hunter's reaction was muted, merely asking, "How many days left in her seven-day punishment?"

Robbie's expression darkened slightly, "Four days."

"Then she can wait four more days."

After a pause, Hunter looked up at his grandson, his tone now carrying a warning, "We still have business dealings with the Linklater family. Tell her if they don't forgive her, she needn't bother coming back."

Robbie wanted to protest but stopped at Hunter's gesture for him to leave.

Left in the room, Winston, still playing with his blocks, voiced a concern, "Is Grandpa mad at sister?"

Hunter glanced down at the boy with softened tones, "She used you to get what she wanted and almost got you drowned in the process. You don't blame her?" Winston shook his head.

"I only went in to save my sister after I saw her fall into the water. It was my lack of strength that failed to keep her safe."

A flicker of something passed

through Hunter's weathered eyes

"You're still young, kid. There are

things you don't understand yet.

People can go to great lengths for their own goals."

These words were lost on Winston, but his heart was set on one thing - seeing his aunt again.

"I don't blame her. Can't you let her go, Grandpa?"

The mention of Alyssa brought a flash of contempt in Hunter's eyes, "She brought this upon herself. I didn't invest all those years in her to watch her become a fool." Winston tilted his head, puzzled by Hunter's words.

Hunter was about to lighten the mood with a joke when a vibration from the bottom drawer caught his attention.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

With a serious look, he told Winston, "Buddy, can you step outside for a moment?"


Winston obediently climbed down from Hunter's lap, not forgetting his toy on the way out.

Hunter approached the window and spoke into the phone with respect, "Abigail."

A woman's voice commanded from the other end, "Take care of the mess with the woman's body!"

"Also, there's still some of our stuff left in the east side of town. Make sure it doesn't get found."


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